Wrong. That's just wrong. Do you know where Fort Sumter is located? It's IN the South. That was a warning... GET OFF MY PROPERTY! The US Troops were told to get out. They refused. You can try to justify that all you want, but that was not firing first. And, I believe the US Army was sent into Virginia as a formal attack on Manassas, Virginia. The USA refused to allow the southern states to secede. That refusal was the first shot! ALL of states entered into the federation under the premise that they could leave. They all agreed to that. Washington DC reneged on the deal. Blame DC and Lincoln and those who had too much vested in the revenue generated by the South to let it go peacefully. Don't blame South Carolina for telling them "Get off our land" once they'd left the federation.Yep, Ft. Sumter, the South attacked first.
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