When you work for a major sports network, you hear things. Not going to sit here and pass on those allegations and stories Ive heard, but these are not “claims” against him. The Cubs know it. Mlb knows it. He has kids with these women so theyre getting money whether he beat them or not.
With new allegations this week, this isnt over yet. These women have friends who saw some of this behavior happening. Based on some of the things Ive heard about this situation, I wouldn’t be shocked if he’s not in Arizona next year for spring training.
Im okay with him playing baseball again because this is his job. He made horrible mistakes but never took peds, failed drug tests or cheated the game. He has an alcohol problem and sexual addiction; he needs help.
At this point, he’s a distraction and in the middle of a heated division race last year, he was sitting out because of poor behavior off the field and therefore, he let his team down. If Im the Cubs, I make him send all that money he makes during his suspension to the mothers of his children and he starts the season in the minors. Nothing like brutal bus trips to remind you of how good he had it in the majors. If you don’t punish him for these “claims” punish him for letting his team down and missing games.