POLL: Do you ever experience wealth guilt?

Do you ever have wealth guilt?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 11.8%
  • No

    Votes: 63 82.9%
  • Screw the little person

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • Depends [explain]

    Votes: 3 3.9%

  • Total voters


HB Legend
Oct 20, 2002
Do you ever experience wealth or financial stability guilt? I was raised where we could only afford knock offs, no Member's Only jackets or Reeboks...I got whatever we could afford from JCPenney and Payless Shoes. So, financial stability is not something I take likely...sometimes to the extent I don't want people to even see where I live. For example, my son's personal soccer trainer doesn't even have a car and lives with his mom (moved in to help with his dying father--quit his job and everything). I never drive my wife's Audi over there.

My (no pics) wife was helping her sister sift through a storage unit looking for old tax returns because the IRS is threatening to seize her bank accounts--that woman barely has two nickels to rub together. My wife hates that her sister struggles with 2 jobs and she doesn't have to work. My son was even called a "rich white kid" by one of his best friends last week.
I make about or a little more than my immediate coworkers, but my spouse makes way more than their partners. We have a house, no student loans, etc. They are renting and buried in debt. Things like needing a car repair absolutely wrecks them, where it doesn't for us.

So sometimes I feel bad in that sense.
My mom is dirt poor and I supplement her income (and have since 2016) and pretty much handle any "bumps in the night" expenses.
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As I've gotten older and have moved past middle age, I've learned how little so many people have even beyond wealth. I now have friends who can't leave their homes because of severe medical conditions. I have friends who suffer from intense suicidal thoughts that have lasted for years. I've seen a lot of people life beat the fvck out of. It frustrates me how some have life on easy mode while others take an uppercut to the jaw everyday of their lives.
I grew up in a very blue collar home but my parents always stressed education and a steady job as the key to a better life.
Catholic school was about wearing a uniform so clothes were an afterthought and my siblings and I struggled to have things so babysitting and lawn mowing were really important to us.
My parents were big savers and they paid for our college which they were very proud of.
Their 40’s and early 50’s were a time of extra economic advance for them since a couple of us were grown by then and they salted away a good bit. Built a second home, traveled, played more golf.
When my Mom passed away (Dad had already passed) we four each received a very nice amount from their estate.
Hard work and an appreciation of what it can bring leaves me not rich but able to pay my bills.
I don’t have an ounce of guilt about that.
1. I'd like to speak about your sons personal soccer trainer ans how much you are investing with a realistic look at where he might play some day. Soccer has become SUCH a pay for play gimic, I truly do hope the kid goes D1, I'd love to hear more.

2. I'm from the hood stupid, I don't feel bad about shit. I've got what I've got because I went out and got it. It's honorable that person is staying with their parents to help but if a young person stays broke their whole life that's on them. This world isn't that tough.

Also, respectfully, you sound upper middle class, and that's a compliment, the issue is you are viewed as rich because the ass end of the middle class has fallen apart after years and years of democratic leadership.

Yours truly,

-a kid born on Rockingham road, who had to consider bankruptcy in my 20s when Wells sold my SL to ACS without telling me and stuck it out and rebuilt a 519 credit score.
So your
As I've gotten older and have moved past middle age, I've learned how little so many people have even beyond wealth. I now have friends who can't leave their homes because of severe medical conditions. I have friends who suffer from intense suicidal thoughts that have lasted for years. I've seen a lot of people life beat the fvck out of. It frustrates me how some have life on easy mode while others take an uppercut to the jaw everyday of their lives.
So, yours is “health” guilt. Sorry to hear about your friends health issues. As my wise old mom (rest her soul) used to say…when you got your health…you’ve got your wealth.
I definitely wouldn't say I have wealth but i have a decent income with my own cnc shop... I'm able to take trips several times a year and get a little hate from it but I have zero guilt since I have a terrible back that bothers me daily... I soak twice a day in my hot tub out if necessity.. I could definitely get disability but would rather not. No guilt
I definitely wouldn't say I have wealth but i have a decent income with my own cnc shop... I'm able to take trips several times a year and get a little hate from it but I have zero guilt since I have a terrible back that bothers me daily... I soak twice a day in my hot tub out if necessity.. I could definitely get disability but would rather not. No guilt
If you own your own shop, make your own rules, and can afford trips, you have a definite "wealth".
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Parents had money but never displayed it,.. I now have more than my parents did and deal with it the same way,.. I earned it all, so zero guilt.
So your

So, yours is “health” guilt. Sorry to hear about your friends health issues. As my wise old mom (rest her soul) used to say…when you got your health…you’ve got your wealth.
I worry about my suicidal friend constantly. He's tried before, has been in adult pysche a few times, and is in mental anguish all the time. All. The. Time. He has no quality of life. He's now dabbling in anorexia and is below 100 pounds. It's painful watching him erode these past ten years.
  • Sad
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As I've gotten older and have moved past middle age, I've learned how little so many people have even beyond wealth. I now have friends who can't leave their homes because of severe medical conditions. I have friends who suffer from intense suicidal thoughts that have lasted for years. I've seen a lot of people life beat the fvck out of. It frustrates me how some have life on easy mode while others take an uppercut to the jaw everyday of their lives.

That's sort of what I get jealous of the most honestly. Most people their kids can go to school and their wives can go to work. At least one of my kids it's a hard no couldn't do in person school at all. He's 8 and he's not fully toilet trained yet. The other one is a maybe he could but he'd get relentlessly bullied. So we just do this online school and everyone has to live off my income which is very difficult.

At the same time though because our kids are disabled and we've made contacts with other parents with disabled kids, I know parents who's kid is 13 years old and can't talk. I mean thankfully my kids can talk.
My parents had nothing. I have earned millions.
No guilt at all because every opportunity I have had was available to everyone else.
I could see the people that inherited theirs feeling guilty.
If the offspring of wealthy parents worked with their parents to grow or maintain that “wealth” by assuming increasing responsibility for the success of a business then good for them.
They shouldn’t feel guilty at all.
Lack of health often leads to lack of wealth too. So they are related.
Yep. My friend can't work anymore. Can't even leave the house. Went from fulltime. To needing time off. To part time. And now is phobic to go outside. Which hurts because he used to be able to do stuff like go to that outside movie they have at the Chauncey in downtown Iowa City.
That's sort of what I get jealous of the most honestly. Most people their kids can go to school and their wives can go to work. At least one of my kids it's a hard no couldn't do in person school at all. He's 8 and he's not fully toilet trained yet. The other one is a maybe he could but he'd get relentlessly bullied. So we just do this online school and everyone has to live off my income which is very difficult.

At the same time though because our kids are disabled and we've made contacts with other parents with disabled kids, I know parents who's kid is 13 years old and can't talk. I mean thankfully my kids can talk.
Hang in there and kudos to you. 💕
As I've gotten older and have moved past middle age, I've learned how little so many people have even beyond wealth. I now have friends who can't leave their homes because of severe medical conditions. I have friends who suffer from intense suicidal thoughts that have lasted for years. I've seen a lot of people life beat the fvck out of. It frustrates me how some have life on easy mode while others take an uppercut to the jaw everyday of their lives.
Nobody feels sorry for you or your disease ridden friends. You guys brought it on yourselves.
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Hell no. Same as OP I grew up not having nice things especially name brand clothes. Mom would go to the grocery store with her calculator knowing she could spend $22 for the week for groceries and no more so she'd keep track as she got chicken and rice meals. My wife was even worse off, she grew up really poor, like being homeless at 5 years old and living in an abandoned supper club poor. I'm very proud we've both been successful and have nice cars and can take vacations. We worked really hard for it.
I am honestly considering trying to give some wealth to a few individuals in my community. the amount allowable to be gifted. And then see if can grow it significantly with investments. Also would be proof of concept potential for possibly setting up an investment office. Not sure, but something I am kicking around.
Yep. My friend can't work anymore. Can't even leave the house. Went from fulltime. To needing time off. To part time. And now is phobic to go outside. Which hurts because he used to be able to do stuff like go to that outside movie they have at the Chauncey in downtown Iowa City.
Sorry to hear of your friend’s situation. I hope he’s getting some help and I hope you and others will continue to be his friends. Good on you. ☺️
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If the offspring of wealthy parents worked with their parents to grow or maintain that “wealth” by assuming increasing responsibility for the success of a business then good for them.
They shouldn’t feel guilty at all.
Interesting that you give your blessing without regard to HOW they make their money.

Some wealth is honorably earned. Plenty isn't.
I feel fortunate that my wife (no pics) do very well and can provide for our kids, who are just starting off in the world, one is investing for his future and saving for real estate and he's only 22. The other is in college working hard for an engineering degree.

I do see a lot of people who struggle and it makes me wonder how they live like that. Why they feel like they can't change their situation and why they've surrendered to their circumstances. I can't imagine living paycheck to paycheck and not know how you're going to pay for things. That said, when I feel bad for them they tend to remind me by showing off what they spend their money on, and don't feel so bad because its obvious their own poor choices put them where they are at. It just makes me feel more blessed and fortune for where I am at and I don't feel bad about that in the least.

"If I ever get real rich, I hope I'm not real mean to poor people, like I am now."
-Jack Handy
Interesting that you give your blessing without regard to HOW they make their money.

Some wealth is honorably earned. Plenty isn't.
Oh okay.
I don’t consider it my business. But I don’t know any mobsters or drug dealers so I’m in the clear on that.
Go back in time and read or delve into the history of lots of businesses who took advantage of poor decisions made by competitors and you’ll likely find facts that you might use to justify your stance.
You aren’t living in the real world.
Nope. Grew up semi poor. Dad was a college drop out and worked his way up from repo man at a bank to a VP level after I had moved out.
For Christmas I got mostly clothes that my mom made, and toys my dad had as a kid.
My parents instilled in me a tough work ethic. When I dropped out of college my dad told me "Well now you just have to work twice as hard as the other guy." And that's what I did. Anyone can achieve success in this country if they just put their mind and heart into it.
Hell no. I grew up in a small town with no money. My parents were blue collar workers who have worked hard and made enough money to survive but not much extra. They taught me to be smart financially and that the most important thing with money is to delay gratification. I have delayed buying nice things and going on vacations so I could pay off bills and afford the things I have now.

I have seen poor people with nice cars, phones, and clothes that I wouldn't dream of buying even now that I have money.
No, I'm the poorest one in the family. We grew up lower middle class as a military family but my dad did very well after retiring. My brothers and sisters are probably all multi-millionaires. I am not. We're doing well, but not as well as the others.
I do not. Zero guilt. I came from zippo and everything I/we have is earned. I’ll never feel guilty for that.

The only guilt I have is letting the traps of earning / obtaining more wealth bringing me back into the working world. I let it happen and I shouldn’t. I have plenty to take care of everything I/we, my kids, my remaining family member that need support, donating where I want, etc. need. Silly “wants” and American consumerism tugs me back in sometimes and it makes me guilty.
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As I've gotten older and have moved past middle age, I've learned how little so many people have even beyond wealth. I now have friends who can't leave their homes because of severe medical conditions. I have friends who suffer from intense suicidal thoughts that have lasted for years. I've seen a lot of people life beat the fvck out of. It frustrates me how some have life on easy mode while others take an uppercut to the jaw everyday of their lives.

TDS is a bitch 😂😂😂

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