I have been single for some time now. I had hoped to reconcile with a no pic x but apparently that ship has sailed. I’m in my late 40’s have no desire to use an app to meet a potential partner.
My no pic neighbor is roughly my age, smart, social and quite attractive. Since I know that any chance of reconciliation with my x is essentially gone, I have thought about asking this woman to go for a walk, meet for a drink, etc. Here’s the rub, in my limited experience with her, she never shuts up. She was walking her dogs this morning, she saw me and stopped to chat. She talked for a half hour straight without taking a breath and the majority of the time, I had no clue wtf she was talking about.
So do I ask her to do something in hopes she has a different gear? Do I continue to wait for my x? Or do I move along and hope the right person is out there?
I’m expecting some well thought out, rational, sound advice from you knuckle dragging trogs. TIA.