Pope Francis is heading towards eternity...

I hope that whoever comes next will be as progressive if not more so.
Don’t count on it. He’ll likely partner up with Trump to become the dynamic duo of the Antichrist and the False Prophet. Good times coming in the end time prophecies. If you’re inclined to believe in the Bible of course.
You do realize that the typical Catholic Church offers about five Sunday masses right? Of course you don’t, you’re an ignorant cretin.
You’re doomed for purgatory. All because you’re too stupid on when to show up. Makes sense, you are half Oklahoma & half Louisiana. So easy to laugh at.
If you are a believer, do you pray that the Pope doesn't pass on or do you pray that he can finally, gloriously, leave this life for something much better? Does it show that your "faith" is lacking if you are praying for his "life" on earth to continue?

I'm praying that whatever is good for Pope Francis is what happens.

He's 88 years old so he won't live long in good health if he survives most likely.
Best part is it only takes a search of his post history to see plenty of sinning.

The lord's got his back though and will clean the slate so he can go right back being a transgressing miscreant this afternoon!
Telling off idiots is a relatively minor sin, like doing 26 in a 25 speed zone. Or as a great Monsignor once told me, “God commands us to love everyone, but we don’t have to like anyone.”
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Telling off idiots is a relatively minor sin, like doing 26 in a 25 speed zone. Or as a great Monsignor once told me, “God commands us to love everyone, but we don’t have to like anyone.”

Your words are the window to your heart. Samuel knew and so did the authors of the psalms.

1 Samuel 16:7: god knows the condition of every person's heart, and the motives behind their actions.
Psalm 139:1: god knows everything about us, including our motivations.

Kneel hard today bub, the weekly sin reset starts in 5 minutes for you and you need it.
Seeing fake Catholics like @soonerinlOUisiana wish the pope was dead will make that happen.
When did Jesus confiscate wealth and transfer ownership of all means of production to the state?
Matt 19:21 Jesus told him, “If you want to be perfect, go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

Close enough. You'll say it's not "confiscation" but, you know, it IS God telling you to do it.
Speaking of Matt 19:21, praying for the pope won't do him or me any good but I do hope the next pontiff takes Jesus' directive to heart.
Since the next Pope is likely to be more conservative, and since the Catholic church is an authoritarian institution, I think Trump should convert to Catholicism, so the new Pope can anoint him Holy Roman Emperor.

How cool would that be?!

I mean, let's face it, if you believe in God, it's a small step to believing in the divine right of rulers. So why not make it official.

Obviously the next Pope should be an American.
Maybe the bishop from Texas who got the boot from Francis for having an opinion?
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