People who pass just to get in front of the pack and then slow down

^^^crappy driver

Angry Season 2 GIF by The Lonely Island
Straight to hell
I always say to that person, where in the hell do you think you are going. But what evs, my daily commute from Ankeny 'tis but a meander, compared to the rat races around the country and world. Whatever floats your boat - I will just listen to music a minute longer.
Straight to hell
We talking two or four lane road?

If two lane, then yes, horrible driver. If four lane, then blame the people for being cattle, following the leader.

Me, I pass everyone and set the cruise five above what that person was driving going to slow on a two lane. Love when they then bump up to my speed to piggy back off of me now being the speed leader.

What pisses me off is on a four lane and I’m passing in the passing lane and it’s typically a woman that then speeds up on the right as I’m passing to the point I’ve got to go 15 to 20 mph over the slow speed they were going because they don’t use their cruise control. Then after I pass them and get over, they slow back down to their previous slow speed. Either way, terrible drivers.
Me, I pass everyone and set the cruise five above what that person was driving going to slow on a two lane. Love when they then bump up to my speed to piggy back off of me now being the speed leader.

What pisses me off is on a four lane and I’m passing in the passing lane and it’s typically a woman that then speeds up on the right as I’m passing to the point I’ve got to go 15 to 20 mph over the slow speed they were going because they don’t use their cruise control. Then after I pass them and get over, they slow back down to their previous slow speed. Either way, terrible drivers.
As to your first paragraph, you are the radar prey on the open plain - thank you for your service taking the ticket for the pack. As to your second paragraph, I'm not sure it is gender specific, but I agree with your sentiment 100%.
Sounds like something an asshole driver would say.

I have started to just take the stance of there are a shit ton of bad drivers on the road, so if I want to be upset with bad drivers I will always have the opportunity. I do still spectate them all though. The excessive lane switcher that keeps getting caught at the same lights as me, the tailgater that doesn't have anything going on upstairs, the zoomer man fluffing up his perm, the people of literally all ages glued to their phones, the day drunks, the night drunks, the people that assume stoplights without power means no one has to stop, left lane loungers, the guy that refuses to use cruise, the person that passes a semi doing 70.1 mph and the semi does 70 mph, the cars that pile behind the car doing 70.1 and tailgate to the left of the semi, the list goes on.
How am I a crappy driver when I was saying that some people (such as the people that NEED to be in front) take things too personally?
You would not be. My take was that your take was that people get too worked up about people cutting them off, merge cheats, etc. If that was not your take then disregard.
You would not be. My take was that your take was that people get too worked up about people cutting them off, merge cheats, etc. If that was not your take then disregard.
Some people do take being cut off and merged into too personally. Is that incorrect?
Some people do take being cut off and merged into too personally. Is that incorrect?
Cutting someone off involves maneuvering thousands of pounds at speed in an unanticipated fashion, which is inherently dangerous. It provokes a fight or flight response. A response of anger is appropriate. Road rage is not. So, I would say for 99% it is not taken too personally, but for the 1% of whackos out there, it is taken too personally.
Cutting someone off involves maneuvering thousands of pounds at speed in an unanticipated fashion, which is inherently dangerous. It provokes a fight or flight response. A response of anger is appropriate. Road rage is not. So, I would say for 99% it is not taken too personally, but for the 1% of whackos out there, it is taken too personally.
Have you seen how pissy people get about zipper mergers? Speeding up to close the gap so people can't merge isn't a personal overreaction?
Have you seen how pissy people get about zipper mergers? Speeding up to close the gap so people can't merge isn't a personal overreaction?
So you are an asshole. GTF over when traffic is flowing freely, and don't speed to the front of the line jamming it up for those who got over when traffic was flowing freely.
So you are an asshole. GTF over when traffic is flowing freely, and don't speed to the front of the line jamming it up for those who got over when traffic was flowing freely.
That's the point of a zipper merge. Have fun sitting in line for a long ass time while I use the free lane until it ends.
That's the point of a zipper merge. Have fun sitting in line for a long ass time while I use the free lane until it ends.
I accept that your kind are out there. Just know that when your are doing that, you are being an asshole.
Doing what I'm supposed to be doing is not being an asshole. This is what I mean by people taking things too personally.
I know right? I'm totally out of control sitting here at my desk stating that I accept that your kind exists.
It's just a car ride, folks. Faster or slower, the goal is to get there with your sanity intact. And while yes, there are assholes galore on the roads today, my advice is to kick back and don't let asshole drivers ruin your day.

It simply ain't worth the aggravation.
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I have started to just take the stance of there are a shit ton of bad drivers on the road, so if I want to be upset with bad drivers I will always have the opportunity. I do still spectate them all though. The excessive lane switcher that keeps getting caught at the same lights as me, the tailgater that doesn't have anything going on upstairs, the zoomer man fluffing up his perm, the people of literally all ages glued to their phones, the day drunks, the night drunks, the people that assume stoplights without power means no one has to stop, left lane loungers, the guy that refuses to use cruise, the person that passes a semi doing 70.1 mph and the semi does 70 mph, the cars that pile behind the car doing 70.1 and tailgate to the left of the semi, the list goes on.
Pretty good list.
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Agree with OP, with an exception for: several times, I've moved to the left lane to let in a merging car. I get back in the right lane ahead of said merging car. Merging car driver drives up to my ass and is pissed that I'm now going slower than him/her
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Agree with OP, with an exception for: several times, I've moved to the left lane to let in a merging car. I get back in the right lane ahead of said merging car. Merging car driver drives up to my ass and is pissed that I'm now going slower than him/her
Then speed up a little?
Damn, still snow at the end of june.
Yup. North rim still closed. Left time to stop in You Gene and the Cuckoo's nest omw to Portland. I just lost a driver disc in Salem so now I need to gawk extra long at state hospital to avoid rush hour traffic