Official Nwstrn PBP thread

157: coop taking on a freshman and has not rassled this season. dude is normally @ 149. has rassled unattached this season.

24-0 team score.
Sorensen was in on a deep shot outside single, and as he was shelfing the leg for the takedown Tsirtsis tweaked his elbow. He got the TD, but Tsirtsis Inj. Defaults out. He didn't look happy he had to inj default.
Im going now?

Cooper against a guy who just walked into the arena (joking)
Hits a dbl leg TD
Rides for 1:17
Cowcatcher to back
Pinfall for EC
Gosh, the NW wrestler looked young.
pinfall as i put some wood on the fire. 1:38. it is 30-0 at the break. it's all yours from here Vall. I'm assuming you'll keep up the streak!! that was crazy. 1/2 done in 24 minutes...
pinfall as i put some wood on the fire. 1:38. it is 30-0 at the break. it's all yours from here Vall. I'm assuming you'll keep up the streak!! that was crazy. 1/2 done in 24 minutes...

So if it doesn't finish 60-0 it is on me?
Didn't weigh anyone in at 141
Everyone going fast, except for the quick TD on Clark.
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The guy Cooper wrestled looked like my paper boy.
TS really wanted to go but the trainers didn't let him
Cooper wrestled a true frosh with a 0-0 record.
Good thing, Cooper didn't wait He went out.
Arctic Plunge coming up. Ironside lost to Terry last year and since he's a big movie star now and got a Nike contract, it will be hard to beat him.
Nice single by BS. Was shaping up to be another great match between the two. Feel bad for Tshirt but, man, this dual doesn't have a lot of drama so far. Note to Iowa, tOSU and PSU athletic directors: PLEASE find a way to schedule some matches next year.
Elbow didn't look dislocated or extended. T-shirt was going to his back when he grabbed his arm. He used the same arm to remove his headgear. I don't think it's serious which is good.
So u thinking he faked the injury too not give up back points?
Was it a bad injury? Sucks this is on BTN PLUS

It didn't look bad. There was no visible dislocation, but I suppose that's still a possibility. Whatever the case, Sorensen was controlling the match at that point. He had :30 of RT and was about to start adding to it with a takedown. Odds are pretty good he would have been up 3-1 plus a RT point after an escape in the 3rd.

Sorensen seems to be figuring Tsirtsis out. He's getting to his legs now and also managed to ride him for :30 before giving up the escape. He tried several suck-backs when Tsirtsis went to his sit-out and was able to get good forward pressure for a while. So he's getting more effective against Tsirtsis on his feet and on top, plus he's shown that he can escape from under Tsirtsis without giving up a bunch of RT. I think Sorensen's solid technique, size, and strength are proving to be a little much for Tsirtsis. Plus, the confidence of back-to-back wins is huge. Even though Tsirtsis injury-defaulted, Brandon was taking control when the injury happened. This was a very likely win without the injury, considering how little scoring usually happens between these two.
It didn't look bad. There was no visible dislocation, but I suppose that's still a possibility. Whatever the case, Sorensen was controlling the match at that point. He had :30 of RT and was about to start adding to it with a takedown. Odds are pretty good he would have been up 3-1 plus a RT point after an escape in the 3rd.

Sorensen seems to be figuring Tsirtsis out. He's getting to his legs now and also managed to ride him for :30 before giving up the escape. He tried several suck-backs when Tsirtsis went to his sit-out and was able to get good forward pressure for a while. So he's getting more effective against Tsirtsis on his feet and on top, plus he's shown that he can escape from under Tsirtsis without giving up a bunch of RT. I think Sorensen's solid technique, size, and strength are proving to be a little much for Tsirtsis. Plus, the confidence of back-to-back wins is huge. Even though Tsirtsis injury-defaulted, Brandon was taking control when the injury happened. This was a very likely win without the injury, considering how little scoring usually happens between these two.
Agree 100%. That was going to be a win for BS regardless unless Tsirtsis pulled a rabbit out of his hat in the third. Great to see BS getting to the legs and committing. As Tom has pointed out, when he gets there he scores.
Nice single by BS. Was shaping up to be another great match between the two. Feel bad for Tshirt but, man, this dual doesn't have a lot of drama so far. Note to Iowa, tOSU and PSU athletic directors: PLEASE find a way to schedule some matches next year.
It's up to BIG. TBU at Penn State on 2/5 in the Jordan center (the big stadium).
So u thinking he faked the injury too not give up back points?

I don't think so. he may have caught it and had some stabbing pain and then he had no fight.

Rhoads needs a big win here.
He had a tough guy against Ill but it was the worst he wrestled for Iowa.
Rhoads trying whip overs
Great shot by PR but Norland jumps through
SM comng?
Don't get hurt in this tie up.

Snap to far ankle pick
Esc 2-1
Snap and miss by Rhoads
Dbl try by Norland
HC by PR
Norland tries to roll thru but PR catches him
Now a TD and getting backs!
Norland my not realize he's been ttaken down
Hmmm radio guys gave backs that the ref did not
tough ride out.
1:20 of RT

Second period.
1:28 of RT
PR gets a leg
Nor- Splitting the double.and grabs a PR ankle
still working by PR like a firemans to a single to a tree top to a TD
PR gets a leg and Nor tries to roll thru and PR catches him
ride out.

PR goes neutral to start 3rd
got to be thinking about a major.
first min is nothing.
Rhoads has got to
near leg by PR
reshot by Norland and PR on a his butt
Nor working for Td
now trying to elevate.
PR locked around the waist
Finally SM
This period is the difference, this period no offense and Nor gets to our leg. And we lost 30 seconds in that SM
Now PR to a leg.
Cannot get it.
Final 9-3
In his mind, Ironside is making Rhoads run laps for that one.

CPU 30, Vall 3, NW 0
Another fun quote from BTN Plus, as Meyer counters a single-leg attack, scrambles, and comes up with Sliga's leg. . . . "Now Meyer's got him in a leg lift!"
Meyer has been slow in the first period
Gives up leg easy
Like now. Sliga has a leg.
Roll thru and might score now.
And he does.
TD Meyer
Too ez to our leg.
Pretty slick by Meyer
Riding hard.
"If we are thinking about winning by a RT point, our head is not in the right place"
Meyer does not understand that Vallholl needs a pinfall to keep up with CPU.
Working on the wrists and suicide roll
1, 2, 4 count.
6-0 for the guy who is doing nothing.
2+min of RT
2nd period
Meyer starts down.
Stands and then sent down.
tripods, sit out, peeling hands, and clears out.
Immeditely head to outside single and TD.
Finally, Ironside is happy.
1:20 left in second.
Working the wrist. Maybe another suicide roll
Terry / Ironside want Meyer working in the center.
With 15 seconds trying another SR not getting it
Other side, tries again, maybe
No, time out. Horn
2:45 rt
Neutral to start 3rd.
Ironside wanst to see Myer work on his feet.
Traps the arm and gets the TD.
Run it now, run it.
Pressure fwd.
Got the wrist
Tilt him over.
He'll get a 4 count for sure.
That wil do it.
Tech Fall for Vall.
38-0 Iowa.
Brooks agaist a frosh who is 4-8.
I am worried for the kid.
Dbl unders for Sammy
Slide by to head lock to TD
Wrist trapped underneath, patented Sammy Brooks
Suicide roll
4 count
1:25 togo
Got the wrist.
Going with a hip tilt
Not the SR
another 4 count.
1:39 RT
10-0 first period.
15 seconds togo
2:15 RT
Bummer for Northwestern this year. They had a great recruiting class a few years ago and would have all been starters this year but Micic leaves, Brill hurt, Sebastian hurt. Think they have a good 285 redshirting this year and of course the have Reenan coming in next year and will probably start.