Poll: Are you an early adopter or a laggard?

When something new comes out, do you want it now or do you wait for the bugs to get worked out?

  • Early Adopter

    Votes: 6 19.4%
  • Laggard

    Votes: 11 35.5%
  • Somewhere in the middle

    Votes: 11 35.5%
  • OP's Mom

    Votes: 3 9.7%

  • Total voters

The Tradition

HR King
Apr 23, 2002
The Mazda CX-5 hasn't had a major revision since 2017. Just some tinkering around the edges over the years.

A lot of people think that's bad.

I think it's smart.

Do you have to have the newest thing that comes out, or do you wait to see how that shiny new thing holds up over time?
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I drive cars until they die, same with phones and computers. And I don't buy the latest and greatest when it's time to replace them. Especially cars, damn things are depressing money pits unless you actually enjoy cars and don't just drive because you basically have to in 99% of America. My current personal PC is a refurbished Dell desktop tower I got back in 2019 that I installed Linux Mint on once it was incompatible with Windows updates. Did same thing with Acer laptop I bought around 2015. Phone is a $150 Blu device that works better than the first iPhone and performs basically just as well as top of the line Samsung/Apple phones for what I use it for with the exception of camera quality (which is still better than a lot of the early digital cameras and not something I need to be top of the line because I'm usually only using it for practical reasons).
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I think there is an age component to this. I’m 44 so I would be part of the “transition” group who lived our first 20 years without cell phones and computers everywhere and the second half having it dominate everything.

With phones, I have a work cell phone. I was using an iPhone 8 from up until December when it finally was unusable. Darn battery. All of my other sales team gets the upgrade as soon as it comes out. I miss the “button” dearly.

I only have a couple years and I will officially be Clint Eastwood in Grand Torino.
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I like shiny new toys.

I've been buying Toyota Highlanders for years now. Been leasing, so I generally get a new one every 3 years. It's not financial sound, but as I said, I like new toys.

The new Grand Highlander came out last fall and there was one available that i had built to my specs. Awesome vehicle! Gorgeous, hybrid, bigger. It was also $58,000 (gulp) and the lease rate was 9%. So, I passed. Guess I'll drive my 2021 Highlander for a while longer.

Maybe I'm getting sensible in my old age. ;)
I like shiny new toys.

I've been buying Toyota Highlanders for years now. Been leasing, so I generally get a new one every 3 years. It's not financial sound, but as I said, I like new toys.

The new Grand Highlander came out last fall and there was one available that i had built to my specs. Awesome vehicle! Gorgeous, hybrid, bigger. It was also $58,000 (gulp) and the lease rate was 9%. So, I passed. Guess I'll drive my 2021 Highlander for a while longer.

Maybe I'm getting sensible in my old age. ;)

My lease is up on my Kia next year and that Grand Highlander caught my eye. I’m buying my next vehicle and owning it for 10 years.
Prices are outlandishly high right now. I was preaching to a younger colleague in the market to have a car you find fun, and a minivan, because there is no better value than a minivan, and you don’t have to worry about your kids or their friends flinging the door open and hitting something. Then I looked up what even a used sienna with AWD cost and I about spit my coffee out. Still the best choice for him but damn. Maybe it’s just a Toyota thing.
My lease is up on my Kia next year and that Grand Highlander caught my eye. I’m buying my next vehicle and owning it for 10 years.
The Grand is very nice. My DIL (no pics) bought the one I was looking at last fall and is very happy with it - and she's picky.
At $58k, it's now more than my first house, and actually more than I sold my first house for. We don't drive very much and I'm choaking on the cost.
The Grand is very nice. My DIL (no pics) bought the one I was looking at last fall and is very happy with it - and she's picky.
At $58k, it's now more than my first house, and actually more than I sold my first house for. We don't drive very much and I'm choaking on the cost.
I’m hoping there‘ll be used hybrids on the market when we’re looking to replace my wife’s car in a few years. My Ridgeline was totaled this past fall and when looking to replace I really liked they GH, but couldn’t wait 6 months for a hybrid.

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