Puttin' a dog down

Thanks all for the well wishes. Yep...truly sucked, but it had to be done. Bawled like a baby to and from the vet. Made a stop at McDonald's beforehand to grab a couple a burgers for her to snarf down. Have put together a slide show album of all my favorite pics of her. Still have a young german shepherd at home. And yes @TDJ7 , I totally agree with ya !!!
Only if you fantasize about getting your wiener bitten off above the mustard line....
Thanks all for the well wishes. Yep...truly sucked, but it had to be done. Bawled like a baby to and from the vet. Made a stop at McDonald's beforehand to grab a couple a burgers for her to snarf down. Have put together a slide show album of all my favorite pics of her. Still have a young german shepherd at home. And yes @TDJ7 , I totally agree with ya !!!
Great move at McDonalds. ;)
The bond between a pet and its family is an amazing thing. Sorry for your loss OP.
Indeed. Our dog might be the single most uniformly loved living creature in our house. She is only about seven years old, and I already fear the moment that OP is facing. It will be devastating to our whole family. We enjoy her so much.
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Sucks. Just effin' sucks. Goin' in to the vet in a couple hours. She'd turn 16 in another week...a good long life for a golden.
Sweet face. I’m so sorry. Such a difficult decision. Smile knowing you gave that sweet girl a wonderful life. My best to you.
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Approaching a year on putting our 16 year old lab Hayden down, seems like yesterday and a million years ago. Our new yellow lab pup Evy is all pup and makes me cuss hourly...really makes me miss H, but gives me hope because I know a whole bunch of great times is coming with the whipper-snapper.

BTW- that Jimmy Stewart clip...beautifully brutal.
Thanks all for the well wishes. Yep...truly sucked, but it had to be done. Bawled like a baby to and from the vet. Made a stop at McDonald's beforehand to grab a couple a burgers for her to snarf down. Have put together a slide show album of all my favorite pics of her. Still have a young german shepherd at home. And yes @TDJ7 , I totally agree with ya !!!
All my best and I am sure your gal is lapping at God’s water bowl and feasting on Heaven’s table scraps!
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Approaching a year on putting our 16 year old lab Hayden down, seems like yesterday and a million years ago. Our new yellow lab pup Evy is all pup and makes me cuss hourly...really makes me miss H, but gives me hope because I know a whole bunch of great times is coming with the whipper-snapper.

BTW- that Jimmy Stewart clip...beautifully brutal.
The loss of a loyal dog is one of life’s lowest moments.

You have my sympathy.
Just had to put our golden down. Worst day of my life. She was the best dog in the whole world. Her health was declining quickly and we had to make the decision. This house will never be the same without her.
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Sorry to hear that.

One of our dogs was diagnosed with lung cancer last month and went downhill fast (less than a week). We made an appointment to have him put down and he died in our bed the night before. To be honest, it was almost better that way.
In the time since I posted this, one of our cats died in his sleep, and another one of our dogs went in for a teeth cleaning and never recovered from the anesthesia. It was a rough couple of months.

We're down to one dog and one cat. Of course, my wife (no pics) has already made plans to adopt a puppy. smh
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We went 2 different routes with our last 2 dogs. One we had put down at the vet, in a cold room on a cold steel table. Will never do that again. The 2nd dog, we found a home hospice for dogs. It was a regular vet who came to the house to care for and check on him while he was declining. She was such a loving (and hot, no pics) vet. When the time to put him down came, she came to the house and did it here. Took him away for cremation. The cost was very similar to taking him to the vet and was so much better for him and us. I believe the company is somewhat of a franchise and is called "Lap of Love".
We went 2 different routes with our last 2 dogs. One we had put down at the vet, in a cold room on a cold steel table. Will never do that again. The 2nd dog, we found a home hospice for dogs. It was a regular vet who came to the house to care for and check on him while he was declining. She was such a loving (and hot, no pics) vet. When the time to put him down came, she came to the house and did it here. Took him away for cremation. The cost was very similar to taking him to the vet and was so much better for him and us. I believe the company is somewhat of a franchise and is called "Lap of Love".

This has always been in the back of my mind - when my dog gets old and can no longer function.

Found the Lap of Love Denver link - thx for the info.

I'd much prefer to euthanize at home if it comes to that, where he's calm and comfortable. Sucks to have to think about when that day hits....
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This has always been in the back of my mind - when my dog gets old and cannot no longer function.

Found the Lap of Love Denver link - thx for the info.

I'd much prefer to euthanize at home if it comes to that, where he's calm and comfortable. Sucks to have to think about when that day hits....
Glad you found it. I promote this service whenever possible.
Glad you found it. I promote this service whenever possible.

wished I would of known that. We did it on the cold floor of a small room at the vet. It wasn’t the way our girl deserved to go, she was suffering, but should of been at home instead.

It’s been a couple of weeks and it’s still hard! Don’t think we will ever be able to get another dog.
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