***Official FSU vs Memphis Thread***

I think DJ processes massively slow. And implements too. Just ludicrous - we will only get one more drive most likely.
Yeah, good thoughts. Nothing personal, it just seems he is not able to go thru his progressions quick enough, tho he was in a good rhythm on the last drive.
7/16 which is a better percentage than the first two games.

Most of that was the first half. The 2nd half has been only a couple of possessions apiece.
Doesn't help that djEW was in burn clock mode on our last possession
He just isn't the guy. Whats it going to take for Coach to see it?

I love Norvell, but if he starts that stiff again this season I want him fired. He djEW is the slowest thing I have ever seen in all respects.
I'd rather see Toa under center, running the wishbone, than see djEW take another snap with one second left on the play clock.
Yeah, I guess just my imagination.

Felt like GT ate up a lot of clock, but I could be wrong there as well.

They did. So did BC.

FSU being so bad on 3rd down has killed the O opportunities. And then the O turns around and does dick with each Opp. 46 in 3 games....

And just punted away a chance for a W based on how the D is playing in the second.