Lmao, you are completely devoid of any logic whatsoever. The ISU teams CJB hammered on were also a combined 6-18 if you wanna go that route, they were at least average when Stanley played them (8-5, 8-5, 7-6).
You also conveniently ignored the points I made about Stanley's 3rd down conversions and scrambling against ISU. Some more stats I can add that you'll also probably ignore were Stanley getting sacked only once, whereas CJB took 7 in just two games against them.
The fact that I live rent-free in your head so much proves what a whiny buffoon you are. You're a petulant manchild that mistakes exclamation points and snarky responses for actual football knowledge, and you throw temper tantrums when people rightfully call you out for being a moron. You calling anyone on this board obnoxious is like a black hole calling the pot black.
Precisely what an obnoxious homer would say.