
In the Jan 23, email Page asks Strzok the day before he interviews Flynn at the White House:
“I have a question for you. Could the admonition re 1001 be given at the beginning at the interview? Or does it have to come following a statement which agents believe to be false? Does the policy speak to that? (I feel bad that I don’t know this but I don’t remember ever having to do this! Plus I’ve only charged it once in the context of lying to a federal probation officer). It seems to be if the former, then it would be an easy way to just casually slip that in.

“Of course as you know sir, federal law makes it a crime to…”

They are talking about department policy not the law. There is no requirement to give the warning. None.

And you still haven’t answered my question why you think the National Security Advisor of the United States wouldn’t know it was bad to lie to the FBI.
Jonathan Turley calls the notes “a chilling blueprint” for an “unconstitutional, manufactured” prosecution. Dismissal is the only justice left to remedy this railroad job, Turley argues, but notes that the judge in this case has dirty hands as well:

In the meantime, various FBI figures lied and acted in arguably criminal or unethical ways — but all escaped without a charge. McCabe played a supervisory role in the Flynn prosecution; he later was found by the Justice Department inspector general to have lied to investigators, repeatedly. While his case was referred for criminal charges, McCabe was fired but never charged. Strzok also was fired for his misconduct.

Comey intentionally leaked FBI material to the press — including potentially classified information — but was never charged. Another FBI agent responsible for the Russia investigation’s secret warrants falsified evidence to maintain the investigation; he still is not indicted. The disconnect of these cases with the treatment of Flynn is not just galling, it is grotesque.

Even the federal judge in the case has added to this highly disturbing record. When Flynn appeared before District Judge Emmet Sullivan for sentencing, Sullivan launched into him and said he could be charged with treason and with working as an unregistered agent on behalf of Turkey. Dramatically pointing to the flag behind him, Sullivan declared: “You were an unregistered agent of a foreign country while serving as the national security adviser to the president of the United States. That undermines everything this flag over here stands for. Arguably, you sold your country out.”

Flynn was never charged with treason or with being a foreign agent. However, when Sullivan menacingly asked if he wanted a sentence then and there, Flynn wisely passed. It is a record that truly shocks the conscience. While rare, it is still possible for the district court to right this wrong since Flynn has not been sentenced.
They are talking about department policy not the law. There is no requirement to give the warning. None.

And you still haven’t answered my question why you think the National Security Advisor of the United States wouldn’t know it was bad to lie to the FBI.
yes it is required, which is what I said. They didn't follow it, while they wrote down "should we get him to lie so we can have him fired or charge him", which is damning.

Jonathan Turley calls the notes “a chilling blueprint” for an “unconstitutional, manufactured” prosecution. Dismissal is the only justice left to remedy this railroad job, Turley argues
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yes it is required, which is what I said. They didn't follow it, while they wrote down "should we get him to lie so we can have him fired or charge him", which is damning.

No. It’s. Not.

It’s neither required, nor damning. Every interview has a goal - some are to never reveal their cards, let the suspect lie and hang themselves. Some are to challenge the suspect and show him/her that the government already knows the story so here is the suspect’s one opportunity to come clean.

And you still haven’t answered my question so I’ll repeat it for the third time:

Why do you think the National Security Advisor of the United States wouldn’t know it was bad to lie to the FBI?
“What is our goal ? To get him to lie so he can be charged or to get him fired”

That was the hand written note. Along with Lisa Paige commenting that the fbi had failed to inform him lying to the fbi was a crime-which is required

This stinks to high heaven
You guys seem butthurt because police and FBI try to get people who commit crimes to lie them. Or get liars to lie to commit a crime. It's like you never watched a cop show in your life. You also wouldn't give a shit if it was a Democrat going to jail...busted by the FBI.
Gosh I guess Jonathon Turley, who has pretty good credentials, is just imagining things. Either that or youre a pretty dishonest partisan democrat.

and you are parsing the word "required". FBI policy would suggest it is a requirement for employees conducting an interview. The only person saying its "not against the law" is you. Apparently to change the subject.
All presidents will have their missteps. Brought us out of the Great Recession, got people health insurance, big bull run in the stock market, eliminated Bin Laden. Overall, 2009-2016 were pretty good times for America.

He’ll also be judged as being before Trump. That part will speak for itself.
I'm old enough to have lived through the Carter admin which was terrible. The thing is Jimmy was inept. Obama was by far the worst president of my lifetime. Completely crooked and downright evil. Obama is and was a bitch. I wish he'd move back tp Kenya
I'm old enough to have lived through the Carter admin which was terrible. The thing is Jimmy was inept. Obama was by far the worst president of my lifetime. Completely crooked and downright evil. Obama is and was a bitch. I wish he'd move back tp Kenya

And I understand the 60,000 sealed indictments have been unsealed and mass arrests are taking place as we speak.

The Clintons, Obama, Holder, Pelosi, and Schiff are all being arrested by a secret cabal of U.S. Marshals, and backed by The Queen, The Vatican, The Gettys, The Rothschilds, *and* Colonel Sanders before he went tits up.
Hey...Jimmy Carter ain’t home free on this one, either!
[QUOTE="Nlghthawk, post: 7697861, member: 102949"

That shit where Bill Clinton was on the tarmac with Obamas Attorney General was fishy as shit. I wish that we had a recording of the meeting, because that was part of the shit that went down. This was a deep, long drawn out conspiracy.
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History will have a few issues to evaluate him for:

-The withdrawal from Iraq, leaving them defenseless against ISIS
-Allowing ISIS to become their own nation, ravaging the Middle East in the process
-The Iran deal
-Paris Accords
-Screwing up Libya from one end to the other and six ways to Sunday.
-General Motors
-Keystone Pipeline
-A non-performing economy

I do not see how one can evaluate him favorably with all of this stuff working against him.

Of course people have a way of forgetting these things.
Which of these listed is a negative Titus? Your “economy” statement is flat-assed wrong but you Trumpanzees need something to lie about.Most everything else....pretty good stuff.
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Why do you keep lying? You said that warnings are required. They’re not. There is simply NO requirement that before you can be prosecuted for lying to the FBI, the FBI has to first give you a warning about lying to the FBI. None.

Just stop digging.
That is what Roy does.....lies all the phuquing time about everything Democrat/Obama/Clinton. He ain’t changin’...he is just occupying space here on HROT.
Again...anything Roy states here....look to the other side of the room for the truth.
History will have a few issues to evaluate him for:

-The withdrawal from Iraq, leaving them defenseless against ISIS
-Allowing ISIS to become their own nation, ravaging the Middle East in the process
-The Iran deal
-Paris Accords
-Screwing up Libya from one end to the other and six ways to Sunday.
-General Motors
-Keystone Pipeline
-A non-performing economy

I do not see how one can evaluate him favorably with all of this stuff working against him.

Of course people have a way of forgetting these things.

Oh my - I’m going to pick one. Let’s say the Keystone Pipeline. What was it about a pipeline that had been completed, but a branch that Keystone wanted to build through an aquifer was held up for environmental evaluation. Which has leaked now 2 times since being approved.
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I wish he'd move back tp Kenya[/QUOTE]

And take his Koran and prayer rug, amiright.

I recognize that you have probably have had a few pops tonight but this does indicate your bias and supports how posters On here view Trumpians.
[QUOTE="Nlghthawk, post: 7697861, member: 102949"

That shit where Bill Clinton was on the tarmac with Obamas Attorney General was fishy as shit. I wish that we had a recording of the meeting, because that was part of the shit that went down. This was a deep, long drawn out conspiracy.
I believe there is a recording.
According to newly declassified documents, then-Deputy AG Sally Yates said she first learned of the December 2016 calls between Flynn and Kislyak from Barack Obama in the January 5, 2017 Oval Office meeting.

“The whole thing was orchestrated and set up within the FBI, Clapper, Brennan, and in the Oval Office meeting that day with President Obama,” Powell said referring the secret Oval Office meeting on January 5, 2017.

Maria Bartiromo asked Powell, “So you think this goes all the way up to the top to President Obama?”

Powell responded: “Absolutely.”
Ummm, read what is coming out. It was entrapment. To start an investigation on someone that you believe innocent in order to try to make him trip up? WTF, do we live in Soviet Russia?

I’d have a better understanding of the legal standard for entrapment
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Ever seen the Innocence Files on Netflix. 12 hour interviews have a way of making you question what is true and what is not.


So a mid level FBI agent Jedi Mind tricked the National Security Advisor of the United States who was, of course, free to not answer any questions?

Cons are turning themselves into pretzels to try to defend the indefensible.

So a mid level FBI agent Jedi Mind tricked the National Security Advisor of the United States who was, of course, free to not answer any questions?

Cons are turning themselves into pretzels to try to defend the indefensible.
LOL, so the lower level FBI agents wanted to drop the interview completely because they felt it did not pass the smell test and were over ruled by Comey. And yeah, FBI agents are well-trained on how to break a guy down. It is what they do.
Ummm, read what is coming out. It was entrapment. To start an investigation on someone that you believe innocent in order to try to make him trip up? WTF, do we live in Soviet Russia?
LOL...sooooooo...why did Flynn lie to Pence about the calls? How did Pence "entrap" Flynn?

That's what really tripped the triggers at the FBI - when the WH-elect started blasting BS the FBI knew was a lie. The FBI knew one of two things had to be true - either the next national security advisor to the President of the United States was lying to the VP OR that the VP knew the content of the conversations and was lying to the American people.

And if it was the former, the FBI knew that the Russians them leverage over Flynn.
History will have a few issues to evaluate him for:

-The withdrawal from Iraq, leaving them defenseless against ISIS
-Allowing ISIS to become their own nation, ravaging the Middle East in the process
-The Iran deal
-Paris Accords
-Screwing up Libya from one end to the other and six ways to Sunday.
-General Motors
-Keystone Pipeline
-A non-performing economy

I do not see how one can evaluate him favorably with all of this stuff working against him.

Of course people have a way of forgetting these things.
Most of those are accomplishments.
I'm old enough to have lived through the Carter admin which was terrible. The thing is Jimmy was inept. Obama was by far the worst president of my lifetime. Completely crooked and downright evil. Obama is and was a bitch. I wish he'd move back tp Kenya
You misspelled Trump. Trump acts like a little bitch...daily. Your last sentence says you're effing trash. Just so you know.
I'm old enough to have lived through the Carter admin which was terrible. The thing is Jimmy was inept. Obama was by far the worst president of my lifetime. Completely crooked and downright evil. Obama is and was a bitch. I wish he'd move back tp Kenya

This right here is why people call people like yourself racist, bigoted and stupid. This very post. And yes, this shows all and all lies in this very post. How the **** do you live with yourself?
LOL, so the lower level FBI agents wanted to drop the interview completely because they felt it did not pass the smell test and were over ruled by Comey. And yeah, FBI agents are well-trained on how to break a guy down. It is what they do.
Flynn was one of the closest men to the President of the United States. He was also his National Security Advisor. Yet you want us to believe that a man with this power let a few mid level FBI agents game him into a full confession when he was completely innocent?

This makes zero sense.
This is not going to end well for Obama on down. Quite obvious that the orders were coming from the top. It is getting to the point where the media is actually going to have to start reporting on it...that's saying something.
Report on what? Flynn admitted to the crime.
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