Purdue PBP


HB Legend
Feb 2, 2013
Action about to start. I'll do it for a bit. No surprises in the lineup for the Hawks.
Except, of course, Future Vallholl hasn't invented a time machine and gone back to 2014 and redshirted Burak.

I just got a five minute warning and will be leaving.
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Gilman is ready to go.
Capt. Meeting still.
Gilman was ready in the hotel last night.
"Preparedness is the key to success" Gen. McCarthur via Ironside.
Single leg TD and release in 20 seconds.
Go behind and TD at the Edge.
4-1 TG
Head to outside single TD and
Snap to mat and go behind TD
Release but hands on the back the whole time.
That time to Thorton's right leg.
Around behind for another TD
Always pressure
HC and dump down.
Optional start.
Thorton's eye.
Double by TG and whizzard by Thorton.
Think Thomas got the TD
40 seconds?
21 seconds.
10-5 confirmed.
Sweep single lost it, Thorton on a shot
12 seconds
Gilman counters and TD.
12-5 and has RT over a min.
End of 1st
2nd period
Gilman on bottom
After about 30 second, Gilman gets hand control and gets out.
35 seconds of RT
Scoreboard or clock operator don't know how to do dbl digits.
Td for Gilman 15-6
And another head to outside.
Clock was set for 3 min and they should only have had 2 min..
Ride out.
Score is like 19-7
1:21 RT.
21-9 and TD.
Got to get some backs.
Long shot by Thorton.
Gilman ankle
Looking for the cradle.
Got to feet to back
Ends on a TD.

I'll stay as long as I can.
Family time is calling.
Vall Jr. is home from college and that means more family time.
Yep. On the way home from Thanksgiving. Had it all planned to watch in the car on ever-reliable BTN Plus. And of course, nothing. Folks, this isn't brand new technology. There's no excuse for this. Whatever the technical difficulties, they need to foresee them and prevent them.

Thanks to Vall for the PBP. Wish I could send my $14.95 to you. . . .
Gilman got 5 points in the win w/o backs?
New rule or bad scoreboard operator.
133 Clark vs Welch
Halfway through first and no score.
"Control the ties" / "Get the angles"
WWDM- you should be able to get 800. I could drive from Iowa City to Beloit and listen, that was "back in the day"
Clark reaches over and horses him down for 2
No real move there.
Ride out.
Leg in / reverse headlock and rolled through- 1 Count. :(
Clark in some diffilculty and could have got hurt? NOT SURE HOW-lost radio?
50 seconds togo in second.
3-0 still.
Fake by Welsh and dive by CC
Leg back
CC has the left leg.
Welsh has been defense all match
Welsh on a shot.
CC draped over on his belly.
CC got caught reaching
CC reaches back and gets his leg and pulls it through for 2!
Now trying to run it.
Knee on elbow and run a half towards inbounds.
Go to go hard CC.
15 seconds togo.
Welsh belly out.
6-0 Final

Iowa 8-0
Ladies and Gentleman, I give you LAX!
If I hear something good, I may come back for color.
LAX, do you have the 800 feed?
Carton vs Ayersman? (sp) up now

TD for Ayersman 2-0, and a stall call for hanging on the ankle.

Hand control up to his feet, 2-1, back in on his own shot right away.

Fighting on the edge with this shot, finally gets the finish. 3-2.

Ayersman gets an escape, tied up at 3-3. RT in favor of Carton, front headlock and TD for carton, 5-3 lead for Carton going into the second period.
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I'm going to start this in case LAX is late.
Clark is looking stronger.
This match may never start.
LAX are you there?