***Official Caitlin/Fever/Kate/Meg Games Mega Thread***

Have to get our best defender going. Here you go Jim…

She might legit be the most attractive player in the W!
I realize it’s how it goes. But after the CC barrage, she only scored 1 more point. Whole team so up and down! In reality, the whole season has been like this, can’t remember an “easy” game!
I hate blaming officials for everything and don’t want to be “that guy” but Im convinced the refs hate boston and clark every game. Meanwhile, if someone sneezes and a particle lands on Wilson, she gets free throws.
The refs to me have gone beyond gross negligence. There is an element of intentionality to it. They don’t like Caitlin, and in the process of showing her who’s boss, they suck even more.
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