50hr/week salary commercial carpenter specializing in Historical renovations. My knees and back hurt a lot for a 32 year old but it seems worth it when i get home and reflect on the challenging things i created throughout my day. I have always been at my best when im on the move making things happen even if they are difficult. My driving force in life it seems. Also it keeps me strong and in shape as i age! Cubicles are definitely not for me...
I always make time to check the wrestling boards everyday to catch up with the sport we all love. I may vent a little and come off crass sometimes but i mean well i promise! Thanks for putting up with me!
WildTurk, it's a tie between you and el dub for who I am most jealous of, job-wise. I love working with carpentry renovations and by far prefer the woodwork from 120 years ago to the woodwork from 20 years ago. We have a couple of old Queen Anne Victorians (c. 1900 and 1910) on Kirkwood Ave in Iowa City that I've been banging away on for years. They just don't make 'em like that anymore.
Day job is writing and educational research in assessment...worked my way up through the Test Development group at the U of I's most successful spin-off start-up ever--ACT. Was a director then executive for a while, now shuffled over into strategic research on innovative assessments and technologies that use artificial intelligence, machine learning. I tell you boys, these computers are going to be running our lives PDQ, nodoudaboudit. When they do, you'll find me back in the shop hunched over my table saw and grinning like a fool, listening to Ironside barking on the AM radio.....