Older Women are Key Misinformation Superspreaders...

Joes Place

HR King
Aug 28, 2003

Misinformation is not a new problem, but there are plenty of indications that the advent of social media has made things worse. Academic researchers have responded by trying to understand the scope of the problem, identifying the most misinformation-filled social media networks, organized government efforts to spread false information, and even prominent individuals who are the sources of misinformation.

All of that's potentially valuable data. But it skips over another major contribution: average individuals who, for one reason or another, seem inspired to spread misinformation. A study released today looks at a large panel of Twitter accounts that are associated with US-based voters (the work was done back when X was still Twitter). It identifies a small group of misinformation superspreaders, which represent just 0.3 percent of the accounts but are responsible for sharing 80 percent of the links to fake news sites.

While you might expect these to be young, Internet-savvy individuals who automate their sharing, it turns out this population tends to be older, female, and very, very prone to clicking the "retweet" button.
My mom is one.
She has no interest in learning the truth, she just knows she's right.
She told my brothers and I that she doesn't' want to talk about it "I know I'm right" when we corrected her about something last year.
What are you going to do, she's 81.
My mom is one.
She has no interest in learning the truth, she just knows she's right.
She told my brothers and I that she doesn't' want to talk about it "I know I'm right" when we corrected her about something last year.
What are you going to do, she's 81.

Does she watch MSNBC all day?
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My mom is one.
She has no interest in learning the truth, she just knows she's right.
She told my brothers and I that she doesn't' want to talk about it "I know I'm right" when we corrected her about something last year.
What are you going to do, she's 81.
Damn thankful mine aren't that way. Sorry to hear
  • Haha
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Just like every other ‘study’ OP posts, this is full of speculation. Garbage.

The researchers can't confirm whether the voter in question had full control (or any control) over their account during the election season. And the accuracy of the individual stories behind the links being shared wasn't tested. So, while these sites may have been consistent sources of misinformation, there's still a chance they published some accurate articles that were shared.
Just like every other ‘study’ OP posts, this is full of speculation. Garbage.

The researchers can't confirm whether the voter in question had full control (or any control) over their account during the election season. And the accuracy of the individual stories behind the links being shared wasn't tested. So, while these sites may have been consistent sources of misinformation, there's still a chance they published some accurate articles that were shared.
Same song different day from that asshat.
My mom is one.
She has no interest in learning the truth, she just knows she's right.
She told my brothers and I that she doesn't' want to talk about it "I know I'm right" when we corrected her about something last year.
What are you going to do, she's 81.
Sounds like my MiL...also 81.

She only has one son so not the same person. :)
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I read that as “older women are spreaders” and figured all the HORT old farts were posting naughty wife pics in here.
My mom is one.
She has no interest in learning the truth, she just knows she's right.
She told my brothers and I that she doesn't' want to talk about it "I know I'm right" when we corrected her about something last year.
What are you going to do, she's 81.
I'm more "assertive" when I correct my mother-in-law. (pic in the hot but dry thread)
My mom is one.
She has no interest in learning the truth, she just knows she's right.
She told my brothers and I that she doesn't' want to talk about it "I know I'm right" when we corrected her about something last year.
What are you going to do, she's 81.

I think I’ve heard the answer to this one. She’s supposed to throw away her degree, start a family, and spend more time in the kitchen.

Another one solved.
I'm more "assertive" when I correct my mother-in-law. (pic in the hot but dry thread)
My mother's politics are not rational and I've just come to live with it.
She hated Clinton because he was a 'slime ball', but loves Trump.
She was against overturning Roe, but that wasn't his fault.
Trump 'loves America'.

I love my mom, she's great, but she lives in a house where Fox News is on in at least 2 rooms 18 hours a day. They're angry and afraid - like they're supposed to be and don't understand that it's designed to do that to them.
My mother's politics are not rational and I've just come to live with it.
She hated Clinton because he was a 'slime ball', but loves Trump.
She was against overturning Roe, but that wasn't his fault.
Trump 'loves America'.

I love my mom, she's great, but she lives in a house where Fox News is on in at least 2 rooms 18 hours a day. They're angry and afraid - like they're supposed to be and don't understand that it's designed to do that to them.
So what does chjis watch to have become so angry and afraid? 🤣
Just like every other ‘study’ OP posts, this is full of speculation. Garbage.

The researchers can't confirm whether the voter in question had full control (or any control) over their account during the election season. And the accuracy of the individual stories behind the links being shared wasn't tested. So, while these sites may have been consistent sources of misinformation, there's still a chance they published some accurate articles that were shared.

Sure, Jan.

EVERY ONE of the old women accounts was "hacked". That's your story now.
My folks are in this boat. In the past 5-8 years they’ve bought a home security system, have multiple guns and constantly worried about this or that. They live in a tiny town where everyone knows everyone and where nothing ever happens and still feel this way. Only explanation is Fox News being on constantly.
My folks are in this boat. In the past 5-8 years they’ve bought a home security system, have multiple guns and constantly worried about this or that. They live in a tiny town where everyone knows everyone and where nothing ever happens and still feel this way. Only explanation is Fox News being on constantly.
Fox has ruined the final years of millions of American lives.

It’s a massive tragedy and will be written about in history books.
My folks are in this boat. In the past 5-8 years they’ve bought a home security system, have multiple guns and constantly worried about this or that. They live in a tiny town where everyone knows everyone and where nothing ever happens and still feel this way. Only explanation is Fox News being on constantly.

A security system and gun ownership? Oh no...

This cannot stand.
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My folks are in this boat. In the past 5-8 years they’ve bought a home security system, have multiple guns and constantly worried about this or that. They live in a tiny town where everyone knows everyone and where nothing ever happens and still feel this way. Only explanation is Fox News being on constantly.
The horror! :eek:
Low intelligence in education.

But you already know that.

Republicans actually brag about that appeal.

The left is rebelling against standardized testing and even the issuance of grades. In other instances their engaging in gradeflation.