R.I.P. to these recent poster deaths

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I think this forum is a better place with the likes of chis, Huey and here4aday all in timeout. You can't accuse the mods of being political bc ppl from both sides were banned or at least suspended seemingly.
Personally I feel if u spam the board. U should be given a timeout. And if u continue to do it afterwards then banned. That’s what bothers more about Chis, Scruffy, etc types.
Am I the only one who would not consider Chis to be a spammer?

I thought he was actually better than 99% of people on here about digging up old threads to post in rather than start new ones. A lot of his threads were incredibly large because he did not spam.
Am I the only one who would not consider Chis to be a spammer?

I thought he was actually better than 99% of people on here about digging up old threads to post in rather than start new ones. A lot of his threads were incredibly large because he did not spam.
I can't really say, as I must have lots of people on ignore who spam. When Chis would get on a roll, he would post a lot. But, I just wouldn't open the threads. I don't understand how a mod would GAF about that to the extent of banning the person. This place is slowly dying.
Am I the only one who would not consider Chis to be a spammer?

I thought he was actually better than 99% of people on here about digging up old threads to post in rather than start new ones. A lot of his threads were incredibly large because he did not spam.
Lol you just agree with his politics my guy
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I can't really say, as I must have lots of people on ignore who spam. When Chis would get on a roll, he would post a lot. But, I just wouldn't open the threads. I don't understand how a mod would GAF about that to the extent of banning the person. This place is slowly dying.

It's only a matter of time before we lose a few regulars and this place gets super slow. If you average out his posts he averaged around 44 a day while I'm at 14. That's going to be a lot of lost conversation on here.
I can't really say, as I must have lots of people on ignore who spam. When Chis would get on a roll, he would post a lot. But, I just wouldn't open the threads. I don't understand how a mod would GAF about that to the extent of banning the person. This place is slowly dying.
Gavin Newsom GIF by GIPHY News
It's only a matter of time before we lose a few regulars and this place gets super slow. If you average out his posts he averaged around 44 a day while I'm at 14. That's going to be a lot of lost conversation on here.
If it means less political threads. Not seeing a huge downside. I’d rather talk about 100 other things. Posters will drag politics into completely unrelated threads and ruin things.
Am I the only one who would not consider Chis to be a spammer?

I thought he was actually better than 99% of people on here about digging up old threads to post in rather than start new ones. A lot of his threads were incredibly large because he did not spam.
So because someone isn’t a spammer you think they are fine?
While the spamming is annoying The extremists on both sides are way more annoying. They act like little kids that always think they are right and throw temper tantrums when someone disagrees.
The only thing I got along with chis about is that he liked Minnesota professional sports as well.
I’d agree here for a day is just as annoying even if I tend to agree with him on things more then I did with Chis
So because someone isn’t a spammer you think they are fine?
While the spamming is annoying The extremists on both sides are way more annoying. They act like little kids that always think they are right and throw temper tantrums when someone disagrees.
The only thing I got along with chis about is that he liked Minnesota professional sports as well.
I’d agree here for a day is just as annoying even if I tend to agree with him on things more then I did with Chis
You're publicly admitting you agree with H4D?
Bold strategy cotton.
yeah I said i tended to agree with him on more things then I did chis.
You’re publicly admitting you are an extreme lefty. One of the annoying extremes I talked about.
Trying to get yourself banned I see
JFC, you think you have to be an 'extreme lefty' to find H4D offensive?
Sure, sure, so long as 'extreme lefty' is anything left of the John Birch Society.
Me no
Some right wingers might and some might not.
I guarantee extreme right wingers find it offensive.

My turn, when lefty’s use the term MAGA is their intention to offend someone?
I would say anyone who used the term MAGA intends it to be offensive, whether they be lefties, centrists, or republicans who can't stand Trump. I think if you are offended by the word MAGA, you have some self-reflecting to do.
Me no
Some right wingers might and some might not.
I guarantee extreme right wingers find it offensive.

My turn, when lefty’s use the term MAGA is their intention to offend someone?
Personally, I use it to describe the morons who are in the maga cult. If they find that offensive, perhaps they should do some soul searching about how they were so easily duped by the sexual predator, failed businessman, and traitor to this great nation.

But then again, that would require more brain power than 99.69% of them possess.
JFC, you think you have to be an 'extreme lefty' to find H4D offensive?
Sure, sure, so long as 'extreme lefty' is anything left of the John Birch Society.
JFC did you not see that I felt he should be banned as well but I said I tended to agree with him more.

JFC you clearly are the one that can’t think anything republicans do or say can possibly be right. I’ve never seen you agree with anything other then the left so that’s why I’d say your left.
I would say anyone who used the term MAGA intends it to be offensive, whether they be lefties, centrists, or republicans who can't stand Trump. I think if you are offended by the word MAGA, you have some self-reflecting to do.
I would agree. I find it comical, I really find it comical when people use it to call others morons like they are so much better.
It’s pretty obvious where they fall.
I'm not far left at all. The Republicans have gone so far to the right even Ronald Reagan would be a flaming socialist to you morons.
Yep all republicans are total MAGA’s.
None of them can think for themselves and just follow their master.
You need to chill out bro and take a look in the mirror.
JFC did you not see that I felt he should be banned as well but I said I tended to agree with him more.

JFC you clearly are the one that can’t think anything republicans do or say can possibly be right. I’ve never seen you agree with anything other then the left so that’s why I’d say your left.
Yeah, it's not just his delivery, his political positions are awful, even for a trump republican.
But I get it, from where you're standing everything left is extreme.

BTW, MAGA don't think MAGA is offensive, they wear it like a badge of honor.
It's only those who voted for trump and are now having regrets that find it offensive to be called MAGA. Suddenly they don't want to be associated with the things they voted for.
Yeah, it's not just his delivery, his political positions are awful, even for a trump republican.
But I get it, from where you're standing everything left is extreme.

BTW, MAGA don't think MAGA is offensive, they wear it like a badge of honor.
It's only those who voted for trump and are now having regrets that find it offensive to be called MAGA. Suddenly they don't want to be associated with the things they voted for.
Well I’d say you’re left because I have never once seen you post anything that would suggest you aren’t extreme left or not laugh at anything that could be considered neutral or a little bit left or right.
Well I’d say you’re left because I have never once seen you post anything that would suggest you aren’t extreme left or not laugh at anything that could be considered neutral or a little bit left or right.
I admit I'm left.
But I stand by the fact that many who aren't find H4Ds post wildly offensive.
You don't have to be an 'extreme lefty' to see that.
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you don’t even need to be left to see he is. Just because he’s offensive means I can’t agree with some of what he says?
I’m not agreeing to the douche way he presents things or all the things he says.
I find him annoying as well.
The same as I find anyone who only agrees with everything the Democratic Party says or everything the Republican Party says.
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Chis is likely struggling with some demons and is quite clearly obsessive-compulsive - but the man has about a 96% accuracy score on his statements and predictions.

Scud and his fellow multihandles are worthless POS that make this online community poorer and no rational poster can disagree.

I’ve been posting to this site for literally 2-plus decades (and BELIEVE me that is not a boast 😂, more a confession) and the only thing that really irks me is the tolerance of multi-handle assholes

Chis may be one-note and eye roll enducing, but at least he doesn’t try to hide who he is.
96% right? Jfc some of you need to get out of the echo chamber for a few weeks. He's a leftwing shill. I suppose if you think 96% of what the dems and Biden do day to day is right then yeah, you'd think so about chisdick.
Yep all republicans are total MAGA’s.
None of them can think for themselves and just follow their master.
You need to chill out bro and take a look in the mirror.
You people are about to nominate the conman, again, after all he's done. He's going to win the nomination by a huge margin. So the ones who can think for themselves are a small minority. And even those people support the same bad policies.
You people are about to nominate the conman, again, after all he's done. He's going to win the numbers by a huge margin. So the ones who can think for themselves are a small minority. And even those people support the same bad policies.
Enlighten me, what are all those bad policies?
You people are about to nominate the conman, again, after all he's done. He's going to win the nomination by a huge margin. So the ones who can think for themselves are a small minority. And even those people support the same bad policies.
Who is you people. Are you talking to me? I already know I’m not voting for trump so I’m curious who you are talking to when you reply to my post?
You can’t even comprehend when I’ve told you countless times that I’m not a die hard republican and can think on my own.
You’re what’s wrong with these message boards and cry when someone like yourself gets banned.
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It's only a matter of time before we lose a few regulars and this place gets super slow. If you average out his posts he averaged around 44 a day while I'm at 14. That's going to be a lot of lost conversation on here.
44 a day is certifiably insane... unless he's being paid to do it. And some of you willingly take what he posts as fact lol.
Who is you people. Are you talking to me? I already know I’m not voting for trump so I’m curious who you are talking to when you reply to my post?
You can’t even comprehend when I’ve told you countless times that I’m not a die hard republican and can think on my own.
You’re what’s wrong with these message boards and cry when someone like yourself gets banned.

I'm not a trumper but..... Where have we heard that before? Lol. You're not fooling anyone Mr. "freethinker".
Thanks for agreeing. They have nothing but bad "ideas".
You can’t think of anything so you send a link. I’m curious if I’m supposed to be a MAGA and agree with everything listed there or where do I fall in this.
I’d agree with one thing that they have listed on the RNC platform. How many of them do you agree with or are you not allowed to have your own opinions and must follow everything the Democratic Party shoves down your throat.
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