Players meeting with media today, July 16. Cade, on the Tim Lester Offense: "We’re starting from scratch. Nothing is the same. "

"Brendan Sullivan says it hasn’t been communicated to him whether he’ll compete to be the starter or is strictly QB2 going into this season. 'I’m just trying to compete, trying to be the best I can and fight my way to the top. I’m willing to accept my role, whatever it is.'"

This seems REALLY odd to me. You'd think that would have been one of the first topics discussed when Sullivan was being recruited to Iowa City. And you'd think the coaches would want to be transparent about their thinking.

I believe KF has been quoted several times this summer as saying if Cade is healthy, he's the No. 1 QB. But does that mean, as it just about always has, that there will be no competition for the starting job, that as long as Cade can hobble into the huddle, he's the guy, or does it mean that Cade starts out as No. 1 but that, if Sullivan plays better, he could get the starting nod for game 1?

It just seems weird that you'd bring Sullivan in, and that Sullivan would agree to join the program without knowing exactly what he was getting into.
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"Brendan Sullivan says it hasn’t been communicated to him whether he’ll compete to be the starter or is strictly QB2 going into this season. 'I’m just trying to compete, trying to be the best I can and fight my way to the top. I’m willing to accept my role, whatever it is.'"

This seems REALLY odd to me. You'd think that would have been one of the first topics discussed when Sullivan was being recruited to Iowa City. And you'd think the coaches would want to be transparent about their thinking.

I believe KF has been quoted several times this summer as saying if Cade is healthy, he's the No. 1 QB. But does that mean, as it just about always has, that there will be no competition for the starting job, that as long as Cade can hobble into the huddle, he's the guy, or does it mean that Cade starts out as No. 1 but that, if Sullivan plays better, he could get the starting nod for game 1?

It just seems weird that you'd bring Sullivan in, and that Sullivan would agree to join the program without knowing exactly what he was getting into.
To me that sounds like with a new OC maybe its up to Lester after actually working with the QB's in the spring, summer drills and fall camp. I'd like to see that be the case.....