*** Official Matt Gaetz Arrest Watch Thread ***

It's a little more complicated than that. The girl was on a site that requires members to be 18. Greenberg researched her and found out she was only 17. It then becomes a matter of if / when Gaetz found out her age, and the nuances of Florida and Federal law around intent, and reasonable knowledge.

Obviously the issue around fake candidates is real, but Greenberg and Gaetz were like keystone cops playing that game.
Gaetz knew she was 17 acting as an 18 year old- peetards.
I don't know if Gaetz will be arrested, but the guy that allegedly extorted Matt's father has been indicted.

PENSACOLA, Fla. (AP) — One of the men who U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz accused of being behind a plot to extort $25 million from his family in exchange for having a federal sex investigation into the congressman go away was indicted Tuesday on charges of wire fraud and attempting to stop authorities from viewing his IPhone.

A federal grand jury indicted Stephen Alford, 62, in Pensacola, Florida.

The indictment doesn’t name the victims or other alleged participants.

The indictment said that Alford was part of a scheme to get $25 million from a person identified only as “D.G.” In exchange, Alford promised he could get a presidential pardon from then-President Donald Trump for a family member, as well as fund the release of someone identified only as “R.L.”

Matt Gaetz’s father is Don Gaetz, a former president of the Florida Senate. Others who approached Don Gaetz have said in news reports that they wanted to free Robert Levinson, a former FBI agent who disappeared in Iran more than a decade ago.
You ready to admit to drinking the pee on this one OP?

Hell no.

OK, all you Gaetz haters! (I confess, I hate him too). He needs to get arrested soon. I just got summoned for jury duty in the Federal District Court for the Northern District of Florida, beginning the week of November 1.

In reality, I'm already earmarked for a 2 week trial, unless I get excluded in voir dire. It's doubtful I'll be excluded by the defense, because all you bozos know I'm an innocent until proven guilty kind of guy. If Gaetz does get indicted, it will most likely be in Orlando, which is the Middle District of Florida.

It would have been fun to be on a Gaetz jury. Too bad the arrest wasn't imminent.
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Just hold your wad. His boy isn’t set for sentencing until mid October.

Shit will rain down on his sorry ass.
Just hold your wad. His boy isn’t set for sentencing until mid October.

Shit will rain down on his sorry ass.
I know, but I get excluded for two years from serving again, and if Gaetz does have to come before the judge in the Northern District of Florida, his arrest will have long passed imminent.
The local ABC affiliate is interviewing Gaetz at 4:00 tomorrow afternoon. They are saying it will be a 15 minute segment. This should be fun.
"imminent" is relative.

Greenberg asking for another sentencing delay until March 2022 as he says he still has more to offer prosecutors.

Will be interesting to see if they agree to this. Would seem to indicate he's a pretty valuable resource if they do.

Wait, there's more!
'Imminent' isn't relative. We're well past that word, regardless of what Greenberg gives the Feds. That was just another insider source that turned out to be unreliable.

From my perspective, I'm just willing to wait and see what happens, and hope that Gaetz is gone from the US House ASAP, no matter how that happens. If Gaetz ends up in jail, so much the better.
'Imminent' isn't relative. We're well past that word, regardless of what Greenberg gives the Feds. That was just another insider source that turned out to be unreliable.

From my perspective, I'm just willing to wait and see what happens, and hope that Gaetz is gone from the US House ASAP, no matter how that happens. If Gaetz ends up in jail, so much the better.
I want Gaetz gone too but it seems we've had a lot of these "arrest is imminent" predictions the last 5 years that haven't panned out. I just find it amusing....
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I want Gaetz gone too but it seems we've had a lot of these "arrest is imminent" predictions the last 5 years that haven't panned out. I just find it amusing....
Whether it's a politician getting arrested, or a coaching search, too many people want to get internet message board cred by posting rumors from insider sources. Then they rationalize why they were wrong.
Arrested yet? WTF is the hold up?
Greenberg is stalling. He's desperately trying to get a lighter sentence and/or delay when he has to report to prison. The feds don't care because innuendo damages Gaetz.
Notes from the interview today -

Gaetz says he's a better man now that he's married.

Gaetz says the FBI has told him he's not a target. He insists he hasn't done anything wrong, and throws up the extortion plot as evidence of people out to get him.

Gaetz says his trip to the Bahamas didn't involve any lobbyists, or was anything other than a personal vacation.

Gaetz says he regrets his friendship and other associations with Greenberg.

Gaetz still thinks the AZ election, and in other places, was tainted because more ballots were cast by mail than in person.

"Joe Biden is engaged in a war on work in this country".
He isn’t in a good place. Giving an interview and discussing the case is the kind of moronic stuff I expect from moron. Saying that you are a better man now is an open door to examine your past behavior.
Maybe Greenburg has more to offer, and maybe he doesn’t. At some point the Feds will wrap things up, and when that happens things will be settled in a few months.
I’m hoping that Matt Gaetz follows Brian Laundries escape plan.
Gaetz says the FBI has told him he's not a target. He insists he hasn't done anything wrong

FL Gaetz Crony Is Spilling “Unexpected” Wealth Of Dirt​

Politico reports:

A corrupt former Florida tax official and one-time “wingman” to Rep. Matt Gaetz won extra time Monday to cooperate with federal prosecutors in their investigation of the congressman and a host of other scandals.
Joel Greenberg was set to be sentenced on Nov. 18 for six crimes he pleaded guilty to earlier this year, but prosecutors successfully implored U.S. District Judge Gregory Presnell to wait until March so they can track down all of the leads Greenberg has given to investigators.
The prosecutor, Roger Handberg, indicated the information Greenberg has been given has been helpful and sometimes “unexpected.” But it takes time. “The investigators in this case have followed the evidence where it takes them,” Handberg said. “This is obviously not a normal situation.”