Patriot Front seems like a swell group

Literally anything can then be classified as a conspiracy to riot. It isn't ok.
Again, patently ridiculous and totally ignorant of the law.
18 US Code Section 2101
(a)Whoever travels in interstate or foreign commerce or uses any facility of interstate or foreign commerce, including, but not limited to, the mail, telegraph, telephone, radio, or television, with intent—
to incite a riot; or
to organize, promote, encourage, participate in, or carry on a riot

Shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned not more than five years, or both

The statute is limited and quite specific as to what constitutes the elements of the underlying crime charged here.

I can't quite decide if you are bing intentionally deceitful or are just willfully ignorant --the more you post dumb shit on these topics makes it look much closer to the latter.
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Funny how they can arrest these guys for "conspiracy to riot" without having any proof other than they were dressed alike.
"It is clear to us based on the gear that the individuals had with them, the stuff they had in their possession and in the U-Haul with them, along with paperwork that was seized from them, that they came to riot downtown," said Coeur d'Alene Police Chief Lee White.
Good post. Funny how they can arrest these guys for "conspiracy to riot" without having any proof other than they were dressed alike. Meanwhile, you've got people protesting outside of supreme court justices houses, actually breaking the law that go unpunished. In fact, the government has encouraged it. What we have here is selective justice. It's fanning the flames of devision and needs to stop
What law are the protestors outside the judges houses violating?
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Again, patently ridiculous and totally ignorant of the law.
18 US Code Section 2101
(a)Whoever travels in interstate or foreign commerce or uses any facility of interstate or foreign commerce, including, but not limited to, the mail, telegraph, telephone, radio, or television, with intent—
to incite a riot; or
to organize, promote, encourage, participate in, or carry on a riot

Shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned not more than five years, or both

The statute is limited and quite specific as to what constitutes the elements of the underlying crime charged here.

I can't quite decide if you are bing intentionally deceitful or are just willfully ignorant --the more you post dumb shit on these topics makes it look much closer to the latter.
What a bullshit law. Intent to incite a riot. Golly mister that could mean anything. Like organizing to go protest.
"It is clear to us based on the gear that the individuals had with them, the stuff they had in their possession and in the U-Haul with them, along with paperwork that was seized from them, that they came to riot downtown," said Coeur d'Alene Police Chief Lee White.
Thought crimes.
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What a bullshit law. Intent to incite a riot. Golly mister that could mean anything. Like organizing to go protest.

If you don’t like the law, blame the people who passed it largely to arrest black protesters during the civil rights movement.

The Chicago 7, for example. But you probably weren’t quite as outraged by that application of the law.
These guys are probably some of the biggest pieces of shit there are but I hope the police have proof they were planning on rioting vs counter protesting. As much as I disagree with their views, they still have a right to protest.
If you don’t like the law, blame the people who passed it largely to arrest black protesters during the civil rights movement.

The Chicago 7, for example. But you probably weren’t quite as outraged by that application of the law.
Let's go ahead and follow your idiotic logic. Literally anyone thinking about protesting and discussing it ahead of time can be charged with conspiracy to riot. So about your Chicago 7....they were acquitted you moron
The American Flag is kryptonite to most Dem's. So yeah, go for it.

Certainly several "woke committee's" have been formed and "offensive" algorithms humming along looking for reasons to change it.

No doubt there's a large group of so called American's, that are "offended" by Stars, and therefore there's most assuredly another large group "offended" by Stripes. Stay tuned to see who wins that "battle for justice". LOL!

One thing we know for certain, these people are Fing Batshit cray-cray.
Just so you know, if the guys in the Patriot Front get to be in charge, they will have no reservations about putting your neck under their boot heels.
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Northern Idaho is a magnet for crazies. It is a hotbed of white nationalism, and it's always worth reminding people that scum like Randy Weaver lived in the area waging his fight against the ZOG.
Sorry but anyone just blindly lapping up whatever story we're fed on a daily basis is at best willfully ignorant.
Why's this patriot front guy have an fbi labeled megaphone? Fbi wasn't involved in the arrest from what I've seen? Just remember, the more we fight with each other, the less we fight with them...

I see you sympathize with nazis. You’re a douche
Sorry but anyone just blindly lapping up whatever story we're fed on a daily basis is at best willfully ignorant.
Why's this patriot front guy have an fbi labeled megaphone? Fbi wasn't involved in the arrest from what I've seen? Just remember, the more we fight with each other, the less we fight with them...

Okay, new guy. You are saying we shouldn't fight with each other, in a thread about a white supremacist group getting ready to crack some skulls, and, who is them?
Okay, new guy. You are saying we shouldn't fight with each other, in a thread about a white supremacist group getting ready to crack some skulls, and, who is them?
Them is whoever is pumping every possible divisive story into the news cycle 24/7, including plenty that are sensationalized, exaggerated or complete bullshit. Anyhow, carry on with your endless hate-filled arguing. I'm sure it's super productive.
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Good post. Funny how they can arrest these guys for "conspiracy to riot" without having any proof other than they were dressed alike. Meanwhile, you've got people protesting outside of supreme court justices houses, actually breaking the law that go unpunished. In fact, the government has encouraged it. What we have here is selective justice. It's fanning the flames of devision and needs to stop

Isn't the guy that called 911 on himself charged with attempted murder?
Sorry but anyone just blindly lapping up whatever story we're fed on a daily basis is at best willfully ignorant.
Why's this patriot front guy have an fbi labeled megaphone? Fbi wasn't involved in the arrest from what I've seen? Just remember, the more we fight with each other, the less we fight with them...

Thanks for your thoughts fbandbb/NCH5/Jose Jr.
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The American Flag is kryptonite to most Dem's. So yeah, go for it.

Certainly several "woke committee's" have been formed and "offensive" algorithms humming along looking for reasons to change it.

No doubt there's a large group of so called American's, that are "offended" by Stars, and therefore there's most assuredly another large group "offended" by Stripes. Stay tuned to see who wins that "battle for justice". LOL!

One thing we know for certain, these people are Fing Batshit cray-cray.
Apostrophe usage appears to be your kryptonite.
Not at all. I have no idea who those morons are but I'm not niave enough to put anything past our government at this point.

Sorry but anyone just blindly lapping up whatever story we're fed on a daily basis is at best willfully ignorant.
Why's this patriot front guy have an fbi labeled megaphone? Fbi wasn't involved in the arrest from what I've seen? Just remember, the more we fight with each other, the less we fight with them...

These arrests must have struck a nerve.

The Coure d’ Alene area of Idaho has long been a hot-bed for pro-Nazi, anti-government and White supremist groups. As beautiful the area is naturally, there are a lot of misguided fruitcake Americans living there.
You used 'fruitcake Americans' when talking about a city hosting a Pride event, and you weren't talking about the people at the event. That's actually kind of funny.
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You used 'fruitcake Americans' when talking about a city hosting a Pride event, and you weren't talking about the people at the event. That's actually kind of funny.
I am sure judging by your moniker and religious persuasion, anything “ gay” trips your trigger. My question to you is IF you believe “gays” are such an abomination to humanity, why did God create them?
The vengeance seekers are the real sinners here, methinks. Where does Jesus Christ damn “gays” in the scriptures? Christ is much less tolerant of those who impose judgement upon others, isn’t He?

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