So, when Michael Cohen talks about how he was out of prison, went to get his ankle bracelet, and back in prison and in solitary confinement after refusing to sign a statement that he would stop talking about Trump, where are Brenna Bird, and Mike Johnson, and all the other fluffers who are saying this trial is political?
You sure about the word choice here? "Any" evidence?
It was my understanding that federal investigators did not think there was "sufficient" evidence.

Big difference.
And, now that NY has dug up quite a whopping load of new evidence, that likely changes...
Tommy Tubberville is one dumb son of a bitch

Now, imagine an entire WH full of those "dumb son of a bitches" who do not understand the Constitution or Rule of Law, and just do what Trump tells them to do.

Tack on enough of them in Congress to run interference, and you have the end of Constitutional Law and democracy in the United States.