Go back to the beginning of the system we have in place.
Why is healthcare spending run through an insurance model?
Because as a method of getting around WW2 wage and price controls employers got into the business of paying employees with medical benefits (not subject to income and payroll taxes).
That whole model is a broken delivery method for the goods and services we want.
It got to the point the government mandated we carry insurance and use this method to get the goods and services we want, and we were to be fined if we didn't want to.
It needs to be ditched forthwith.
Let people buy what they want for themselves with their money, like everything else we enjoy.
In the sectors of the economy not completely entwined in government mandates or navigating byzantine regulations we see the product improve and the price go down.
The current method isn't making things better, it's obviously making them worse than they would otherwise be.
In the end, there are three ways to do things:
1. You spend someone else's money on what you want, making cost a non-issue to you compared to quality and quantity.
2. Someone else spends money on what you want, cost obviously their greater concern than your appreciation of the quality and quantity.
3. You spend your money on what you want, so that you weigh those factors, and balance them in your best interest.
Can you fathom the government mandating you to pay for 'food insurance' and being confined to a predefined list of vendors, with someone else deciding how many grapes you get, and what variety, and on what schedule, or if grapes were even approved?
Do you really think that method would maximize satisfaction with outcomes?
And yet we've normalized this madness in the production and consumption of healthcare.