PSUs Wave effort

Facts! That's what I'm talking about. The facts exonerate all of them.

Again, nothing you believe to be true as it relates to Paterno and the others is supported by what came out of the legal process.

Did you miss these? They are court of law decisions, decisions by psu and the government. I get it Jay, you want to dismiss, deny, distance and diminish the heinous nature of these crimes. You do know what exonerate means don’t you? It isn’t usually supported by convictions and fines. You aren’t objective in this matter.

45 guilty charges against Sandusky
Over $109,000,000 paid out to victims
Penn State agrees to commit $60,000,000 for prevention and treatment for child sexual abuse
Penn State pays a $2,400,000 fine for violating the Clery Act, the highest ever
Curley guilty plea
Schultz guilty plea
Spanier guilty plea*
Did you miss these? They are court of law decisions, decisions by psu and the government. I get it Jay, you want to dismiss, deny, distance and diminish the heinous nature of these crimes. You do know what exonerate means don’t you? It isn’t usually supported by convictions and fines. You aren’t objective in this matter.

45 guilty charges against Sandusky
Over $109,000,000 paid out to victims
Penn State agrees to commit $60,000,000 for prevention and treatment for child sexual abuse
Penn State pays a $2,400,000 fine for violating the Clery Act, the highest ever
Curley guilty plea
Schultz guilty plea
Spanier guilty plea*

Yes. You don't have to quote the narrative. I'm well aware. PSU accepted its guilt before any of this played out in the courts. Do you really think one bogus misdemeanor charge of endangering the welfare of a child...a child who was never in danger....was worth all the crap you listed above?

What happened at MSU and OSU was 100 times worse than what happened at PSU. Either the BOT at PSU really screwed this up, or things played out exactly how it wanted them to.

I believe there was a deliberate effort made to concentrate the focus on Penn State when the obvious place to search for answers was at The Second Mile. Every kid came through there. And PSU's BOT was complicit. This is one of those 'follow the money' things.

All I'm asking you to do is to consider one thing. If those guys are not guilty of any of those felonies, how much of the story you've accepted as fact since 2012 is supported by fact?
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Yes. You don't have to quote the narrative. I'm well aware. PSU accepted its guilt before any of this played out in the courts. Do you really think one bogus misdemeanor charge of endangering the welfare of a child...a child who was never in danger....was worth all the crap you listed above?

What happened at MSU and OSU was 100 times worse than what happened at PSU. Either the BOT at PSU really screwed this up, or things played out exactly how it wanted them to.

I believe there was a deliberate effort made to concentrate the focus on Penn State when the obvious place to search for answers was at The Second Mile. Every kid came through there. And PSU's BOT was complicit. This is one of those 'follow the money' things.

All I'm asking you to do is to consider one thing. If those guys are not guilty of any of those felonies, how much of the story you've accepted as fact since 2012 is supported by fact?

Do I need to add minimize to the list? Now we need to look at other schools.
I get it psu gives away tons of money, people go to jail, the government sends a record fine because it is just one big conspiracy? You don’t want to think of your friends that way. I didn’t want to believe my friend did horrible things. The reality is he did, I can’t defend it. You have taken a different approach.
Do I need to add minimize to the list? Now we need to look at other schools.
I get it psu gives away tons of money, people go to jail, the government sends a record fine because it is just one big conspiracy? You don’t want to think of your friends that way. I didn’t want to believe my friend did horrible things. The reality is he did, I can’t defend it. You have taken a different approach.
My recommendation is not to argue this stuff with those who say you don't know the facts. Few know the actual facts and it isn't these defenders of Joe. You'll never convince them of anything .
There are people who have seen the totality of the evidence , some which was tossed due to conflict of interest with Cynthia Baldwin and other things.
And it isn't guys like him.
Do I need to add minimize to the list? Now we need to look at other schools.
I get it psu gives away tons of money, people go to jail, the government sends a record fine because it is just one big conspiracy? You don’t want to think of your friends that way. I didn’t want to believe my friend did horrible things. The reality is he did, I can’t defend it. You have taken a different approach.
I'm sorry you're not getting this. None of the accusations against the three administrators, that make this a PSU scandal, stood up in court. Without the perjury, the conspiracy to conceal, etc., where is the scandal? Compared with what they were originally charged, the stupid misdemeanor Curley ended up with is night and day from what you've been led to believe. That means the entire narrative is totally different.

If the University of Iowa did to Hayden Fry what Penn State did to Joe Paterno, you'd understand.
I thought Spanier was found guilty after a jury trial (he did not plead guilty) and his conviction was later overturned by the PA Supreme Court because he was charged under a statute that didn't exist at the time of the alleged offense.
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