Puttin' a dog down


HB All-American
May 29, 2001
Sucks. Just effin' sucks. Goin' in to the vet in a couple hours. She'd turn 16 in another week...a good long life for a golden.
Sucks. Just effin' sucks. Goin' in to the vet in a couple hours. She'd turn 16 in another week...a good long life for a golden.
Sorry to hear that.

One of our dogs was diagnosed with lung cancer last month and went downhill fast (less than a week). We made an appointment to have him put down and he died in our bed the night before. To be honest, it was almost better that way.
Aaarrgghh...always a very tough thing for a beloved pet to reach the end of the road. I feel for you...we have an old lab that I thought was going to say bye-bye this weekend. Alas, it appears that the time was not quite yet, thankfully. But that still put a somber mood on things this weekend for us.

Sorry for your loss.
So sorry for your loss @yescyam . When our last girl died 5 years ago it was the worst I have ever grieved.

Your girl's face is pure love. You no doubt were responsible for her contentment. Know that I'm shedding a few tears with you at this moment. (for real) Please find another dog to share your love.;)

My pup was just diagnosed with congestive heart failure last week and is not responding to the meds. We are stuck trying to decide what to do. A cardiologist is $600 just to walk in the door and she is 12. But when I look at her, it seems unfair to let her get worse without even trying to see if we can make it better, no matter what the cost.

It totally sucks and I feel your pain.
My pup was just diagnosed with congestive heart failure last week and is not responding to the meds. We are stuck trying to decide what to do. A cardiologist is $600 just to walk in the door and she is 12. But when I look at her, it seems unfair to let her get worse without even trying to see if we can make it better, no matter what the cost.

It totally sucks and I feel your pain.

When they look at you with their total trust it makes it even worse. They are such a total family member it is unreal.
Sorry to hear that. I’m about to go through the same thing with our 14 year old miniature schnauzer, Max. He’s now blind, deaf, has cancer and has lost control of his bladder. What sucks is that now that the weather has improved, he’s got a bump in energy. It’s delayed our decision. Ugh. I am not looking forward to this.
Sucks. Just effin' sucks. Goin' in to the vet in a couple hours. She'd turn 16 in another week...a good long life for a golden.
Sad. My parents Black Lab died in January. Dog was dumped off 10 years ago at my parents farm. Best thing that happened to them. That dog was their life. They are still struggling. Great-Grand kids have helped take their minds off it some.
Thinking of you during this tough time. Our golden is 9 and showing signs of old age. She’s a great dog and we have young kids who are her whole world. She sleeps in their rooms (gets up in middle of the night and switches rooms).

Golden’s are the best dog to have.
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Sucks. Just effin' sucks. Goin' in to the vet in a couple hours. She'd turn 16 in another week...a good long life for a golden.
Yescyam, so very sorry to hear that. A guy at work today told me he has to put his dog down tomorrow. Having two dogs myself, I know I’m going to be a mess when it’s their time.
Really hope it went as well as it could have today, but know it had to be a bitch.

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