Now that Trump has started talking about being a pure blood, and racial purity

I disagree
I’d take Christie and might consider Haley over Biden. DeSantis I’m just not sold on. Too many grievance oriented stunts. I certainly would feel better if it’s DeSantis vs Biden or whomever. As long as Trump is sidelined. I might have my reservations about DeSantis but I feel he’s a survivable event. Similar to how I felt when choosing Trump vs Clinton. Hillary was survivable.
Pretty crazy you can’t call it out for fear of not being electable with your base.
I kind of like Haley. She has been criticized for admiring Hillary Clinton, or something like that. This is a Hillary move. Coldly calculating thinking that she can keep on negotiating the rapids, and come out clean on the other end when the other kayakers get smashed on the rocks.
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And only because of a Democratic president. That's why the Dixiecrats turned Republican. Your ignorance has lead you to lash out at me, one of your intellectual superiors. You need a little history lesson before you embarrass yourself next time...

You truly are pathetic
This is no different than you idiots thinking Trump told you to inject bleach. The media puts their twist on his words and you fools lap it up as fact. Ya'll are some stupid mofos.
MAGAts are the dumbest people alive, and think everyone else is too. No, Trump talked about if there was a way we could use disinfectants in the blood or UV rays in the body. Now he’s saying our pure white blood is being “poisoned” EXACTLY like his Black tenant excluding father likely did. Probably like he did when he wanted the Central Park 5 executed before they were proven innocent. He only gets cozy around Blacks with money. Trump voters are absolutely racist retards.
They aren't redeemable but we have people pondering voting Republican. This breed of Trump enabling Republicans need to be evicted completely and then bring back actual conservatives. Other than basically 2 of them, they worry about the MAGA base instead of doing what they KNOW is the right thing and breaking away from the conman. She's a perfect example of Republican cowardice.
They aren't redeemable but we have people pondering voting Republican. This breed of Trump enabling Republicans need to be evicted completely and then bring back actual conservatives. Other than basically 2 of them, they worry about the MAGA base instead of doing what they KNOW is the right thing and breaking away from the conman. She's a perfect example of Republican cowardice.
And a child of immigrants.
They aren't redeemable but we have people pondering voting Republican. This breed of Trump enabling Republicans need to be evicted completely and then bring back actual conservatives. Other than basically 2 of them, they worry about the MAGA base instead of doing what they KNOW is the right thing and breaking away from the conman. She's a perfect example of Republican cowardice.
The actual conservatives have been purged, at least from elected office. As with all authoritarian movements complete loyalty to the leader must be maintained. Trump called Rep. Chip Roy a RINO today. He couldn't be any more MAGA, except he appeared at a rally with Ron DeSantis.
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J. D. Vance, poser from Ohio said today that Trump wasn't talking about race. He was clearly talking about fentanyl that is killing Americans.
So, why didn't Trump just say fentanyl?
This is the state of the GOP today. White nationalism. You'd think with all the lecturing going on by our right wing posters about anti-Semitism they'd be upset at someone talking about blood purity.
You're boring, go play in the traffic with Chissy!
Boo hoo, chickenshit4 is upset. but still a chickenshit when called out. You the guy who got picked on and picked last for the sports team? Most adult chickenshits were 😅
Boo hoo, chickenshit4 is upset. but still a chickenshit when called out. You the guy who got picked on and picked last for the sports team? Most adult chickenshits were 😅
How can I argue with such a mastermind? 🤣 I mean, "chickenshit" and "sexual assaulter donnie!" With gems like that....why not keep turning them like a broken record?!