This is where the gray shirts, deferred enrollment, and $$$$ comes to play. They get to bring in 5Xs or more recruits then anyone else, then sort thru the pile and pick and choose the best. For example, they bring in a new 165, and the other turkey is now taking an olympic shirt. Not sure how he earned that right? But he has no chance in hell to be on the olympic team, So if the great Kralure wasn't footing the bills, I am guessing mom and dad might be a little concerned about 6 years or more of college.They also have top 5-10 ranked kids at every weight!! Some perform some don’t. They are running out of room!! Example. 141. Evans kasak Bartlett. 1 spot for 3 studs!! 157-84. Barr messingberg Ryder facundo Hayes. And the new recruit from New York. Then the brothers from Wisconsin. They can’t all fit.
Some wrestlers are obviously going to leave, but they still get to choose who they want to stay. Guessing at some point in time these kids will start to figure it out and/or we will also be able to meet them on offers. As it stands, we are honestly worlds away!