RealClear Politics: Trump Didn't Call Neo-Nazis 'Fine People.' Here's Proof.

Yes, the Trump administration is totally acting sane and innocent. I mean, all innocent people want the testimony and evidence that could exonerate them blocked from being viewed in court or Congress.

Nevermind that the OP's article is trying to change history with what the President said, and more importantly, how what he said was reported. Here's a clue, nobody is claiming the President said "fine people". The reason they aren't doing that is because he didn't say that. He said there were "good people" on both sides. So, while fine and good are basically synonyms, this article is trying to cast doubt on the "good people" quote by fomenting doubt and anger at the media with this "fine people" BS. It works, of course, because the people this makes feel better have zero critical thinking skills. That's what propaganda is.
It is fairly clear that you have no objective critical thinking skills. Is everything in your world that the other team is bad? The world is full of non good/fine people, they happen to vote for Republicans and Democrats. Trump is an idiot and should clearly denounce those that should be denounced. The outrage for one side is the opposite of critical thinking skills.
Is this sarcasm? Sorry if so, because Trump obviously mocked that gentleman with the disability.
Do a little research. He did the EXACT same gesture several times during the primaries when making fun of Ted Cruz and others. Not saying it's acceptable...he's still a bully and a clown, but it's not a specific reference to the journalist.
Just a note, that article OP linked to is from a guy who works on the Trump campaign, so not exactly an unbiased source. He appears regularly on CNN panel discussions.

Even giving him the benefit of the doubt that his statement was misunderstood, any decent person would have seen the blowback and release a statement the next day to clarify that he was not, in any way shape or form standing up for the neo-nazis at the rally. Most people took his comments as to mean he found moral equivalency between the two sides and he made no attempt to try to distinguish the pro-statue protestors and the neo-nazis.

Then again, as someone else said...if you find yourself on the same side as neo-nazis, you might want to rethink your position.
no because nobody knew the torch dudes were even there until cnn started blowing it up. I doubt trump knew much about the whole torch situation. he thought it was people wanting statues torn down vs people who did not. the leftist media made up the whole neo Nazi thing and neglected to mention Antifa on the other side, so I doubt trump knew much about the neo Nazi leftist fantasy. there were like three or four different issues going on at once. the statues, the neo idiots, the Antifa crowd, a girl unfortunately getting killed, Richard spencer inventing stuff out of thin air, the governor McAuliffe who is a Clinton-head, getting a couple of cops killed as he swoops in like a white knight, to save the world from the made up fake garbage, made up by Richard spencer, who has ties to dems. then the whole mis -quote of trump. lots of stuff to unpack there. surprised biden even mentioned it.
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LOL...that ship has sailed. The white supremacists seized on his remarks to demonstrate their allegiance to Trump. Whether it was intentional or not, Trump gave them a huge boost.
Wrong. It was the media that has given them a huge boost. No entity has emboldened the racists on both sides more than the media.
He also didn't make fun of a disabled person; at least not in the targeted way the media ran with. I'm no Trump fan, mind you, but I'm smart enough to realize he makes fun of everyone equally...Trump had been doing that handicap stumbling routine all through the primaries. He's like South Park, everyone's fair game. People are such pawns.

He makes fun of people equally. And a person like this is president. We are in a world of shit.
Just a note, that article OP linked to is from a guy who works on the Trump campaign, so not exactly an unbiased source. He appears regularly on CNN panel discussions.

Even giving him the benefit of the doubt that his statement was misunderstood, any decent person would have seen the blowback and release a statement the next day to clarify that he was not, in any way shape or form standing up for the neo-nazis at the rally. Most people took his comments as to mean he found moral equivalency between the two sides and he made no attempt to try to distinguish the pro-statue protestors and the neo-nazis.

Then again, as someone else said...if you find yourself on the same side as neo-nazis, you might want to rethink your position.

This. I don't know why you guys think that this article written by a Trump guy is somehow is the definitive answer to this incident and clear Trump of anything. It's just more spin meant to soften the damage the words created. I mean, he admits its his job in the article:

As a man charged with publicly explaining Donald Trump’s often meandering and colloquial vernacular in highly adversarial TV settings, I appreciate more than most the sometimes-murky nature of his off-script commentaries.
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This. I don't know why you guys think that this article written by a Trump guy is somehow becomes the truth. It's just more spin and spin that you all would seem to agree with for obvious reasons. I mean, he admits its his job in the article:

As a man charged with publicly explaining Donald Trump’s often meandering and colloquial vernacular in highly adversarial TV settings, I appreciate more than most the sometimes-murky nature of his off-script commentaries.
well because real clear politics is always fair. I listen to their radio show and they try and balance it out with one dem per one repub on the show.
It is fairly clear that you have no objective critical thinking skills. Is everything in your world that the other team is bad? The world is full of non good/fine people, they happen to vote for Republicans and Democrats. Trump is an idiot and should clearly denounce those that should be denounced. The outrage for one side is the opposite of critical thinking skills.

Most things the Republican Party has done for the last 21 years has been bad for America as a country and the majority of its population. The few times they have participated in something beneficial was because of Democratic leadership. Critical thinking is understanding that automatically thinking that "both parties are the same" is the exact opposite of critical thinking when the weight of evidence is clearly telling a different story.
well because real clear politics is always fair. I listen to their radio show and they try and balance it out with one dem per one repub on the show.

So what does that mean? That this article by a Trump surrogate has merit? I am fairly certain you only could be persuaded by one side of this argument, and have a conspiracy theory for the side of the argument you can't accept.
well because real clear politics is always fair. I listen to their radio show and they try and balance it out with one dem per one repub on the show.

They aren't propaganda, but the ratio of conservative to progressive reporting on their site is about 2 to 1. That could just be a reflection of the media in general, though. There are far more conservative sources than liberal. One thing Conservatives have been good at is creating a crap ton more media while at the same time convincing conservatives the opposite is true.
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So I assume that people who hang with antifa and join them in protests are a-ok?
This is actually how I remember it. I felt the juxtaposition of the comments with what had just occurred was not good, but I believe he was clearly saying there are good people on both sides of the statue issue; not that there were good people on both sides of the violence.
He rarely says anything "clearly" and there was absolutely nothing clear about his comments. This rally was organized by known white supremacists. Even if you didn't understand that, you should have been clued in when armed men carrying flags and signs with Nazi symbols showed up. Or maybe the KKK robes and flags. Or the anti-Semitic chants (wth would that have to do with a statue of Lee?). Anyone who hung around through all that has really lost the mantle of "fine person".
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They aren't propaganda, but the ratio of conservative to progressive reporting on their site is about 2 to 1. That could just be a reflection of the media in general, though. There are far more conservative sources than liberal. One thing Conservatives have been good at is creating a crap ton more media while at the same time convincing conservatives the opposite is true.
I don't go on their site but their radio show is 50-50
Do a little research. He did the EXACT same gesture several times during the primaries when making fun of Ted Cruz and others. Not saying it's acceptable...he's still a bully and a clown, but it's not a specific reference to the journalist.
I just did do some research and found there's all kinds of Fox news videos trying to debunk what he did. I hope you realize you're part of the problem.

I'm not buying the excuse from a proven liar. What he did after the reporter-mocking is immaterial and (hopefully) won't change rational minds.
no because nobody knew the torch dudes were even there until cnn started blowing it up. I doubt trump knew much about the whole torch situation. he thought it was people wanting statues torn down vs people who did not. the leftist media made up the whole neo Nazi thing and neglected to mention Antifa on the other side, so I doubt trump knew much about the neo Nazi leftist fantasy. there were like three or four different issues going on at once. the statues, the neo idiots, the Antifa crowd, a girl unfortunately getting killed, Richard spencer inventing stuff out of thin air, the governor McAuliffe who is a Clinton-head, getting a couple of cops killed as he swoops in like a white knight, to save the world from the made up fake garbage, made up by Richard spencer, who has ties to dems. then the whole mis -quote of trump. lots of stuff to unpack there. surprised biden even mentioned it.

If Trump didn't know many details about what was going on in Charlottesville, that makes his statement worse in my opinion. To make such a broad statement without knowing as many of the facts as possible is inexcusable as well.

If Trump had only done something like this once in awhile, this would be understandable for me. But it's not, he's done this on numerous other occasions, most notably publicly siding with Putin over his own intelligence agencies. In the past week, he's somehow managed to simultaneously hold up the Mueller Report as proof of vindication while bashing it at the same time.
If Trump didn't know many details about what was going on in Charlottesville, that makes his statement worse in my opinion. To make such a broad statement without knowing as many of the facts as possible is inexcusable as well.

If Trump had only done something like this once in awhile, this would be understandable for me. But it's not, he's done this on numerous other occasions, most notably publicly siding with Putin over his own intelligence agencies. In the past week, he's somehow managed to simultaneously hold up the Mueller Report as proof of vindication while bashing it at the same time.
I agree to an extent. he does make broad statements like "good people on both sides".... but that's what I love about him. he's a new Yorker. I used to live in NY. I liked him then and now. it' a NY thing. I do not think it's a bad thing at all. to make broad statements. especially when you are saying, "there are bad people, some good too. " he qualifies it.
He makes fun of people equally. And a person like this is president. We are in a world of shit.
I just did do some research and found there's all kinds of Fox news videos trying to debunk what he did. I hope you realize you're part of the problem.

I'm not buying the excuse from a proven liar. What he did after the reporter-mocking is immaterial and (hopefully) won't change rational minds.
So you think CNN, et al, will debunk their own lazy reporting? Look, I don't watch any of the mainstream media sources (to include Fox News)...why? It's NOT's sensationalized propaganda BS. Trump isn't the Devil the left wants everyone to believe and he certainly isn't the savior the GOPers want (and claim) him to be either.

I pay attention to the economy; stock market, unemployment rates, job market, etc. So far, things are as they always have been--ebs and flows.

If folks want a true outsider (not the typical villainous, political, mud smearing schmuck-bags that the Dems and Reps are going to produce), then we need to look at Intelligent people like Andrew Yang. Until that happens, I'll just sit back and laugh at people losing their shit over the Orange Tweet Monster.
I just did do some research and found there's all kinds of Fox news videos trying to debunk what he did. I hope you realize you're part of the problem.

I'm not buying the excuse from a proven liar. What he did after the reporter-mocking is immaterial and (hopefully) won't change rational minds.
I don't think anybody cares what fox news does.
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This is actually how I remember it. I felt the juxtaposition of the comments with what had just occurred was not good, but I believe he was clearly saying there are good people on both sides of the statue issue; not that there were good people on both sides of the violence.

This. ^^ Trump says and does so many stupid things that he can be rightfully targeted on, I truly don't understand why some insist on also resorting to manufacturing and/or distorting other situations so as to then have fodder to gripe about him. That behavior then provides "cover" to those who only see Trump as being unfairly criticized.

On this subject, the record is pretty clear, yet some maintain the façade anyway.
LOL...that ship has sailed. The white supremacists seized on his remarks to demonstrate their allegiance to Trump. Whether it was intentional or not, Trump gave them a huge boost.

Then you should give equal blame to Obama and his comments that caused cops in Dallas to get shot. Right?
This. ^^ Trump says and does so many stupid things that he can be rightfully targeted on, I truly don't understand why some insist on also resorting to manufacturing and/or distorting other situations so as to then have fodder to gripe about him. That behavior then provides "cover" to those who only see Trump as being unfairly criticized.

On this subject, the record is pretty clear, yet some maintain the façade anyway.
I feel the same way...there's plenty to scoff at Hillary about, but somehow her laughing at a rape victim needs to be created? ...the list goes on.
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So what does that mean? That this article by a Trump surrogate has merit? I am fairly certain you only could be persuaded by one side of this argument, and have a conspiracy theory for the side of the argument you can't accept.
no this means I have never been on their site but their radio show is real fair and 50-50. and I can guarantee... if I go over there and click on the site, I bet it's 50-50 and fair too. if there's a conservative article, I bet there's a lib one too. that's what I'm saying. I bet the site is fair too. I am not buying it's conservative leaning. conservative leaning stuff is getting banned left and right. it would be taken down by now.
He also didn't make fun of a disabled person; at least not in the targeted way the media ran with. I'm no Trump fan, mind you, but I'm smart enough to realize he makes fun of everyone equally...Trump had been doing that handicap stumbling routine all through the primaries. He's like South Park, everyone's fair game. People are such pawns.

That’s horseshit. Yes - he made fun of the disabled reporter. The entire narrative that’s how Trum talks is bullshit.
LOL...that ship has sailed. The white supremacists seized on his remarks to demonstrate their allegiance to Trump. Whether it was intentional or not, Trump gave them a huge boost.
So, what you’re saying is that a group of people latched onto something Trump said, intentionally misinterpreting it so that they would feel emboldened by his remarks, furthering opinions that they already had. And perhaps using that wrong narrative as justification for acts or words that are otherwise inexcusable.

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That’s horseshit. Yes - he made fun of the disabled reporter. The entire narrative that’s how Trum talks is bullshit.
Yes, Trump made fun of a disabled reporter, he didn't make fun of a reporter's disability. See the difference?

I can't believe you guys are making me defend that clown.

So, what you’re saying is that a group of people latched onto something Trump said, intentionally misinterpreting it so that they would feel emboldened by his remarks, furthering opinions that they already had. And perhaps using that wrong narrative as justification for acts or words that are otherwise inexcusable.

There was no misinterpreting his remarks. This was a white supremacist rally organized by white supremacists and attended by hundreds of white supremacists. They were carrying Nazi symbols. They were wearing KKK robes and carrying KKK flags. They were chanting anti-semitic slurs. They were giving Nazi salutes. Leading white supremacists like Richard Spencer and David Duke were openly scheduled to speak and lead the rally. This was NOT a "Save the Statue" rally no matter how much you want to make it so.

Would YOU march with that crowd?

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Yes, Trump made fun of a disabled reporter, he didn't make fun of a reporter's disability. See the difference?

I can't believe you guys are making me defend that clown.

Does it matter? The guy was running for freaking President of the United States. He is now President of the United States! Neither explanation is good or fitting for the office.
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Yes, Trump made fun of a disabled reporter, he didn't make fun of a reporter's disability. See the difference?

I can't believe you guys are making me defend that clown.

This is nonsense. His jesters and contortions were to make fun of the reporter; hence why he started the contortions when he started talking about him. Then he proceeded to lie to cover up his asshatery by saying he never met the guy that covered him for 7 years.
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That depends on what issue they are talking about, but fair enough.
do you ever listen to their radio show? it's very fair and the host has like two dems and two repubbers. he brings up issues of the week. like , it's on sunday nite so all week long, the issues. this week it will be biden announcing. so he will get two dems talking about biden and two repubs. then talk about trump's reaction. same thing: two dems comments and two repubbers. It is fair. on every issue. I have not heard a radio show so fair and balanced.
Does it matter? The guy was running for freaking President of the United States. He is now President of the United States! Neither explanation is good or fitting for the office.
It simply illustrates the point that there really is no unbiased research in today's journalism...people just run with whatever suits the narrative, then re-run, re-run, re-run. It's not just w/ regards to Trump. It's simply common practice these days. ...guilty until proven innocent.
This is nonsense. His jesters and contortions were to make fun of the reporter; hence why he started the contortions when he started talking about him. Then he proceeded to lie to cover up his asshatery by saying he never met the guy that covered him for 7 years.
I disagree. And I'm okay with that.

The discussion doesn't change the fact I didn't vote for him and won't be next go either.
There was no misinterpreting his remarks. This was a white supremacist rally organized by white supremacists and attended by hundreds of white supremacists. They were carrying Nazi symbols. They were wearing KKK robes and carrying KKK flags. They were chanting anti-semitic slurs. They were giving Nazi salutes. Leading white supremacists like Richard Spencer and David Duke were openly scheduled to speak and lead the rally. This was NOT a "Save the Statue" rally no matter how much you want to make it so.

Would YOU march with that crowd?

I’m not trying to change what the rally was or wasn’t, I’m speaking STRICTLY about Trump’s remarks, which were pretty clear, coming from someone that goes off on otherwise unintelligible streams of consciousness.

And no, I wouldn’t march with that crowd. Have I given any indication that I would?
There was no misinterpreting his remarks. This was a white supremacist rally organized by white supremacists and attended by hundreds of white supremacists. They were carrying Nazi symbols. They were wearing KKK robes and carrying KKK flags. They were chanting anti-semitic slurs. They were giving Nazi salutes. Leading white supremacists like Richard Spencer and David Duke were openly scheduled to speak and lead the rally. This was NOT a "Save the Statue" rally no matter how much you want to make it so.

Would YOU march with that crowd?

Richard spencer took about 9 guys with torches and blew it up for CNN to make a show out of it. period.
It simply illustrates the point that there really is no unbiased research in today's journalism...people just run with whatever suits the narrative, then re-run, re-run, re-run. It's not just w/ regards to Trump. It's simply common practice these days. ...guilty until proven innocent.

While I won't agree that there is no unbiased research today (although I think that's a term that could use clarification), I agree with your main point here.
I’m not trying to change what the rally was or wasn’t, I’m speaking STRICTLY about Trump’s remarks, which were pretty clear, coming from someone that goes off on otherwise unintelligible streams of consciousness.

And no, I wouldn’t march with that crowd. Have I given any indication that I would?
Why would you not march with that crowd? According to Trump, some "very fine people" did. You keep saying his remarks were misinterpreted. He claimed some "very fine people" marched with that group that you just refused to march with.