People who pass just to get in front of the pack and then slow down

I see so much stupid shit on the road, you can only laugh.

If I let the idiocy around me on the road drive me to a rage that I needed to act out on others, I'd be a spree killer with a massive body count over the years.

For instance, some jacktard - on the way out of Iowa City - this afternoon almost made me rear end them because they didn't remember/figure out the direction wanted/needed to go until they were halfway to 2/3 past a turn lane and in turn had to slow drastically to wait for space to merge into said turn lane.
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It happened to me 3-4 times today on I-35 in Minnesota. Filthy Gophers.
Agree with OP, with an exception for: several times, I've moved to the left lane to let in a merging car. I get back in the right lane ahead of said merging car. Merging car driver drives up to my ass and is pissed that I'm now going slower than him/her
Yup. Everyday. Not a fast driver anymore so I'll stay to the right.

Left lane has to be clear with noone coming hot for me to get over on a merge.

If traffic is heavy I have no problems slowing to let someone in BUT too many entitled assholes that feel they have the right to merge in at the speed they desire and it is up to you to get out of their way or slow down.....they are to merge into a steady paced flow of traffic.....not vica versa. Pisses me off to no end having to hit my brakes for these assholes when I can look in my rear view mirror and see noone close to my six.
Straight to hell
beating GIF
Only thing worse is when they speed past you 200 yards from an exit only to pull back in the right lane to exit in front of you ! Should be drawn and quartered
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I have started to just take the stance of there are a shit ton of bad drivers on the road, so if I want to be upset with bad drivers I will always have the opportunity. I do still spectate them all though. The excessive lane switcher that keeps getting caught at the same lights as me, the tailgater that doesn't have anything going on upstairs, the zoomer man fluffing up his perm, the people of literally all ages glued to their phones, the day drunks, the night drunks, the people that assume stoplights without power means no one has to stop, left lane loungers, the guy that refuses to use cruise, the person that passes a semi doing 70.1 mph and the semi does 70 mph, the cars that pile behind the car doing 70.1 and tailgate to the left of the semi, the list goes on.
Incomplete, but a very good start. Add the muscle car driver that never shows any muscle, often doubling down as a left lane loser. Also, the head of a pack on a two laner stuck behind a farm truck or semi who doesn’t have the balls to pass when the infrequent passing zone appears.
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I see so much stupid shit on the road, you can only laugh.

If I let the idiocy around me on the road drive me to a rage that I needed to act out on others, I'd be a spree killer with a massive body count over the years.

For instance, some jacktard - on the way out of Iowa City - this afternoon almost made me rear end them because they didn't remember/figure out the direction wanted/needed to go until they were halfway to 2/3 past a turn lane and in turn had to slow drastically to wait for space to merge into said turn lane.
That sounds like a move prompted by over reliance on GPS. They wait for the voice for guidance rather than reading the signs.