Rate my pancake

So you take pictures of your food before you eat it all the time then or……?

No not all the time, I was having a conversation with my brother and I told him I was about to have dinner. He asked what I was having and took the photo.
The color texture looks good. Solid 9, it appears light and fluffy with a thick core. 8. I'm not sold on presentation, needs some butter or other topics to complete.

It's a solid 8.5 as it is, but there's growth potential.
What the ****. That pancake is a ****jbg 4.

And I now question what you all accept.
I DO think it would be a cool new thing for rOTTERS to take hand pics with the food they make. Steve agrees.

Fwiw, this is Brian Lagerstrom’s submission for the greatest pancakes. I may have to give this recipe a try this weekend.

That "McGriddle" at the end was a heart attack breakfast sandwich. And, picking up with your fingers a sandwich you covered in syrup? Nah... Pancakes look amazing, however.