Please do it Europe, isolate us.

Except we pay for a lot of stuff and our market is too big for everyone of consequence to ignore us. So, yeah, reality is tough.
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We need more of this. Tell America to **** off and work together with the rest of the world. Don’t do any sort of business with us. Whether it’s trade, security intel, energy…etc.

Keep this coalition until trump is removed from office, passes away or is voted out.
This is VERY real for Europe as they know Russia will continue to expand until stopped...
Trump isn’t gonna president forever.

Pretty likely it’s gonna be a D in 2028 with the trajectory of things.

Hoping of a “isolated” US seems to be…short sighted.

Dems need to go out there and sell the prosperity we had from 1945, the beacon of freedom we were, the leader of the world. How we benefitted economically from the arrangements we built. And, at the same time, shit all over the russia loving assholes trying to throw the legacy of America under the bus for their own benefit.
Trump isn’t gonna president forever.

Pretty likely it’s gonna be a D in 2028 with the trajectory of things.

Hoping for a “isolated” US seems to be…short sighted.
The world will know America is only at most 4 years away from another possible authoritarian, isolationist, dictator supporting president. We cannot be trusted... for a very long time. We need serious reins on presidential power.
Trump isn’t gonna president forever.

Pretty likely it’s gonna be a D in 2028 with the trajectory of things.

Hoping for a “isolated” US seems to be…short sighted.
So, yes. I agree that it's short sighted. At the same time this damage to relationships won't be short lived, regardless of who takes office in 4 years. Europeans now understand that America is not a reliable ally and any argument that we were some force for good in the world has shown itself to be a complete fallacy. China sees this too. So long Taiwan.
Awesome! Tarriff wars and isolationist foreign policy. This worked out GREAT in the 1930's under the Republicans and Hoover! Let's go for round 2 of that!!
Yup. Was an utter failure.

And, I’m not averse having the U.S. fail miserably as the psyche of the country is sh1t.
The whole, “we’re #1 so suck it world” is the most annoying and embarrassing thing ever.
That would be awesome. America isolated from the world means we shut down our foreign bases and bring our troops home. No more foreign aid. No need for the CIA.

Make this happen! 🙏🏾
I’m afraid your deadass wrong MK…. With all tge fruitcakes abd anti-government “freedom” nuts, the country will face to double or triple its internal security/intelligence forces to keep any order possible.
We may have inky 5-10% of these nuts around but they are dangerous sumbitches.
Except we pay for a lot of stuff and our market is too big for everyone of consequence to ignore us. So, yeah, reality is tough.
If the rest of the world can cut just 10% of their business with us we go into recession. I don't think you've thought this through.

Xi is still pissed that Harris lost. No more appeasers in the White House for at least 4 years.
Remember when Xi flattered Trump into telling us all Xi was doing great with COVID and everything was contained? Those of us without selective amnesia do:

Gee, wonder why he likes him so much?…

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So, yes. I agree that it's short sighted. At the same time this damage to relationships won't be short lived, regardless of who takes office in 4 years. Europeans now understand that America is not a reliable ally and any argument that we were some force for good in the world has shown itself to be a complete fallacy. China sees this too. So long Taiwan.
You nailed it. We’re on the verge of total isolation. The alliance we built on American blood is close to over.