To be fair I think Rodgers is done as a savior. The defense while a ton better isn't dominant enough to carry them.
Which is why the Packers should have drafted Patrick Queen. They desperately need an ILB.....and Queen would have provided immediate help.
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Really looking forward to Aaron Rodgers throwing a temper tantrum like the little bitch that he is, as well as the inevitable decline of the Packers.
The Patriots, Lions or Pace are my fears at losing A.J. Just got by the Lions. PHEW.
Bears trading down and picking up a late 3rd or early 4th would be sweet.
I've been hoping AJ slips to the Texans at 40. *Fingers crossed*
He did. I hope Pace doesn't do that. We need a CB and O-Line something terrible so the sky's the limit on what's going thru Pace's head.

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