NWS Layoffs Happening Now

What's everyone complaining about, trump has realized that he can replace these people with simply a black sharpie. Who knows more than trump about the direction of a tornado or hurricane.

$1000 gets you a "No Tornado Zone" circle drawn on an "official" weather map by Trump, himself.
He'll send you a photo of your Tornado free zone for an additional $100.

Tornado free zone is valid for 1 month only.
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I’m sorry you need someone to tell you if it is safe to go outside.
I didn't start this thread out of concern for myself. I started this thread because there will be millions of people impacted by this. I love severe weather, I'm a nerd about it. When there's a chance for severe storms I wake up happier than normal. It excites me. A lot of people aren't like that. A lot of people have no clue about anything weather related. They rely on folks to at least give them the heads up about stuff.

I know it's a foreign concept to you, but sometimes you have to try and understand how certain events impact other people, not yourself.
I didn't start this thread out of concern for myself. I started this thread because there will be millions of people impacted by this. I love severe weather, I'm a nerd about it. When there's a chance for severe storms I wake up happier than normal. It excites me. A lot of people aren't like that. A lot of people have no clue about anything weather related. They rely on folks to at least give them the heads up about stuff.

I know it's a foreign concept to you, but sometimes you have to try and understand how certain events impact other people, not yourself.
Maybe you should start reading everything that I write instead of choosing bits and pieces to focus on. You’d then see that I mention im sure not every single person will be laid off from the nws. Do you not think they will do anything to notify people of severe weather.
On top of that, if millions of people need someone to tell them to seek shelter when it looks like hells going to break loose, well we have much bigger issues in this world.
Looks like we get our first shot of severe weather next week. Giddy up. We had a tornado in our neighborhood last spring. It literally was heading straight for our house before it dissipated. Luckily, I am a weather expert and can handle my own forecasting. I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
What could go wrong? Maybe hundreds of lives lost in Oklahomo, Texass, and Kansass when the next supercell hits.
You do realize that's about 7% of the employees, which means they retain 93%.

BTW I bet they have a sick leave rate of about 7% at the NWS so at any given time they have about 800 people calling in sick on a regular basis.
You know more about butt buddies than I do so I'll take your word for it :)
$1000 gets you a "No Tornado Zone" circle drawn on an "official" weather map by Trump, himself.
He'll send you a photo of your Tornado free zone for an additional $100.

Tornado free zone is valid for 1 month only.

Don’t give trump any ideas, because you’re spot on correct that he will do that.
Love it. Cut deep, add back. Takes a lot of guts to do the right thing, I never would have thought I'd see it from the federal government, any administration.

The right thing would have been to approach every department asking for them to identify 20% of cuts to their budget with minimal impact to services. Ask all managers to prioritize their most down to least productive staff members. Spend a few months laying out an implementation plan and give all people who are prospective layoff targets a few months to prepare.

Then you implement.

Right now they're on a reckless and blind rampage of destruction, throwing a chainsaw around in a dark room. There is no way any of this being thoughtfully planned. The purpose isn't to cut waste - because "waste" has not been identified. The purpose is to spread panic, and create glee among the most stupid of us.
on a completely unrelated note...

in the past 3 years, we've had more than $440 BILLION in damages just from large catastrophic $1+ BILLION weather events

oh well...i'm sure there won't be any cost that comes with scaling back research and monitoring of these kinds of storms

Why assume the ability to do that is best determined by bureaucrat headcount?
Wildfires happen mostly in blue states. Gavin is still reeling from his own stupidity, so much for his White House run in 2028.
By the time this four year scourge is over, there will be several Dem candidates better than what is in the WH now.

I think Republicans will feel the pain as early as the midterms.
Garry Kasparov put it quite clearly: The GOP and MAGA are not behaving like a party that has any concern at all about "mid-terms". Take from that what you will...
They feel the voters will go with them no matter what. Or enough power will be concentrated in the executive branch it won’t matter.
They feel the voters will go with them no matter what. Or enough power will be concentrated in the executive branch it won’t matter.

The latter (somewhat).

A compromised DOJ can declare "voter fraud" in any race they want to, and then overturn the result. Literally what they tried in 2020, only there were constitutional lawyers and DOJ staff who would not allow it.

What is now in place are groups of lackeys who will follow orders. And you will get "elections" like they have in Russia, where it doesn't matter how many votes you actually get - it only matters who counts the votes.

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