Oh, Oh! Those damn Wisky Libs are at it again!


HB King
Gold Member
Sep 5, 2007
you can’t always get what you want!
The Wisconsin Supreme Court reversed a Wisconsin legislature law that banned “drop boxes” for absentee voting ballots. Imagine, Wisconsin is going to make it easier to vote! Miss Kim ain’t going to like that idea! Something about there is no need to do so……I can hear the ol’ Orange Turd complaining already…..
You need to go educate yourself on the dangers of voting boxes with the fictional propaganda film 2000 Mules by the criminal Dinesh D'Souza .
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With Biden clearly on his way to a blowout loss the dims know they will need to cheat again to win and this is a great way to do it.
With Biden clearly on his way to a blowout loss the dims know they will need to cheat again to win and this is a great way to do it.

Election 2020 Lol GIF by Joe Biden