***Official Caitlin/Fever/Kate/Meg Games Mega Thread***

ok so i am old and don't know technology. I got cable tv last year. for the first time since I moved here in 1990. so today I check the old hulu situation and ion is showing tom selick and the old hawaii show.

so now I check and it is off the air. I guess it's pay to watch b-ball?
Might be available over the air / antenna
Cait always full court pressured, double teamed when she gets to the other side of the court. Every time. There is no one else in the W treated like that. The haters can suck a fat one on that.

But that last play, CC took advantage and dished it to Smith who had an open lane and she misses. Caitlin really has to do it all at this point.
Hard to watch. 80 percent of the Fever play each game is just a mess. There are so many deficiencies with this team that it’s hard to imagine them ever playing consistent enough for long enough stretches to even buoys a decent lead let alone stay in games.
Clark is definitely not living up to her sharp-shooter hype so far in the W. The Fever need her to be better from three. Just a couple more made threes per game would make a big difference.
Might be time for Clark to stop the high degree of difficulty 3s for the time being and just focus on creating for others. She’s shooting too poorly from 3 and needs to get other players in position. Her perimeter shooting is hurting the teams chances right now.
Might be time for Clark to stop the high degree of difficulty 3s for the time being and just focus on creating for others. She’s shooting too poorly from 3 and needs to get other players in position. Her perimeter shooting is hitting the teams chances right now.

Maybe, but let’s consider 50 of 100 (50%) 2s = 100 pts

35 of 100 3’s = 105
Clark is definitely not living up to her sharp-shooter hype so far in the W. The Fever need her to be better from three.
Teams are doing a good job of keeping her from hitting a rhythm. Since nobody else on her team can shoot they don't really have to defend them very tough and they can keep two or three people available to keep disrupting Clark. I'm not sure this will change. What I don't get is how anyone on this Fever team was able to average more than 10 points a game last season.
Might be time for Clark to stop the high degree of difficulty 3s for the time being and just focus on creating for others. She’s shooting too poorly from 3 and needs to get other players in position. Her perimeter shooting is hitting the teams chances right now.
Disagree mostly. She is creating plenty but nobody and I mean nobody can finish. She needs to do more for herself IMO.
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Cait always full court pressured, double teamed when she gets to the other side of the court. Every time. There is no one else in the W treated like that. The haters can suck a fat one on that.
It’s kind of crazy, that with how hard she’s guarded, that she rarely gets any foul calls.
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