Please advise

Here’s the plan, Jelly: text your neighbor with invitation to meet for a drink.

Attach a picture of your weiner with a firm warning that, should she yap incessantly during the date you will have no choice but to insert said weiner into her mouth to shut her up.

If she’s relatively quiet during your date then “mission accomplished”. If she clucks the entire time tune it out and get ready to enjoy the blowjob.
The first time I met the woman who would become my no pic SiL, she talked non-stop for an hour. I was sure my brother would dump her...he had two other girlfriends at the time. Thirty-five years later, they're still married with two successful grown kids.

No, she never shut up and my (younger) brother had a stroke three years ago. It was a mild one as those things go but still...
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I have been single for some time now. I had hoped to reconcile with a no pic x but apparently that ship has sailed. I’m in my late 40’s have no desire to use an app to meet a potential partner.

My no pic neighbor is roughly my age, smart, social and quite attractive. Since I know that any chance of reconciliation with my x is essentially gone, I have thought about asking this woman to go for a walk, meet for a drink, etc. Here’s the rub, in my limited experience with her, she never shuts up. She was walking her dogs this morning, she saw me and stopped to chat. She talked for a half hour straight without taking a breath and the majority of the time, I had no clue wtf she was talking about.

So do I ask her to do something in hopes she has a different gear? Do I continue to wait for my x? Or do I move along and hope the right person is out there?

I’m expecting some well thought out, rational, sound advice from you knuckle dragging trogs. TIA.
She might just really like you and was nervous...hence the diarrhea mouth.

I'd give it a shot.
Dated a girl many years ago (no pic, pre-cell phones). She was drop dead gorgeous and had a great body. Took her to pound town a couple of times, but eventually I had to bail because she would never shut up. As in when we talked on the phone it would be minimum one hour (and I hate talking on the phone, or talking in general).

I still think about her sometimes tho. Looked her up on FB and she's still fine. But her husband looks like he wants to kill himself.
Sorry to hear of your past eating struggles Jelly, glad you’ve got it somewhat under control.
I know we haven’t seen each other in years, and you went full hippie since, but I always thought you were a good looking dude. I agree with other posters that she is obviously interested in you, and maybe it was just nerves that made her so talkative. No harm in asking her to go on a walk or get a drink somewhere. If you guys don’t hit it off, no biggie, at least you won’t have any second thoughts about not doing it. Good luck!
Would appreciate any brown eye pics.(Her’s not yours!)
Man I got through the entire first page of replies without anyone saying the obvious. She can’t talk if your d is in her mouth.

What are you waiting for?!!

Seriously, if she’s chatty she might like you. So as others have said tell her you’re going somewhere next time you see her and ask if she wants to join you. If she’s still annoys you there then go back to my original obvious answer above. Good luck.
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Never hurts to go grab a drink, OP. The only way it turns negative is if there are emotions involved….or if she’s effing crazy.

Is the ex in question the lady you chose to go hang with instead of having beers with me after your son’s football game at Prairie?! 🤨
How long were you two together and what caused the split? Is there another rooster in the hen house?
Oh man. I’m not seeing anyone, no clue if she is. We were together about 4 years. She was losing her mom to cancer and it just became toxic.
I’m not active in the dating scene but know people that are. I think Tinder is more for hookups and other sites like Bumble are for real relationships
Just so everyone is aware, if you match and then meet someone on Tinder, they're automatically giving you consent to bang them. Consent begins at app download.
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You are both older adults so just…wine her, dine her, 69 her.

You need unbridled break up sex to get your mind clear.
Make sure there is a clear, and decisive split between you and ex before pursuing any new tail. Especially if ex has any crazy. And definitely don't pursue new tail to get exes attention, or you get that roadkill yard sitch you mentioned
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Ahh, so outside forces. Grief is definitely a formidable foe. There could be reconciliation there.
It’s been almost 3 years since I moved out but we have remained in close-ish contact. I would do almost anything to reconcile, but I’m also a dumbfvck.