Now that Fauci has publicly admitted to being a Total Fraud

Will Joes Place apologize or dig in?

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How were the other 190 counties governed better during that time? Also, Trump and his staff governed during the pandemic. Trump shut us down.
Some countries sucked less than others, but not by much since government by its very nature attracts the dregs of society.

I realize Trump was in charge. He sold out to Pfizer. He kept Tony on board. He destroyed the economy. He’s an idiot and I won’t be voting for him BECAUSE of his covid BS.

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I'm always interested. Those on the anti-masking, anti distancing, anti vaccine train, what exactly would you have done were you in charge back in 2020?

These types always seem to tell us what not to do but never say what they would have done. Very telling imo.
It is. Hopefully you learned that just because things were fine for you, the Covid response did a lot of damage in the lives of many others.
Covid, itself, did a lot of damage. Maybe if the administration in charge would have developed a proper pandemic preparedness plan ...
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I'm always interested. Those on the anti-masking, anti distancing, anti vaccine train, what exactly would you have done were you in charge back in 2020?

These types always seem to tell us what not to do but never say what they would have done. Very telling imo.
Recommend, not require masking and/or distancing only to those who were at risk.
Keep schools open, but offer hybrid for those who needed/wanted it.
Recommend, not require vaccinations
Allow businesses to remain open and incentivize certain behaviors if applicable.
Not penalize and threaten certain types of businesses (stings and loss of liquor licenses)
Allow the virus to run through the population at levels that allowed hospitals to service patients, but didn't prolong and extend the pandemic, causing additional virus strains.
Keep parks and other outdoor spaces available.
Promote healthy behaviors and exercise as a key preventative measure.
Conduct a thorough after action study to identify what measures worked the best, and what decisions were mistakes, to better inform decision making in the next pandemic.
...among other things.
Fauci is testifying in front of the house right now and the R's are once again totally blowing it. I've only heard 2 so far, and they both spent their entire 5 minutes grandstanding, and didn't let him speak. No questions, just 5 minutes of accusations.

These hearings are always just political theater.
That is the GOP way. They have no points, just want to yell and make claims.
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Recommend, not require masking and/or distancing only to those who were at risk.
Keep schools open, but offer hybrid for those who needed/wanted it.
Recommend, not require vaccinations
Allow businesses to remain open and incentivize certain behaviors if applicable.
Not penalize and threaten certain types of businesses (stings and loss of liquor licenses)
Allow the virus to run through the population at levels that allowed hospitals to service patients, but didn't prolong and extend the pandemic, causing additional virus strains.
Keep parks and other outdoor spaces available.
Promote healthy behaviors and exercise as a key preventative measure.
Conduct a thorough after action study to identify what measures worked the best, and what decisions were mistakes, to better inform decision making in the next pandemic.
...among other things.
Masks were basically recommended. I mean, it said required but there weren't any laws or fines around it where I was at. And most people ignored them anyway. Which is why I said it's hard to tell exactly how well masking worked but that's a conversation for a different day.

Vaccinations were mostly just recommended. Other than certain gov't workers and military, who was "required" to get it?

School openings varied greatly by locality but where I was it they were only shut down for the last 2 months or so of the 2020 school year. They were back open in fall of 2020 on a hybrid type schedule as you mentioned.

Allowing the virus to run rampant without making some attempts at mitigation would have been crazy. I worked in IT healthcare at this time and 2 of the hospitals in my coverage area were literally well past their limit in the fall of 2020 and had to make major changes to basically deny any other care for periods of time other than covid patients.

So, really this sounds like you are upset about some of the semantics. Oh, btw, Trump was the one in charge so sounds like he did most of the things you didn't like.
Some countries sucked less than others, but not by much since government by its very nature attracts the dregs of society.

I realize Trump was in charge. He sold out to Pfizer. He kept Tony on board. He destroyed the economy. He’s an idiot and I won’t be voting for him BECAUSE of his covid BS.

I can get behind this line of thinking at least. Trump presidency was very good/great up until COVID. How he handled that should have a lot of the GOP on edge for a second Trump turn. If you don't want to vote for him because of that issue, that is fair to me.
Because you had to trust THE SCIENCE

Which we now know (suspected then) wasn't really science but guesses and paying off DRs to administer vaccines.
Remember when they started calling ivermectin horse paste in the name of the science? Absolute geniuses lol
Yes. He sold his soul to Big Pharma and their criminally rushed ‘vaccine’. He destroyed the economy. He crapped on our liberties. And remained arrogant as Hell through every misdeed.

Do I actually NEED a reason to not vote for someone?
Just curious.

I could give you a list of reasons why I’m not voting for Trump, and the COVID response wouldn’t even be on it.
Recommend, not require masking and/or distancing only to those who were at risk.
Keep schools open, but offer hybrid for those who needed/wanted it.
Recommend, not require vaccinations
Allow businesses to remain open and incentivize certain behaviors if applicable.
Not penalize and threaten certain types of businesses (stings and loss of liquor licenses)
Allow the virus to run through the population at levels that allowed hospitals to service patients, but didn't prolong and extend the pandemic, causing additional virus strains.
Keep parks and other outdoor spaces available.
Promote healthy behaviors and exercise as a key preventative measure.
Conduct a thorough after action study to identify what measures worked the best, and what decisions were mistakes, to better inform decision making in the next pandemic.
...among other things.
Monday morning QBs are certainly something else. Nobody knew what this was and how to stop it. It's easy to look back years later when more is known and there is a vaccine.
I can get behind this line of thinking at least. Trump presidency was very good/great up until COVID. How he handled that should have a lot of the GOP on edge for a second Trump turn. If you don't want to vote for him because of that issue, that is fair to me.
I honestly don’t see how you can call the first 3 years of his presidency as good or great. One major piece of legislation passed, a record-long shutdown, a chaotic cabinet with at least half of the original group resigned, a press secretary who never held a presser etc.
No one's really answered my question. Why all the disdain for just Fauci? We were the 11th or 12th country to mandate masks and initiate lockdowns. You'd swear by the posts in this thread Fauci was sitting on top of Mt Doom orchestrating a world-wide shut down just for fun, or out of some nefarious plot to destroy the planet.

Hindsight shows us mistakes were made with mostly good intentions (and certainly some CYA since). It's four years later for Pete's sake. Just laugh at the person wearing a mask alone in their convertible and move on already.

Fauci's apparent 2020 HQ
No one's really answered my question. Why all the disdain for just Fauci? We were the 11th or 12th country to mandate masks and initiate lockdowns. You'd swear by the posts in this thread Fauci was sitting on top of Mt Doom orchestrating a world-wide shut down just for fun, or out of some nefarious plot to destroy the planet.

Hindsight shows us mistakes were made with mostly good intentions (and certainly some CYA since). It's four years later for Pete's sake. Just laugh at the person wearing a mask alone in their convertible and move on already.

Fauci's apparent 2020 HQ
There's a chunk of folks that think Fauci is some sort of antichrist mastermind that wanted the entire world to burn.
No one's really answered my question. Why all the disdain for just Fauci? We were the 11th or 12th country to mandate masks and initiate lockdowns. You'd swear by the posts in this thread Fauci was sitting on top of Mt Doom orchestrating a world-wide shut down just for fun, or out of some nefarious plot to destroy the planet.

Hindsight shows us mistakes were made with mostly good intentions (and certainly some CYA since). It's four years later for Pete's sake. Just laugh at the person wearing a mask alone in their convertible and move on already.

Fauci's apparent 2020 HQ
I think it comes back to one thing... after Trump shut things down he saw the negative impacts on the economy and he began to push back on the guidelines. Once that push back began all the hate was directed at Fauci as the face on the virus.
I think it comes back to one thing... after Trump shut things down he saw the negative impacts on the economy and he began to push back on the guidelines. Once that push back began all the hate was directed at Fauci as the face on the virus.
I think it comes back to our human inability to accept this was a random occurrence and not planned.
No one's really answered my question. Why all the disdain for just Fauci? We were the 11th or 12th country to mandate masks and initiate lockdowns. You'd swear by the posts in this thread Fauci was sitting on top of Mt Doom orchestrating a world-wide shut down just for fun, or out of some nefarious plot to destroy the planet.

Hindsight shows us mistakes were made with mostly good intentions (and certainly some CYA since). It's four years later for Pete's sake. Just laugh at the person wearing a mask alone in their convertible and move on already.

Fauci's apparent 2020 HQ

I think it’s as simple as they have to have their villain. Remember all the times that Rand Paul was bound and determined to blame him for the outbreak with his obsessive focus on gain of function research?