OT - How many of you guys (gals) have real jobs?

Skiing in Humboldt was a blast as a kid. We took whichever kids wanted to go on a school bus in Elem School and Jr High and it was a great day. Only did it once a year, but fell in love with it and started heading to Minny to go skiing as I got older with buddies through High School
Having lived in Jackson, Wyoming for three decades (skiing that mountain on both sides), having lived in Ketchum, Idaho and skied Mount Baldy. having skied all the Northern Colorado ski resorts while living in Fort Collins, Colorado, having been a season pass holder at Squall Valley, Ca for a few years ... I find the Humboldt ski area interesting, especially when Algona was close by.
Yeah, but in the back of your head, you're probably giggling at the Air Force guys.
Air Force guys ... I was an AF ParaRescue Diver once upon a time. Believe me, not an easy task making that outfit. No Navy Seal team of recent has gone in on a dangerous mission without an AF Para Rescue Diver or AF Combat Controller. Just standing up for the US Air Force. Go Hawks!!!
23.5 years of police work for the same agency, with multiple assignments throughout Pennsylvania. My current rank and position virtually confine me to my office. I'm going to retire in 18 months, in order to spend more time on HR.

Good man, and thanks for your service! After retirement, you can move to IC and join Chief and bb in heading up the IC HWC chapter! Think about it!;) That, or you could go undercover and provide human intelligence on the recruiting scene in PA. Your choice.:cool:
I deliver bread for nickels bakery... I visit this board and bwi at least 10 times daily.... my 2 struggles in life are convincing my 17yr old daughter that there is great wrestling all over America and not just in state college.... the 2nd one is convincing my wife that I get more out of life from you guys and bwi compared to real housewives tv shows!
I try to work between shoulder, back and knee surgeries.

Sounds like me. 2 Knee surgeries from college wrestling, now knee replacement. Other knee needs scoped. Doctor says I can still ski though, just no big jumps (Hint, hint Mike @, you could invite me out. Jackson Hole is on my bucket list.). 2 back surgeries, need another. Have needed shoulder surgery since Senior year of H.S. My Rheumatoid Arthritis pretty much guarantees I'll be having more metal in my body. Maybe I wouldn't have played so hard if I'd known I was going to get RA.
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I have a real job, but if I told you the details I'd have to kill all of you, which would sadden me.

I peruse HR on a break from time to time, but I literally have about 7 months worth of work on my desk and "They" aren't giving me and my "crew" 7 months to get it done! So I don't have time for witty banter on Al Gores invention throughout the day. Plus I have to set a good example for the "yutes", so they understand that the harder you work the luckier you'll be! :D
Own apartments which I spend 99% of work time on, no one wishes to talk about outside the business. Own a ski area that takes the other 1% and that everyone wants to talk about. Since I work mostly in a cave, I can surf in any time of day.

Ran distance in HS and coached my sons team to win State in 2009 with many high places in track and XC over those 5 years, and later college schollies for them and 4 others.

Train year around to ski and dirt bike in mtns in an attempt to extend adolescence beyond all previous limits.

Bored now by professional sports. Enjoy amateur athletics, especially those that take; hard work, discipline, dedication (distance running, wrestling, gymnastics (friend from 2nd grade on is best mens coach in the country) etc etc)
I love my job; however, in my late 50's and I am looking forward to retiring in 4 years in one piece. Hollywood Stuntman for 27 years. Born and raised in a small town in Iowa in the 70's/80's. I think wrestling from 3rd grade through high school helped with my work ethic as I have to keep in shape for my gigs. I always look back at my Iowa farm boy days fondly. Like Gable said, "Once you've wrestled, everything else is easy".
Good man, and thanks for your service! After retirement, you can move to IC and join Chief and bb in heading up the IC HWC chapter! Think about it!;) That, or you could go undercover and provide human intelligence on the recruiting scene in PA. Your choice.:cool:

Sweet! Now when someone asks me what I'm going to do in retirement I can honestly say, "I'm kicking around a couple of ideas" LOL.
Sounds like me. 2 Knee surgeries from college wrestling, now knee replacement. Other knee needs scoped. Doctor says I can still ski though, just no big jumps (Hint, hint Mike @, you could invite me out. Jackson Hole is on my bucket list.). 2 back surgeries, need another. Have needed shoulder surgery since Senior year of H.S. My Rheumatoid Arthritis pretty much guarantees I'll be having more metal in my body. Maybe I wouldn't have played so hard if I'd known I was going to get RA.

Another labrum surgery, mcl and back fusion coming up. C4-C7 are next. It sucks being a badass, lol, when you're young, it catches up with you. Early forties and wishing our lifespan was still about 40.

Since you can't get narcotics anymore I guesd I'm going with heroin.jk
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This thread seems to have slowed down and gotten a little off track, so I'll put it back on, at least for one post.

I'm a CNC machine operator. Long story how I ended up there, but I won't bore you all with it. Just finished my 40th year with the same company, and unless I win the lottery (or get the 200k I spoke of earlier) I have five and a half more years until I can retire, especially with my youngest in his third year at U of I.

I'm impressed that so many of you have jobs you love, or at least have some freedom in or control over. It's also great that so many of you serve(d) in the armed forces or public service. I knew there were several, but had no idea just how many. I feel like this thread has been very enlightening, and I'm glad to have all this new knowledge.

I hope other people will chime in and educate us some more, and I hope other people have enjoyed it as much as I have.
I work in radiation protection at a government facility out west. I used to spend a lot of time in a hazmat suit and respirator where I could at least get dual and tournament updates through the control room window. Lately though I do more work in secure facilities without even a phone available. Most of my time to catch up on wrestling has to wait until after work and the kids have gone to bed. PBPs and grades, etc. are very much appreciated!
I'm impressed that so many of you have jobs you love, or at least have some freedom in or control over. It's also great that so many of you serve(d) in the armed forces or public service. I knew there were several, but had no idea just how many. I feel like this thread has been very enlightening, and I'm glad to have all this new knowledge.

I hope other people will chime in and educate us some more, and I hope other people have enjoyed it as much as I have.

Many of us here also spent time in the Military even though we weren't "lifers" like Chief, AFHawk and others.

I won't even go into the intelligence level discussion of "short timers" vs. "lifers" for obvious reasons..............
Another labrum surgery, mcl and back fusion coming up. C4-C7 are next. It sucks being a badass, lol, when you're young, it catches up with you. Early forties and wishing our lifespan was still about 40.

Since you can't get narcotics anymore I guesd I'm going with heroin.jk

You might be surprised what cannabis or low-thc cannabidiol can do for inflammation and chronic pain management. I’m sure el dub can testify. But it kinda depends on what state you live in or what your risk tolerance is like......The Breadbasket hasn’t quite figured out its medicinal charms here, yet.