Patrick Downey

Originally posted by WEH8ST8HAWK:
Is in the finals at 197 at the JUCO Nationals. A major decision and 2 pins so far.
Good for him. I wouldn't touch him with a 10 foot pole if I were a college coach.
SPOONER- I commend you for your dedication. Everyone time one of us yahoos posts Downey's name, you remind us that he has history of poor choices.

In the end, depth at 197, of any kind, would be nice.
You do realize that the kid plead guilty to 1 count of simple assault. All the other charges were dropped and the 2 Navy guys were in their 20's and the started the fight with a high school junior and senior. But the facts probably don't matter to you. He was last in trouble in 2010 and plead guilty in October 2011. I would definitely take a chance on the kid if he is interested.
Originally posted by WEH8ST8HAWK:
You do realize that the kid plead guilty to 1 count of simple assault. All the other charges were dropped and the 2 Navy guys were in their 20's and the started the fight with a high school junior and senior. But the facts probably don't matter to you. He was last in trouble in 2010 and plead guilty in October 2011. I would definitely take a chance on the kid if he is interested.
Doesn't matter...a guy can never redeem himself from dirtbag status or be allowed to, God forbid, grow up while in college.
Originally posted by Azchief32:

Originally posted by WEH8ST8HAWK:
You do realize that the kid plead guilty to 1 count of simple assault. All the other charges were dropped and the 2 Navy guys were in their 20's and the started the fight with a high school junior and senior. But the facts probably don't matter to you. He was last in trouble in 2010 and plead guilty in October 2011. I would definitely take a chance on the kid if he is interested.
Doesn't matter...a guy can never redeem himself from dirtbag status or be allowed to, God forbid, grow up while in college.
I thought I had recovered well Chief; but now that I'm aware there's no chance for redemption...
Originally posted by WEH8ST8HAWK:
You do realize that the kid plead guilty to 1 count of simple assault. All the other charges were dropped and the 2 Navy guys were in their 20's and the started the fight with a high school junior and senior. But the facts probably don't matter to you. He was last in trouble in 2010 and plead guilty in October 2011. I would definitely take a chance on the kid if he is interested.
Why isn't he at Nebraska?
You tell me Spooner. You seem to know everything. I am all ears. Make sure it is facts only because rumors are like, well, you know the rest.
Originally posted by SPOONER:

Originally posted by WEH8ST8HAWK:

You do realize that the kid plead guilty to 1 count of simple assault. All the other charges were dropped and the 2 Navy guys were in their 20's and the started the fight with a high school junior and senior. But the facts probably don't matter to you.
He was last in trouble in 2010 and plead guilty in October 2011. I would definitely take a chance on the kid if he is interested.
Why isn't he at Nebraska?

He still looking for COOTER RAY!!! He couldn't find him so he stole a car and drove to Fort Dodge to hide out!!
Originally posted by WEH8ST8HAWK:
You tell me Spooner. You seem to know everything. I am all ears. Make sure it is facts only because rumors are like, well, you know the rest.
I don't know the answer. That's why I asked.

I'm a big fan of 2nd chances but I get the sense this kid is beyond #2.

The he next good thing I hear about him will be the first so my opinion is stay away. If someone has a different opinion, so be it.
Originally posted by SPOONER:

Originally posted by WEH8ST8HAWK:
You tell me Spooner. You seem to know everything. I am all ears. Make sure it is facts only because rumors are like, well, you know the rest.
I don't know the answer. That's why I asked.

I'm a big fan of 2nd chances but I get the sense this kid is beyond #2.

The he next good thing I hear about him will be the first so my opinion is stay away. If someone has a different opinion, so be it.
None of this matters if Brands and Co. don't reach out. So until they do, I'm not concerned either way. He is at a Juco, he has to leave sometime, so if he has 4 year college wrestling aspirations, whomever does sign him will have to determine how many of his nine lives have been used up.
Originally posted by sloehawk:
None of this matters if Brands and Co. don't reach out. So until they do, I'm not concerned either way. He is at a Juco, he has to leave sometime, so if he has 4 year college wrestling aspirations, whomever does sign him will have to determine how many of his nine lives have been used up.
Of course. That's what we are talking about here--whether Iowa should pursue.

Let me say I truly hope this kid has turned things around, whether he ends up at Iowa or not.
Originally posted by SPOONER:

Originally posted by sloehawk:
None of this matters if Brands and Co. don't reach out. So until they do, I'm not concerned either way. He is at a Juco, he has to leave sometime, so if he has 4 year college wrestling aspirations, whomever does sign him will have to determine how many of his nine lives have been used up.
Of course. That's what we are talking about here--whether Iowa should pursue.

Let me say I truly hope this kid has turned things around, whether he ends up at Iowa or not.
I get it. Speculation runs rampant, so carry on.

Maybe we should make it more interesting and determine if the Easter Bunny has a better chance of coming to Iowa than Downey. And to up the ante, if they're the same weight, who do we take?
I thought I read there was bad stuff on his twitter, so I decided to cyber spy him (Kwood, do you have that emoji?).

Nothing bad to report. He does retweet Metcalf, thanks his coaches and tweeted something like if I was at Iowa, they'd won that dual.

Anyway, in Brands we trust. If they recruit him, then I believe they know what they are doing. If they don't recruit, all is fine.
Originally posted by Vallholl:
I thought I read there was bad stuff on his twitter, so I decided to cyber spy him (Kwood, do you have that emoji?).

Nothing bad to report. He does retweet Metcalf, thanks his coaches and tweeted something like if I was at Iowa, they'd won that dual.

Anyway, in Brands we trust. If they recruit him, then I believe they know what they are doing. If they don't recruit, all is fine.

So Downey thinks Downey is taking out J'Den Cox? Ummm, OK.

(and here I thought Vallholl would be posting what the lineup would look like with the Easter Bunny in it! - disappointed to be sure)
Yeah, well that is what I read on twitter. He also mentioned he had to cut to make 197 recently, I was guessing he wasn't implying about 184. And do I even need to mention that I have zero problems with TnT recruiting confident wrestlers.

Regarding the Easter Bunny, he's got to cut a lot to get to 285 so I will be watching that as I work on my lineups for next year.
Originally posted by Vallholl:
I thought I read there was bad stuff on his twitter, so I decided to cyber spy him (Kwood, do you have that emoji?).

Nothing bad to report. He does retweet Metcalf, thanks his coaches and tweeted something like if I was at Iowa, they'd won that dual.

Anyway, in Brands we trust. If they recruit him, then I believe they know what they are doing. If they don't recruit, all is fine.
For me, this is really it in a nut shell. Everyone on the boards here is too far removed from what is going on in this guy's life. I'm sure if Brands wants him at Iowa, there is certainly a good chance he would work out. I won't go by what some poster said on a message board.
You guys don't do a good enough job of stalking him on Twitter. Last week he was bragging about drinking before practice on Twiitter. I called him out on it and he has since deleted the Tweet. I quoted it so I still have record of it. Honestly, this kid is a cancer and I'm not planning on him doing great things at the D1 level. His Midlands performance in a weak 197 lbs. bracket should be enough proof.
Originally posted by McCulloughd:

Originally posted by SPOONER:

Originally posted by WEH8ST8HAWK:
Is in the finals at 197 at the JUCO Nationals. A major decision and 2 pins so far.
Good for him. I wouldn't touch him with a 10 foot pole if I were a college coach.
I guess the good thing is that your not a college coach.
Meh. It's a message board. To each their own but I don't think too many coaches are lining up for his services. Might be wrong.
Originally posted by sloehawk:

I get it. Speculation runs rampant, so carry on.

Maybe we should make it more interesting and determine if the Easter Bunny has a better chance of coming to Iowa than Downey. And to up the ante, if they're the same weight, who do we take?
I got some secret footage of our new recruit in action.
Originally posted by Chuck C:

Originally posted by sloehawk:

I get it. Speculation runs rampant, so carry on.

Maybe we should make it more interesting and determine if the Easter Bunny has a better chance of coming to Iowa than Downey. And to up the ante, if they're the same weight, who do we take?
I got some secret footage of our new recruit in action.
This is Classic, Job well done!
Originally posted by Choco Taco:
You guys don't do a good enough job of stalking him on Twitter. Last week he was bragging about drinking before practice on Twiitter. I called him out on it and he has since deleted the Tweet. I quoted it so I still have record of it. Honestly, this kid is a cancer and I'm not planning on him doing great things at the D1 level. His Midlands performance in a weak 197 lbs. bracket should be enough proof.
Sounds like someone is doing a good enough job of stalking him on Twitter to cover all the rest of us.
Originally posted by Chuck C:

Originally posted by sloehawk:

I get it. Speculation runs rampant, so carry on.

Maybe we should make it more interesting and determine if the Easter Bunny has a better chance of coming to Iowa than Downey. And to up the ante, if they're the same weight, who do we take?
I got some secret footage of our new recruit in action.
While I like EBs technique and energy level, he really looks undersized for a 197/295. do we really need another wrestler much smaller than our opponents?? Doesn't look very muscular either. I'm skeptical - looks like a room bunny to me.
Originally posted by Chuck C:

Originally posted by sloehawk:

I get it. Speculation runs rampant, so carry on.

Maybe we should make it more interesting and determine if the Easter Bunny has a better chance of coming to Iowa than Downey. And to up the ante, if they're the same weight, who do we take?
I got some secret footage of our new recruit in action.
Well Played Sir!

I knew there was a Bunny out there. Looks more like a 165 lber but....................
Originally posted by Jackhawk87:

While I like EBs technique and energy level, he really looks undersized for a 197/295. do we really need another wrestler much smaller than our opponents?? Doesn't look very muscular either. I'm skeptical - looks like a room bunny to me.
Askren doesn't look muscular nor does Borschel, but they're strong enough to compete. Don't let appearance cloud your appraisal too much.
The more I see of the EB, the more I think he does wrestle the Iowa Style. He does a lot on the edge. I do like he moves fwd in the video.

And I hate to point out the obvious but is that move legal? I mean is it a "slam"? And BTW, we have an opening at 165.
Originally posted by sloehawk:

Originally posted by Vallholl:
I thought I read there was bad stuff on his twitter, so I decided to cyber spy him (Kwood, do you have that emoji?).

Nothing bad to report. He does retweet Metcalf, thanks his coaches and tweeted something like if I was at Iowa, they'd won that dual.

Anyway, in Brands we trust. If they recruit him, then I believe they know what they are doing. If they don't recruit, all is fine.

So Downey thinks Downey is taking out J'Den Cox? Ummm, OK.

(and here I thought Vallholl would be posting what the lineup would look like with the Easter Bunny in it! - disappointed to be sure)
I don't know this kid from Adam and don't really care if he becomes a Hawk but...don't we want guys who think they can beat a Cox? Outside issues aside, don't we want a guy with swagger? Gable used to say he would never put the black singlet on someone who did not think they could win. I know of a couple of times starters were sat because they did not show a winning attitude. No one is unbeatable. Why would this attitude be discouraged? I don't want realist on my team. I want guys who shoot for the moon.
Sloe....not bagging you. Sorry if it seems that way. I just have seen a few post where guys thinking they can beat a top guys were banged for saying it. No disrespect Sloe. I want guys with that attitude. Not the issues though if they are there.
Originally posted by Vallholl:
The more I see of the EB, the more I think he does wrestle the Iowa Style. He does a lot on the edge. I do like he moves fwd in the video.

And I hate to point out the obvious but is that move legal? I mean is it a "slam"? And BTW, we have an opening at 165.
2016 Hawks

133- Clark

EB could get some team point taken away in duals with his slam antics also he's not going to get away with the kicks to the face in scrambles that others do with his very large Bunny feet. I also heard he's got no trouble cutting weight, he's on this carrots and clovers diet.
Originally posted by 255:
Originally posted by sloehawk:

Originally posted by Vallholl:
I thought I read there was bad stuff on his twitter, so I decided to cyber spy him (Kwood, do you have that emoji?).

Nothing bad to report. He does retweet Metcalf, thanks his coaches and tweeted something like if I was at Iowa, they'd won that dual.

Anyway, in Brands we trust. If they recruit him, then I believe they know what they are doing. If they don't recruit, all is fine.

So Downey thinks Downey is taking out J'Den Cox? Ummm, OK.

(and here I thought Vallholl would be posting what the lineup would look like with the Easter Bunny in it! - disappointed to be sure)
I don't know this kid from Adam and don't really care if he becomes a Hawk but...don't we want guys who think they can beat a Cox? Outside issues aside, don't we want a guy with swagger? Gable used to say he would never put the black singlet on someone who did not think they could win. I know of a couple of times starters were sat because they did not show a winning attitude. No one is unbeatable. Why would this attitude be discouraged? I don't want realist on my team. I want guys who shoot for the moon.
Sloe....not bagging you. Sorry if it seems that way. I just have seen a few post where guys thinking they can beat a top guys were banged for saying it. No disrespect Sloe. I want guys with that attitude. Not the issues though if they are there.
Believe it or not, honestly, before I read your post, I was looking thru the thread and looked at mine and it did occur to me that even though I think the idea is "out there" (beating J'Den Cox), the thought did cross my mind that that is the kind of attitude we like. So you're correct. Not sure why it didn't hit me before, but I guess my 1st thought was as stated, good to believe you can do it even if it seems far-fetched I guess.

At the end of the day, I like the attitude, I like it even better if you can back it up.............................
Ha. Right. The talking is the easy part. Backing it up can be tricky.

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