So, when Michael Cohen talks about how he was out of prison, went to get his ankle bracelet, and back in prison and in solitary confinement after refusing to sign a statement that he would stop talking about Trump, where are Brenna Bird, and Mike Johnson, and all the other fluffers who are saying this trial is political?
You sure about the word choice here? "Any" evidence?
It was my understanding that federal investigators did not think there was "sufficient" evidence.

Big difference.
And, now that NY has dug up quite a whopping load of new evidence, that likely changes...
Tommy Tubberville is one dumb son of a bitch

Now, imagine an entire WH full of those "dumb son of a bitches" who do not understand the Constitution or Rule of Law, and just do what Trump tells them to do.

Tack on enough of them in Congress to run interference, and you have the end of Constitutional Law and democracy in the United States.
So what I’m getting from all of this trash is that nothing will happen to Trump and he will still be the nominee. At least the most memeable presidential election will still be in full force!!

This truly might be the first presidential election I might sit out.
Is this the best case they have to put him away?

It's not illegal to have sex with a pornstar and it's not illegal to give money to said pornstar to be quiet about the sexy time.
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Is this the best case they have to put him away?

It's not illegal to have sex with a pornstar and it's not illegal to give money to said pornstar to be quiet about the sexy time.
It’s as if the criminality of what he did hasn’t been explained ad nauseum on this board and in this very thread. Apparently some people enjoy being willfully ignorant.
Is this the best case they have to put him away?

It's not illegal to have sex with a pornstar and it's not illegal to give money to said pornstar to be quiet about the sexy time.
No. The best case they have is the one where he stole classified documents. lied to the FBI about doing it, talked about them to foreigners and has a corrupt judge, appointed by him, doing everything she can to keep this felony trial from taking place. I'd kind of like to know what he told his son in law to give to the Saudis worth 2 billion dollars.
It’s as if the criminality of what he did hasn’t been explained ad nauseum on this board and in this very thread. Apparently some people enjoy being willfully ignorant.
What about having sex with a pornstar and paying her to be quiet is illegal? Cuz it's not.
Now if they can prove he used campaign funds I get it but but honestly most of the country is gonna just say meh
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No. The best case they have is the one where he stole classified documents. lied to the FBI about doing it, talked about them to foreigners and has a corrupt judge, appointed by him, doing everything she can to keep this felony trial from taking place. I'd kind of like to know what he told his son in law to give to the Saudis worth 2 billion dollars.

So not this case then...
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What about having sex with a pornstar and paying her to be quiet is illegal? Cuz it's not.
Now if they can prove he used campaign funds I get it but but honestly most of the country is gonna just say meh

Just watch,.. What this is coming down to is that he didn't use campaign funds to pay off Daniels when they say he should have,.. Wrap your head around that.
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Was Cohen known scum all the years he worked for Trump, or has he been corrupted by the lamestream media?
The democrats two star witnesses:

A man known for committing fraud accusing another person of fraud

A porn star who owes trump hundreds of thousands of dollars for defamation

Dems really know how to pick em.

Not my fault you people champion known scum like Cohen bc he hates someone you also hate. Cultist mentality.
nobody is "championing" cohen

but when a boss of an organization is on get to hear from all the scumbags that guy hired to do the things that he's now on trial for

not unlike trials for mafia bosses
What about having sex with a pornstar and paying her to be quiet is illegal? Cuz it's not.
Now if they can prove he used campaign funds I get it but but honestly most of the country is gonna just say meh
how many times does this need to be explained...because it really isn't complicated

trump is charged with falsifying business records to hide hush money payments to a mistress 2 weeks before the election (for an affair that happened 10 years prior)

spending money for the benefit of your campaign, but not declaring it is a violation of campaign finance laws

i agree with you that i don't think many people will care or have their minds changed regardless of the trial's outcome...but can we please stop with the "what's this even about" act?
how many times does this need to be explained...because it really isn't complicated

trump is charged with falsifying business records to hide hush money payments to a mistress 2 weeks before the election (for an affair that happened 10 years prior)

spending money for the benefit of your campaign, but not declaring it is a violation of campaign finance laws

i agree with you that i don't think many people will care or have their minds changed regardless of the trial's outcome...but can we please stop with the "what's this even about" act?
They don't care. You can already start seeing them shift to "well even if he did it (found guilty) who really cares?"
What about having sex with a pornstar and paying her to be quiet is illegal? Cuz it's not.
Now if they can prove he used campaign funds I get it but but honestly most of the country is gonna just say meh
Most of the country already has their mind made up on these 2. I do wonder how much the economy will flip people to Trump but good god this election is the absolute worst so far
how many times does this need to be explained...because it really isn't complicated

trump is charged with falsifying business records to hide hush money payments to a mistress 2 weeks before the election (for an affair that happened 10 years prior)

spending money for the benefit of your campaign, but not declaring it is a violation of campaign finance laws

i agree with you that i don't think many people will care or have their minds changed regardless of the trial's outcome...but can we please stop with the "what's this even about" act?
I was reading that he might only get probation and a fine haha. I think that’s why people are saying that. Plus the media covering this ad nauseam shoving it down our throats 24/7 doesn’t help the cause.

If the only outcome is probation and a fine, how does this help or hurt Trump in the general?
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