Your correct. Unfortunately we have NO idea if Perkins can shoot consistently either yet everyone wants him to be the SG. If he can, thats great, if not then he's really a tweener. Without a serious presense from deep across from him, (like JW) we'll struggle without a shooter at that spot. I do think TP can be a scorer, just not sure f he can be a shooter. You also have to realize that when they ran Luka outside because he was a serious threat to score from deep, that opened the lane for JW and others to drive. well that threat is GONE as well, unless Keegan steps up his jumper. His and Kris's growth will be crucial. There's a big difference between scoring 9 or 10 points a game when your option #4 and there's no pressure. When you have to be the man and the defense is game planning against you, its a little more difficult.