PBP #53 Chattanooga vs#2 Iowa

CS almost gets an ankle pick
and now he does and has him stacked
trying to come out
CS looks more agressive since the first shot by Palmer
under aa 1 min
CS single and then double but Palmer hips the party
another CS shot
SW on Palmer
wiht 20 second
CS shoots and Palmer counters and alsmost scores
CS fights it off
end of 1

2nd Palmer goes down.
Palmer up and out
clock not working
CS contines to touch the ankle
now Palmer has a single and it's deep
Nice defense by CS
CS on ankle
Another ankle shot and ends up draped over and SM
39 second left

CS has an ankle
Palmer locked in cortch
Trying to get danger!
now switches to a single and around like Murin last weekend
And steps over for TD for Cullen
3 seconds
brick is out
Call on mat is TD for Cullen.
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If over ruled, it's too bad as they cannot put them back into that spot
CS had both legs secured but Palmer was locked thru the legs
Grace seems skeptical.
However, CS has taken multiple shots to Palmers 2
Ruling is no takedown
2 seocnds left and they are on the feet
Grace doesn't disagree

CS goes neutral
And immediately has a n ankle
and this time Palmer is on top and CS is handing on to a leg
SM with 1:10
Palmer is touching a leg
again two shots to at least ten
CS another ankle
SW on Palmer
And CS fights for the TD and works the last 30 seconds but cannot get it
Had TD after the buzzer.
Ankle and dumped
CS has both lef

Palmer counters and CS rolls through
And with 3 seconds left, Palmer finishes
CS loses in OT
How was that not reviewed at the end of the 3rd? Per the TV clock at least, CD had both legs and the hand was on the mat. Was the real clock that far off? I note the Iowa corner didn’t go too crazy.
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TD was with 7 seocnds.

Real at 141
IN righ away
guy has an ankle
on legs
flat on the restart
bottom is doing nothing
working the fist to the back
Bottom nothing
Spencer tilt
4 count
tilt with a claw
(Evans type of tilt
under 1 min
By the way not very confident in ESPN scoreboard so very much could have been way off on clock.
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Joel Jesuroga at 149
Castillo #27
ESPN+ "Chattanoga is wrestling real well against Iowa"
We’re now 7 duals into our season and our preferred lineup hasn’t been out there yet. It shows. How hum 125 and a lot of shots and no scores at 133. Thankfully Real went tonight. We would have started this with 4 straight backups.

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