***Official Caitlin/Fever/Kate/Meg Games Mega Thread***

Meh ... Hammon kinda has Caitlin's back here, but she's off the mark quite a bit too.

WAY off the mark on the "black white thing." Uncomfortable topic for her perhaps, but let's not kid ourselves either. It exists.

The Kermit the Frog line was funny, but she uses it in a way to deflect from CC's contribution. I raise this because I've heard others in the league push this same line "well we had been pushing and fighting for this for years." Well the fact is, you, A'ja, Kermit, and the Man on the Moon DIDN'T COME CLOSE to getting it done. Caitlin wasn't just the final piece as they all seemingly want to suggest.

Certainly not saying the league needs to genuflect to Caitlin, but they don't need to reshape the truth either. That's all.

Random thoughts....
  • This team needs a knockdown 3-pt shooter. That would go a long way toward preventing the double teaming of Clark. Maybe Wallace will step up.
  • I wonder why Fagbenle was out of the WNBA for a few years? More money overseas?
  • I think the lack of practice time has hurt the Fever more on defense than offense. They have several good athletes, they should not be giving up so many wide open layups.
  • Mitchell is strong and can create her own shot. But the other 4 tend to stand around when she has the ball.
  • Would like to see Berger get some time
It was a great end of the game for Clark, sealing their first win. Thank god she made those two threes. If she had missed them and finished 0-9 from three, and the Fever had lost by 2, the narrative today would be pretty ugly and there would be a lot of grumbling.
So true ... so true.

And Caitlin had to have had that sense too, or at least an inkling in the back of her mind.

Ovaries of steel I tell ya!
And of course, the same a-holes that are driving this online hatred complain that she isn't taking a stand on it. I honestly think this has become part of the drive to add to the division in this country. It would be really interesting to see how many of the accounts driving this narrative are actually fake posters or foreign agitators.
It was a great end of the game for Clark, sealing their first win. Thank god she made those two threes. If she had missed them and finished 0-9 from three, and the Fever had lost by 2, the narrative today would be pretty ugly and there would be a lot of grumbling.
Which would have been complete bull crap given the number of assists, steals, and rebounds she had last night.
I'll expand:

Clark PG- This has been obvious from Day 1. I get that they work her off ball, especially when they're essentially face guarding her full court, and just let everyone else play 4 on 4 in the half court....but that's just not a viable long term option, and they are so much better when she's the one distributing and using her threat as a scorer to set up others.

Wheeler is too erratic and wants to play 1 on 1 street ball every time she touches the ball. She's the best they have as a sub, but it should've been apparent that Caitlin was taking her spot in the lineup and certain people need to accept it sooner than later. Caitlin can also be spelled with some of their other guards, but nobody should be taking the ball out of her hands at the Point in important parts of the game..........period.

Mitchell- Tonight we got to see a glimpse of what she is capable off playing off Clark. If teams aren't giving enough attention to the 3rd leading scorer in womens NCAA history, she can make them pay. She can handle the ball, but she is much better off spotting and attacking off the catch. She is not the greatest at iso create off the dribble, and in fact gets pretty reckless when she does that. But when she plays within her role, she can and should be a 15+ a night scorer.

Smith- She is the one that has benefitted the most from having CC on the team. She is probably the most versatile player on the team and the most ready to breakout, now that she has a PG that can feed her and draw attention away from her. She can handle the ball but doesn't try to force it too much. The one drawback is that she isn't much of a 3 pt threat.

But when 90% of your team couldn't find the ocean if they were thrown from a plane over the Atlantic, then it really isn't that big a deal, and as a coach you should just adjust to the roster you have until you can add another 3 pt shooter. Wallace, Samuelson, and Hull sure as f*** aren't it though..........

Fagbenle- Yeah she's listed as a Center, but she runs the floor SO much better than Boston does. And really when assigning positions like the 4 or the 5 or PF and Center we need to remember that in the pro ranks positionless basketball is much more at the forefront than in college.

I know she is more of a sub for Boston, but I would rather this team go big and have a true inside-out philosophy than whatever they're trying to do right now.

Boston- It was nice to see her break out of whatever funk she was in, and regardless of what people think of her start to the season, she needs to be the starting 5 playing through whatever issues she's dealing with, same as Caitlin.
NY is currently down by 12 late in the game vs Minnesota, and this follows a home loss to Chicago. Perhaps NY isn't quite as good as the Fever made them look.
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Long 2 pt shots are horrible shots

I keep putting this off, but one of the first images I ever saw that led me to know Caitlin was "different" was of a highlight of her against Northwestern her freshman year where she weaved around defenders, got to the FT line and hit a couple jumpers, and the shot just came out so easy and effortlessly.

I saw that and thought, damn okay. I get the hype now. I couldn't remember seeing a women's CBB player in recent times anyway that made a shot like that look like she was playing on a kids hoop.

So on one hand, I don't want to hear anyone arguing that she has no mid range game, or that she needs to learn it or improve on it.

..................with that said, on the other hand, and I said this back in the winter as well, what she NEEDS to do and would greatly benefit from is getting back to looking for that mid range jumper.

That's what will make her much harder to guard going forward in terms of improving her scoring numbers.

A very good chunk of the CC fans that jumped on her bandwagon in the last couple years probably didn't realize that she established herself early on at Iowa as a scorer at all 3 levels. The deep bomb 3s were just something she grew into as she got stronger and more comfortable and confident in her environment (and that will be no different in the pros).
And of course, the same a-holes that are driving this online hatred complain that she isn't taking a stand on it. I honestly think this has become part of the drive to add to the division in this country. It would be really interesting to see how many of the accounts driving this narrative are actually fake posters or foreign agitators.

Obviously not the forum for it and I’m very much an “it is what it is kinda guy” with that said…

There is most assuredly a huge contingent of people with no particular political affiliation that very much want this country to be divisive and hostile and chaotic.

And by no political affiliation, I mean the whole spectrum, hard right, hard left, middle, those with no religion and apolitical.
I keep putting this off, but one of the first images I ever saw that led me to know Caitlin was "different" was of a highlight of her against Northwestern her freshman year where she weaved around defenders, got to the FT line and hit a couple jumpers, and the shot just came out so easy and effortlessly.

I saw that and thought, damn okay. I get the hype now. I couldn't remember seeing a women's CBB player in recent times anyway that made a shot like that look like she was playing on a kids hoop.

So on one hand, I don't want to hear anyone arguing that she has no mid range game, or that she needs to learn it or improve on it.

..................with that said, on the other hand, and I said this back in the winter as well, what she NEEDS to do and would greatly benefit from is getting back to looking for that mid range jumper.

That's what will make her much harder to guard going forward in terms of improving her scoring numbers.

A very good chunk of the CC fans that jumped on her bandwagon in the last couple years probably didn't realize that she established herself early on at Iowa as a scorer at all 3 levels. The deep bomb 3s were just something she grew into as she got stronger and more comfortable and confident in her environment (and that will be no different in the pros).


I said the same thing several months ago and have said it a couple times since. She most assuredly had a mid range game and Bluder based on metrics and new age analytics, coached her away from it and now we got a woman that thinks 20 foot jumpers are a good shot to take, what the ****…?!

I also agree she should dribble drive into the lane a couple times a game and pull up for 15 foot jumpers. But what I really wish she would do is drive to the basket five or six times a game.
Too bad, as I thought she could develop into a Kate Martinesque Robin to Caitlin’s Batman. Must just not be quite good enough…
Berger is one of those "great college player" types whose game just doesn't quite translate to the pros.

She is listed at 6'0, but she has a tendency to play a bit smaller than that. She is a steady ball handler and can distribute, which I think is why she still has a roster spot, but she just doesn't have the same ability to be a scoring threat against the tougher defenses in the pros as her peers.

It's one thing to be off-ball and make shots when attention is away from you, but she is a PG. And if you had to chose between just a good passer, and a good passer who can also score, then it's not much of a choice.
I'll expand:

Clark PG- This has been obvious from Day 1. I get that they work her off ball, especially when they're essentially face guarding her full court, and just let everyone else play 4 on 4 in the half court....but that's just not a viable long term option, and they are so much better when she's the one distributing and using her threat as a scorer to set up others.

Wheeler is too erratic and wants to play 1 on 1 street ball every time she touches the ball. She's the best they have as a sub, but it should've been apparent that Caitlin was taking her spot in the lineup and certain people need to accept it sooner than later. Caitlin can also be spelled with some of their other guards, but nobody should be taking the ball out of her hands at the Point in important parts of the game..........period.

Mitchell- Tonight we got to see a glimpse of what she is capable off playing off Clark. If teams aren't giving enough attention to the 3rd leading scorer in womens NCAA history, she can make them pay. She can handle the ball, but she is much better off spotting and attacking off the catch. She is not the greatest at iso create off the dribble, and in fact gets pretty reckless when she does that. But when she plays within her role, she can and should be a 15+ a night scorer.

Smith- She is the one that has benefitted the most from having CC on the team. She is probably the most versatile player on the team and the most ready to breakout, now that she has a PG that can feed her and draw attention away from her. She can handle the ball but doesn't try to force it too much. The one drawback is that she isn't much of a 3 pt threat.

But when 90% of your team couldn't find the ocean if they were thrown from a plane over the Atlantic, then it really isn't that big a deal, and as a coach you should just adjust to the roster you have until you can add another 3 pt shooter. Wallace, Samuelson, and Hull sure as f*** aren't it though..........

Fagbenle- Yeah she's listed as a Center, but she runs the floor SO much better than Boston does. And really when assigning positions like the 4 or the 5 or PF and Center we need to remember that in the pro ranks positionless basketball is much more at the forefront than in college.

I know she is more of a sub for Boston, but I would rather this team go big and have a true inside-out philosophy than whatever they're trying to do right now.

Boston- It was nice to see her break out of whatever funk she was in, and regardless of what people think of her start to the season, she needs to be the starting 5 playing through whatever issues she's dealing with, same as Caitlin.
Berger is one of those "great college player" types whose game just doesn't quite translate to the pros.

She is listed at 6'0, but she has a tendency to play a bit smaller than that. She is a steady ball handler and can distribute, which I think is why she still has a roster spot, but she just doesn't have the same ability to be a scoring threat against the tougher defenses in the pros as her peers.

It's one thing to be off-ball and make shots when attention is away from you, but she is a PG. And if you had to chose between just a good passer, and a good passer who can also score, then it's not much of a choice.
I think Mitchell could be Robin if she would wear the crown. I think it will take more time break that bronco though…
This cements it for me. Sides is an idiot and should be fired.
I didn't watch the clip, so maybe she is saying they need to focus more on long 2s inside the 3 pt line, but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt for now and say that I can see what she is trying to look for.

If she is trying to say that this group of players, including Caitlin, are ignoring the mid range too much, then I actually agree.

If she is trying to dissuade them, and Caitlin, from shooting 3s, then she is an idiot.

Of course, also in her defense, they settled for a sh** ton of 3s last night, and at many points through the first 6 games and they've all more or less sucked at making them.......Clark included.

It's an underappreciated aspect of coaching, in how to teach players about balance offensively and how to recognize it, because you don't want to build a habit of stagnant offense settling for bricked 3 after bricked 3 and hope the ball eventually finds the bottom of the net........but you also don't want to abandon it either (which can be a difficult thing to do if your team is not good at shooting 3s).
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Everytime Angel Reese opens her mouth I'm reminded of the greatest fortune cookie proverb I've ever opened:

"If you want to be loved, you need to be loveable".
Professors at MIT's Department of Linguistics and Philosophy are still not in agreement on what this incomplete sentence means. We might know more on Tuesday. Be patient.
Obviously not the forum for it and I’m very much an “it is what it is kinda guy” with that said…

There is most assuredly a huge contingent of people with no particular political affiliation that very much want this country to be divisive and hostile and chaotic.

And by no political affiliation, I mean the whole spectrum, hard right, hard left, middle, those with no religion and apolitical.
There are many foreign countries that want chaos in the United States because it paralyzes us from being able to do anything to stop them from whatever it is they are doing.
NY is currently down by 12 late in the game vs Minnesota, and this follows a home loss to Chicago. Perhaps NY isn't quite as good as the Fever made them look.

Perhaps beating CC, mentally, physically and on the scoreboard was more important than anything else. They didn’t play nearly as good the 2nd time around.
Caitlin doesn't need to score 30 points for the Fever to win games. Her stats from last night showed just how versatile she is, with a significant number of assists, rebounds, and steals. The key for the Fever is for Caitlin's supporting cast to learn to catch her passes and improve their shooting percentage.

Caitlin's doing more than her part. The others need to step up.
Posted this earlier in the wrong thread:

If Clark could get better mid-range into her game, 10-15 ft.pull-ups and a floater, she would be unstoppable. Not sure why anyone wouldn't consider that a positive development, especially for games where she can't find her 3pt. shot or is getting clamped.

Of course, the entire team should be practicing five-footers after how many they missed last night.

I thought Grace Berger looked good in the preseason games. Assists and some points. Wonder what happened there.

Hope all three Iowa players show out in a game where they are all on the court. (And hope Martin gets some points and continues to earn the extended minutes for LVA.)
An Indiana upset would be a fun surprise, but more Hawkeyes playing for Vegas, so a Vegas win wouldn't be a disappointment!
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Kinda cool that the one glaring Iowa "girl that got away" player will also be hooping tonight. But I know nothing of her recruitment. Was Iowa even close?

Also the "Plumb Dog" ofc will be playing tonight. She's very impressive and athletic from what I've seen. Ever see her t-shirt cannon arm? lol
From May 14-30, Caitlin and the Fever are playing 11 games. That’s every other day except for tonight’s back-to-back with last night’s game. Remember when she was in college and they usually had only two games/week and had to have a day off every week? I am sure they are getting lots of time to install new offenses.
Caitlin doesn't need to score 30 points for the Fever to win games. Her stats from last night showed just how versatile she is, with a significant number of assists, rebounds, and steals. The key for the Fever is for Caitlin's supporting cast to learn to catch her passes and improve their shooting percentage.

Caitlin's doing more than her part. The others need to step up.
The 10 rebounds were key plays.

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