**** Official Israel War thread****

If someone shoots from an apt building you think it's ok to level the whole thing? It's amazing how your positions change depending on the arena.

In what regard?
I've always been clear about the ugliness of war.

I remember when I was 15 and they were interviewing pilots during Desert Shield, asking them how they'd feel about AAA emplaced on an apartment building in Baghdad, and I agreed with those pilots - that makes it a target in war. The consequences belong to the defender making that choice.

I've been entirely consistent on that, and further I've more than once emphasized I share Sherman's approach to war if war is broached. It is the path to end the war, and establish actual peace.

What I don't share is the neocon propensity to find and provoke wars to include the U.S. in. I find them unnecessary, and worse counter-productive, always planting the seeds to justify the next round of interventions. The way Hillary's Libya fiasco has further destabilized the rest of Northern Africa.

Yes, Hamas should be eradicated.
Yes, there should be a ceasefire in order for the civilian non-combatants time to flee.
Then you should be pleased with Israel for doing both those things, instead of pretending you know what targeting information they're acting upon and ignoring their extraordinary efforts to avoid civilian casualties. Calls to evacuate were made weeks ago.
In what regard?
I've always been clear about the ugliness of war.

I remember when I was 15 and they were interviewing pilots during Desert Shield, asking them how they'd feel about AAA emplaced on an apartment building in Baghdad, and I agreed with those pilots - that makes it a target in war. The consequences belong to the defender making that choice.

I've been entirely consistent on that, and further I've more than once emphasized I share Sherman's approach to war if war is broached. It is the path to end the war, and establish actual peace.

What I don't share is the neocon propensity to find and provoke wars to include the U.S. in. I find them unnecessary, and worse counter-productive, always planting the seeds to justify the next round of interventions. The way Hillary's Libya fiasco has further destabilized the rest of Northern Africa.

Then you should be pleased with Israel for doing both those things, instead of pretending you know what targeting information they're acting upon and ignoring their extraordinary efforts to avoid civilian casualties. Calls to evacuate were made weeks ago.
Evacuate to where? Other places that are being bombed?
But hey, you guys know more than the US govt - you get intelligence reports from Twitter.
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NPR story with comments from retired US Army Col. Peter Mansoor, who had a big role in US efforts to find partners in Iraq. He has doubts Israel will be able to find a long term solution to Gaza until they are willing to deal with "People who have blood on their hands". He also states Israel will need 40,000-100,000 boots on the ground in order to pacify Gaza long term without a partner.
LOL coming from the guy who has slurped up Hamas's propaganda since day one. That's funny.
Uh Huh Sure GIF
And now he goes into denial mode as if it never happened lol.

You were one of the first ones to condemn the IDF when Hamas blamed them for the hospital bombing and just a couple days ago you were spouting off how Israel has already killed 10,000 Palestinian citizens - a number only being reported by, you guessed it, Hamas.

I can go back and pull the receipts on these but I don’t think you want me to embarrass you anymore than I already have.
Sheeet, I'm just going to do it anyway lol:

Post #14 in this thread about the Gaza hospital bombing:


Then this week, you were one of the only posters here to reference "reports" that 10,000 Palestinians have died - a number that was released by the Hamas-run Health Ministry in Gaza:


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Sheeet, I'm just going to do it anyway lol:

Post #14 in this thread about the Gaza hospital bombing:


Then this week, you were one of the only posters here to reference "reports" that 10,000 Palestinians have died - a number that was released by the Hamas-run Health Ministry in Gaza:


I’m sure you think you’re proving something, I just no idea what.
No, I don't think they were intentionally targeting them, that's the point.
It's amusing how you keyboard experts think this thing started last month.
Who started this? The British. Just like all the other problems in the ME.
Actually no. This has been going on for millennia. There have been multiple events throughout history that displaced the Jewish people from Israel and Judah. Their most holy temple was torn down twice and then replaced with a mosque. They are fighting against an enemy whose stated mission is to eradicate the planet of Jews and whose principle means of operation is to hide behind human shields. When those same human shields are killed, despite documented efforts by the IDF to minimize damage, people decry the evil Israelis. It is a no win scenario for Israel.

Could the IDF do more? Honestly neither of us has the intel to know. So we are stuck determining which sources are more believable. No doubt it is a shitty situation all around. No doubt Bibi made the tension much worse than it would otherwise be with his draconian policies. But the terrorists initiated the hot war and now they are going to find out what their f*cking around has wrought.
I’m sure you think you’re proving something, I just no idea what.
I just proved that you will believe Hamas propaganda without a second thought and will even use it to try and validate your stupid takes.

I’d be playing dumb if I were you too.
Actually no. This has been going on for millennia. There have been multiple events throughout history that displaced the Jewish people from Israel and Judah. Their most holy temple was torn down twice and then replaced with a mosque. They are fighting against an enemy whose stated mission is to eradicate the planet of Jews and whose principle means of operation is to hide behind human shields. When those same human shields are killed, despite documented efforts by the IDF to minimize damage, people decry the evil Israelis. It is a no win scenario for Israel.

Could the IDF do more? Honestly neither of us has the intel to know. So we are stuck determining which sources are more believable. No doubt it is a shitty situation all around. No doubt Bibi made the tension much worse than it would otherwise be with his draconian policies. But the terrorists initiated the hot war and now they are going to find out what their f*cking around has wrought.
Come on, it’s been a hot war for decades.
People here like the idea of good vs evil and Muslim are an easy target but building walls thru cities, stealing homes and destroying orchards were all intended to cause a reaction. The size of the reaction was the only unexpected bit.
I just proved that you will believe Hamas propaganda without a second thought and will even use it to try and validate your stupid takes.

I’d be playing dumb if I were you too.
I’m sure you believe that to be true. The difference between you and I is you believe one sides propaganda and I believe neither.
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Actually no. This has been going on for millennia. There have been multiple events throughout history that displaced the Jewish people from Israel and Judah. Their most holy temple was torn down twice and then replaced with a mosque. They are fighting against an enemy whose stated mission is to eradicate the planet of Jews and whose principle means of operation is to hide behind human shields. When those same human shields are killed, despite documented efforts by the IDF to minimize damage, people decry the evil Israelis. It is a no win scenario for Israel.

Could the IDF do more? Honestly neither of us has the intel to know. So we are stuck determining which sources are more believable. No doubt it is a shitty situation all around. No doubt Bibi made the tension much worse than it would otherwise be with his draconian policies. But the terrorists initiated the hot war and now they are going to find out what their f*cking around has wrought.
The sad part (or one of them) is that no matter how much firepower the Israelis throw into this effort, “destroying Hamas for good” is not gonna happen. It is their version of fighting the war on drugs. The citizens suffer, while Hamas leadership sucks up the monetary lifeblood.
And… attacking Jewish settlers will not change things for the better for the common Palestinian family. The military might that Israel can draw upon will stifle real gains by Hamas.

If Hizbullah and Iran saddle up, all bets are off.
Come on, it’s been a hot war for decades.
People here like the idea of good vs evil and Muslim are an easy target but building walls thru cities, stealing homes and destroying orchards were all intended to cause a reaction. The size of the reaction was the only unexpected bit.
Speaking of human shields, did Rachel Corrie jump in front of a Caterpillar for nothing?
I’m sure you believe that to be true. The difference between you and I is you believe one sides propaganda and I believe neither.
Lol, you're so full of shit. What have I pushed that you would consider misleading Israeli propaganda?

I also just proved you believe Hamas's, dude.
Lol, you're so full of shit. What have I pushed that you would consider misleading Israeli propaganda?

I also just proved you believe Hamas's, dude.
Again, I’m sure you’re really confident you’ve proven many things.
That livestream above is by the Al Shifa hospital. Power was cut/taken out/ lost about an hour ago there.
On a personal level I really wish the IDF would take out that high rise. It sticks out like a sore thumb and is really ramping up my OCD by not fitting in line with the rest of the structures. Who would I call to get this taken care of?
I would venture that after the first time a sniper takes a shot at the IDF from up high out of one of those windows, it’s coming down.
The sad part (or one of them) is that no matter how much firepower the Israelis throw into this effort, “destroying Hamas for good” is not gonna happen. It is their version of fighting the war on drugs. The citizens suffer, while Hamas leadership sucks up the monetary lifeblood.
And… attacking Jewish settlers will not change things for the better for the common Palestinian family. The military might that Israel can draw upon will stifle real gains by Hamas.

If Hizbullah and Iran saddle up, all bets are off.
I disagree. Once Israel is done there won’t be any tunnels for the pussies to hide in anymore.
Every election in Muslim middle eastern countries results in Islamic radicals getting placed in office. That’s why you see so many dictators there. They don’t trust there own people to choose a government.