I agree but right now the US and Israel don’t have the proof. When they get it, I’m ready for Iran to pay a price. I’m over those assholes.
( I didn't mean to write this much...knew a lot alo of the below but started as me taking notes for a point I didn't even make)
History has taught us since the time of Mohammed the policies of the Muslim religion was to increase its reach by war. It didn't take them very long to take over the middle east and move in Europe, Africa, and towards Asia.
They were in Europe before the Vikings were in Britian...that's how long this has been going on.
Jerusalem has been around since about 3500 bc...first became under (what was to become) the Jewish religion around 1000 bc under David. All historical artifacts and written documents suggest that the people already living there remained...property intact...and over time became one with the Jewish people.
Jerusalem jumps around in who controls what for long periods of time....Jews probably would have been better suited not having claimed a place that was right in the path of any new strong army no matter which direction they were expanding.
So Arabs finally claim the place around 638...up to this point it was basically Jewish and Christian.
Arabs really step up in 1099...kicked out the Christians....crusades happen...Muslims and Jews are killed or flee...then the area jumps back and forth on who controls what...but mostly ends up just being Jews, Christians, and Muslims living together.
1920s come, Britian gets control...population triples, mosty Jewish....this is where the modern problems start. It gets basically as bad as now locally.
The new UN steps in...splits up the two groups and tell each to go live in its own corner...the new Israel is born...and shit has been basically the same there when it comes to war and fighting as it has been for 3 thousand years....non stop.