Please DO NOT join PETA!

Thomas Barnes

Feb 1, 2014
Denver, Colorado
Do you love animals? I do to! I just found out that PETA kills many animals at what they call a shelter. IT IS ALL A LIE! Please do not give this group any money unless you like dead pets! I made this mistake before and I do not want to see it happen again.
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Now I'm starting to think my new favorite poster might not be legit. Who's behind this Thomas Barnes character? This post is just too good to be true.
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I am a member of PETP - People for the Ethical Treatment of Plants.

It is a cruel thing we do to plants. We lovingly put them in the ground, water them, nurture them and then right when they reach their highest level of being we yank them out of ground, pick their fruits, or cut them down. Then we eat them often after subjecting them to mutilation and extremely high temperatures or some of you people smoke them and you know who you are. Plus to think nothing of the roots, the mom ma of the plant, one minute nurturing and helping her little plant grow and then the next nothing.

I must admit I like a good steak plus I feel I am doing my part to save the environment because cattle are a well known source of methane gas which is bad for the ozone.
Now I'm starting to think my new favorite poster might not be legit. Who's behind this Thomas Barnes character? This post is just too good to be true.

What is? 3 million people agree with me and I did not tell anybody to do anything I just aske questions. I have been clear that it makes me very mad when people hurt animals. Am I bad or not real because I have feelings?? From now on I will post about the weather!!
What is? 3 million people agree with me and I did not tell anybody to do anything I just aske questions. I have been clear that it makes me very mad when people hurt animals. Am I bad or not real because I have feelings?? From now on I will post about the weather!!

Think of the positive impact those 3 million people would make if they only focused their energy on a worthwhile endeavor.
The goals of PETA are commendable. Striving for the humane treatment of animals is something we should all aspire to. But PETA really wrecks this message with their tactics. The group needs to inspire, not be reduced to vandalism-like acts.
What is? 3 million people agree with me and I did not tell anybody to do anything I just aske questions. I have been clear that it makes me very mad when people hurt animals. Am I bad or not real because I have feelings?? From now on I will post about the weather!!

whats your stance on using animals for commercial products, like say custom made leather products?
Come with the list of other people who are that pathetic. I would like to think I am pretty useless.

You're plenty useless, but not on TB's level. I would argue the other possible trolls of beau and Steven. Arb is probably more pathetic. Now that you mention it, he ranks right up there.
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whats your stance on using animals for commercial products, like say custom made leather products?

What are you stupid? I HATE abusing animals in any form. What would you call killing them and making leather out of them. This is why I cannot believe people are calling me dumb. Look around here!!
You're plenty useless, but not on TB's level. I would argue the other possible trolls of beau and Steven. Arb is probably more pathetic. Now that you mention it, he ranks right up there.

Thanks man. I'm not a troll I'm just that pathetic. But I'm a functional reject.

Doesn't he live in Denver? How do you not know what CASA Bonita's is?

What are you stupid? I HATE abusing animals in any form. What would you call killing them and making leather out of them. This is why I cannot believe people are calling me dumb. Look around here!!

You know that PETA classifies your raising of rabbits and selling them for pets as abusive, right?
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Do you place a higher value on animals than you do abused/neglected children?
And now you're dancing around my question. I asked you straight up if you thought that animal welfare was worthwhile, and instead you try shifting the argument towards children. If you don't care about animals, at least have the nuts to say so. But don't try turning this into an either/or proposition so that you don't have to answer.

And by the way, if push came to shove, I would choose the kids. But I'm also not so naive as to believe that we can only care about one issue at a time.
And now you're dancing around my question. I asked you straight up if you thought that animal welfare was worthwhile, and instead you try shifting the argument towards children. If you don't care about animals, at least have the nuts to say so. But don't try turning this into an either/or proposition so that you don't have to answer.

And by the way, if push came to shove, I would choose the kids. But I'm also not so naive as to believe that we can only care about one issue at a time.

I care about animals, but I wouldn't waste my personal human capital on their cause when there are so many more things we should be doing for our own species.