Now that Trump has started talking about being a pure blood, and racial purity

Unfortunately the people who vote in primaries still seem to support him. I don’t understand it.
They’re going along with the crowd. If the GOP leaders, news entertainment, etc etc had been honest with them. Instead of screaming witch hunt and defending Trump at every turn. Perhaps the reality of his felonies and inappropriate behavior would sink in. The FBI doesn’t show up on a whim to a former POTUS house and seize a U-Haul truck of documents.
When the US Capitol comes under attack. The President doesn’t sit down and watch it on TV and do nothing. Everything gets excused away because he’s our guy.
You know, I've actually voted Republican in my past. And I wouldn't rule out voting Republican in the future, if they had some non-crazy policies or prople. Too many of them are over the top for me right now. The overriding factor for me is that Lying Donnie Sexual Abuser cannot be president. He is far too disgusting and far too dangerous. Who knows what darkness will blacken our country if he would ever be elected again. We saw it the first time. A second time would be that in spades. We can't risk our democracy for one egomaniac. He actually tells us how dark his presidency will be, why can't we believe that. And I would like to see one policy that will make America great again come out of him. I see nothing but slurs and vulgarity out of him.

Honestly, my first election was 1976 and I said "I like Ford, but between Vietnam and Watergate I think I'd like to get somebody from outside of Congress to come in and get a fresh start." That didn't work out so well, but that was my state of mind; two decent choices. In that same election I voted for Jim Leach, a good Republican.

In every election since, until 2016, I wasn't going to lose any sleep over whoever won. But damn, how do people not see the danger Trump presents? And, honestly, I don't even shudder at the four years he was in office. He was just a buffoon; big deal. It is what he has done since then that is frightening. He is delusional, mean, does not give a white about our Constitution, and is ready for vengeance. If he loses he is ready to burn down our democracy in a way that will make 2020/2021 look like nothing.
In every election since, until 2016, I wasn't going to lose any sleep over whoever won. But damn, how do people not see the danger Trump presents? And, honestly, I don't even shudder at the four years he was in office. He was just a buffoon; big deal. It is what he has done since then that is frightening. He is delusional, mean, does not give a white about our Constitution, and is ready for vengeance. If he loses he is ready to burn down our democracy in a way that will make 2020/2021 look like nothing.
Spot on. If he's elected again, it will be NOTHING like his first presidency. He'll be surrounded by unqualified idiot "Yes Men" and he will do whatever he can to make it so he can stay in power, all while getting revenge on anyone that's ever said a bad word about him. We got lucky during his presidency that he had some folks around him that still cared about the United States, and didn't just bow to him. It won't be like that again.

Do we really want the Michael Flynn types back in the administration? Because that's what will happen, and we will get reeeeal cozy with Russia.
Spot on. If he's elected again, it will be NOTHING like his first presidency. He'll be surrounded by unqualified idiot "Yes Men" and he will do whatever he can to make it so he can stay in power, all while getting revenge on anyone that's ever said a bad word about him. We got lucky during his presidency that he had some folks around him that still cared about the United States, and didn't just bow to him. It won't be like that again.

Do we really want the Michael Flynn types back in the administration? Because that's what will happen, and we will get reeeeal cozy with Russia.
I'll take Flynn over that cross dresser who was stealing women's luggage from the airport and wearing their clothes. You know, that guy working for sleepy joe.
Full. On. Klan. Right out of his mouth. MAGA gotta be loving it.

The Orange Turd isn't spewing Klan, Nazi, Fascist shit he's pissing off a ton of MAGA groupies slobbering over every word coming from his putrid mouth.
Triggered because prominent white nationalist Richard Spencer endorsed joe biden and said he was what America needed. Sorry you're in line with these people though I guess.

You have to actively try to be as stupid as Scrubs...
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You know, I've actually voted Republican in my past. And I wouldn't rule out voting Republican in the future, if they had some non-crazy policies or prople. Too many of them are over the top for me right now. The overriding factor for me is that Lying Donnie Sexual Abuser cannot be president. He is far too disgusting and far too dangerous. Who knows what darkness will blacken our country if he would ever be elected again. We saw it the first time. A second time would be that in spades. We can't risk our democracy for one egomaniac. He actually tells us how dark his presidency will be, why can't we believe that. And I would like to see one policy that will make America great again come out of him. I see nothing but slurs and vulgarity out of him.
If the Republicans put up Nikki Haley from 2015, I could actually think about it for a minute. I certainly wouldn't freak if she won. But coward Nikki who bent the knee to thank you. I have no respect for her now.
There are Republicans in this thread calling it out. Only the trolls and idiots try and defend this abhorrent behavior.
I give them credit, but those people have moved past Trump. Trump isn't losing a single vote over his comments on race, or his cuddling up to Putin/Orban/Xi/Kim Jong Un. A very large percentage of America hears his comments and nods along in agreement.
If the Republicans put up Nikki Haley from 2015, I could actually think about it for a minute. I certainly wouldn't freak if she won. But coward Nikki who bent the knee to thank you. I have no respect for her now.
Nikki has been silent, even though Trump's comments are aimed right at her mixed race children.
We have definitive proof that there just isn't a bottom to today's GOP. Even Vivek and Nikki won't condemn Trump as he triangulates a message around racial purity. The pure blood comments are a twofer for Trump. Anti vax, and a nod to his superior bloodlines.
None of it matters in the polls unfortunately. I haven't even looked through the thread yet but I'm sure @Scruddy and the others have chimed in and said that no matter what it's better than Biden. Rinse and repeat. It's all going to come down to the 4-5 swing states in the end anyway.
None of it matters in the polls unfortunately. I haven't even looked through the thread yet but I'm sure @Scruddy and the others have chimed in and said that no matter what it's better than Biden. Rinse and repeat. It's all going to come down to the 4-5 swing states in the end anyway.
Have you seen the current polling in literally all of those swing states?
Fingers crossed that I’m the first to put this account on ignore.
So you're answering a question with a question. Strong tactic when there is no argument.

Did you notice you have to add your own words and context to make it fit? Exactly like I said in my post.
I thought you were a little smarter than this. Quit deflecting dude. You know exactly what he meant.
Hey, the Dems got a whole year to rig those state's Dominion election machines. Right? Dont sweat it! 😉
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Yea I have convinced a lot of my conservative friends to vote Desantis but if it comes down to Trump vs Biden most of them will vote for Trump, I most certainly won’t
Psst no GOP candidate is worthy to be President..

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You'd think the base would eventually be smarter...but they continually show us they are not.