Official Republican National Debate thread

It politics Nancy. Not everything is a nice- nice handout from the left. Bernie has no big boy panties to put on. That is yet another reason why his performance stinks at a national level. He is there ONLY to block and tackle for Hilary. He is just as phony as he has zero intentions of winning.

Wild moron detected.
Too early for your sour grapes, sonny. Put your big boy pants on.

Do you really think that there are that many government dependent people voting in the US? You might be. It's tough for an American value supporting candidate to win in today's world. However, to think that someone who is one of the most politically motivated disasters in modern times has a chance to sniff the Presidency is scary. HRC has zero, nothing to support her running for office let along have success in doing so other than letting Bill hump whatever he wants in order to be his wife. She is a joke. Just listen to her. Someone mentioned Beth Mowins before. Beth Mowins sounds sexy next to HRC. I like that the Republican party is the big tent party with a variety of ideas, but it might make it hard to pull everyone together to win next year. I just feel bad for our country that lazy, uneducated, American-hating leftists votes count the same as mine. I guess we will see what happens.
There were nine, count en nine, pinnochios on stage last nite. The fact checkers who monitor these debates are still working overtime. What a bunch of losers the GOP possesses.

Christie is the only one I would even consider voting for. Fortunately for American voters, none of the others will ever occupy the WH. All a bunch of "fear mongers" as someone else stated.

The only certain thing about a GOP debate is that someone always brings up Reagan, as Cruz did last evening. Kind of nostalgic... and stupid, at the same time.

Christie is unelectable after his WW3 chest pounding last night.