RealClear Politics: Trump Didn't Call Neo-Nazis 'Fine People.' Here's Proof.

I made a flier the other day for an Art show. It's not a hoax. Did some fliers for a basketball clinic a few weeks back. Not a hoax.
not every flier begets a hoax but every hoax has to have proof in writing either in the wapo or a flier or the interwebz
Can you find where they were uniting to save a statue? I see "pro-white movement". I see "end Jewish influence". I see symbols evocative of Nazism. I see a list of Nazis, white supremacists, and Klan as speakers. I see "take a stand against antifa". I'll ask you the same question - would YOU march with these people?

can you find where these are not totally staged and really fake looking propoganda?
Can you find where they were uniting to save a statue? I see "pro-white movement". I see "end Jewish influence". I see symbols evocative of Nazism. I see a list of Nazis, white supremacists, and Klan as speakers. I see "take a stand against antifa". I'll ask you the same question - would YOU march with these people?

Nope, what's your point? Did anyone not admit these morons were there?
It has been represented DT was defending these hate groups and calling them good people which if truth honesty matters, you'd be willing to admit he clearly wasn't. That's what this story is about right now. Care to post on the topic at hand?
Another fine entire dialog, but the media found their sound bite; "Good people on both sides" and it still makes its way around in retorts, memes, hashtags, etc. I'd venture to say that 90% of those who hate Trump use that out-of-context quote as a reason they hate him and have actually never heard the words (much less the full dialog) leave his mouth.
I’m with you, I think the guy is a total buffoon and asshole. An embarrassment to the office and country in his conduct. But he goes out of his way to point out that he’s not talking about KKK/white supremacists and I don’t see how anyone reading that transcript objectively can conclude otherwise. Dems on here are saying “but look at the video!” Yeah. Trump is saying that too. There’s some horrible behavior in the video footage. He never said otherwise.

I don’t blame Trump one bit for being prickly with the media.
No, it's why I asked the question. My understanding is the tiki torch people chanting blood and soil and Jews will not replace us were on Friday. I am not sure that it is correct that there were peaceful protesters there first.
They may have been, but again, that's really not what's being discussed. Read the transcript.
Nope, what's your point? Did anyone not admit these morons were there?
It has been represented DT was defending these hate groups and calling them good people which if truth honesty matters, you'd be willing to admit he clearly wasn't. That's what this story is about right now. Care to post on the topic at hand?
It was their rally. A white supremacist rally. This was no secret. Tell me who these "very fine people" were who participated in this? Yeah everyone who planned this and promoted it is bad...but there were some very fine people there. Who? Who could have shown up casually, seen who was there, and said "I'm a very fine person and I'm going to participate!"?

Would you have marched with them?
I’m with you, I think the guy is a total buffoon and asshole. An embarrassment to the office and country in his conduct. But he goes out of his way to point out that he’s not talking about KKK/white supremacists and I don’t see how anyone reading that transcript objectively can conclude otherwise. Dems on here are saying “but look at the video!” Yeah. Trump is saying that too. There’s some horrible behavior in the video footage. He never said otherwise.

I don’t blame Trump one bit for being prickly with the media.
And that's the doesn't matter who gets in. If it's a Democrat, the cons will do the same thing. What's different this go, is Trump makes it so darn easy that the fake crap just blends perfectly with the real stuff for a perfect storm of liberal hate. Obama's tan suite is nothing compared to the great white orange, tweet monster's gaffs.
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No, it's why I asked the question. My understanding is the tiki torch people chanting blood and soil and Jews will not replace us were on Friday. I am not sure that it is correct that there were peaceful protesters there first.
They may have been, but again, that's really not what's being discussed. Read the transcript.
It is EXACTLY what's being discussed. Either Trump had no idea what this rally was about which makes him an idiot for commenting on it the way he did or he knew and was trying to provide what cover he could. This was a white supremacist rally from the word go. Everyone knew that. Let that sink in. Now - WHO are the very fine people who took part? Who was Trump talking about?
Can you find where they were uniting to save a statue? I see "pro-white movement". I see "end Jewish influence". I see symbols evocative of Nazism. I see a list of Nazis, white supremacists, and Klan as speakers. I see "take a stand against antifa". I'll ask you the same question - would YOU march with these people?


Goalpost shifter alert!! I asked you to substantiate YOUR claim(s) while reviewing the actual text of the remarks in question. You neatly sidestepped that request and muddied the waters by including several images of posters that really have no direct bearing on the actual subject being discussed here. That subject is Donald Trump's remarks relative to "good people on both sides...", etc, comment.

When it was clear that Trump was referring to group(s) depicted in your images above he unequivocally denounced them. He obliquely referred to still other groups though as having some "good people". It is apparent that he had an understanding that there were other, non white supremacist groups there too. If you cannot see that distinction, then I can't help you, I don't think anyone can.

I would not participate in any thing with such a group...but that wasn't the subject of this conversation.

Sooo...back to my question to you, as yet unanswered...

Can you, if you fairly take his comments in context, find where he was giving the white supremacists, et al, a pass? I don't think you can, because when it was apparent that he was referring to them as a group, he was condemning them...and he did so multiple times.
It is EXACTLY what's being discussed. Either Trump had no idea what this rally was about which makes him an idiot for commenting on it the way he did or he knew and was trying to provide what cover he could. This was a white supremacist rally from the word go. Everyone knew that. Let that sink in. Now - WHO are the very fine people who took part? Who was Trump talking about?
I know you have me on ignore but he's talking about fine people on both sides of the argument for ripping down statues. but you knew that.
It is EXACTLY what's being discussed. Either Trump had no idea what this rally was about which makes him an idiot for commenting on it the way he did or he knew and was trying to provide what cover he could. This was a white supremacist rally from the word go. Everyone knew that. Let that sink in. Now - WHO are the very fine people who took part? Who was Trump talking about?
no you have no idea what the rally was about. so you make up crap. this is how pizzagate grows legs. and Benghazi muslim videos. and Russian pee tapes. it's crap like this.
Another fine entire dialog, but the media found their sound bite; "Good people on both sides" and it still makes its way around in retorts, memes, hashtags, etc. I'd venture to say that 90% of those who hate Trump use that out-of-context quote as a reason they hate him and have actually never heard the words (much less the full dialog) leave his mouth.

Yeah...I think you might be low at 90% there. ;);)
Goalpost shifter alert!! I asked you to substantiate YOUR claim(s) while reviewing the actual text of the remarks in question. You neatly sidestepped that request and muddied the waters by including several images of posters that really have no direct bearing on the actual subject being discussed here. That subject is Donald Trump's remarks relative to "good people on both sides...", etc, comment.

When it was clear that Trump was referring to group(s) depicted in your images above he unequivocally denounced them. He obliquely referred to still other groups though as having some "good people". It is apparent that he had an understanding that there were other, non white supremacist groups there too. If you cannot see that distinction, then I can't help you, I don't think anyone can.

I would not participate in any thing with such a group...but that wasn't the subject of this conversation.

Sooo...back to my question to you, as yet unanswered...

Can you, if you fairly take his comments in context, find where he was giving the white supremacists, et al, a pass? I don't think you can, because when it was apparent that he was referring to them as a group, he was condemning them...and he did so multiple times.
LOL...yeah...those people are was their rally...but there were good people there. I'll ask again - who were they? I want to know who he was talking about. Anyone there to protest the removal of the Lee statue knew whose rally it was. So THEY decided to participate anyway. They marched with a group chanting Nazi slogans and anti-semitic slurs. Very fine people.

And that you wouldn't participate is EXACTLY the subject. Would Trump? He thinks there were good people there, right? Why wouldn't you march with those people - whoever they are?
LOL...yeah...those people are was their rally...but there were good people there. I'll ask again - who were they? I want to know who he was talking about. Anyone there to protest the removal of the Lee statue knew whose rally it was. So THEY decided to participate anyway. They marched with a group chanting Nazi slogans and anti-semitic slurs. Very fine people.

And that you wouldn't participate is EXACTLY the subject. Would Trump? He thinks there were good people there, right? Why wouldn't you march with those people - whoever they are?

Why don't you answer the question I have asked you twice already?

Third time...
Can you, if you fairly take his comments in context, find where he was giving the white supremacists, et al, a pass? I don't think you can, because when it was apparent that he was referring to them as a group, he was condemning them...and he did so multiple times.
The party of nazis and antisemitism (libs) is accusing the other party of being nazis. We live in a backwards universe. Libs are so dang confused. Makes you wonder how these people function on a daily basis without assistance.
Why don't you answer the question I have asked you twice already?

Third time...
I already did. You just ignored it. Until you can tell who these “very fine people” are that he WAS referring to, I have to assume he was referring to people who are objectively not very fine...since that’s who was there.
So let me get this straight.

After all these months the latest version (3rd or 4th) is that Trump was praising a traitor who was leading the war to illegally leave the US and keep slavery legal?
no he's praising the people on both sides of the argument of ripping the statue down of said guy and I don't know if the guy was wanting to keep slavery legal
Lol...I’m still waiting on one of you clowns to identify the “very fine people” who were there for the white supremacist rally.
So let me get this straight.

After all these months the latest version (3rd or 4th) is that Trump was praising a traitor who was leading the war to illegally leave the US and keep slavery legal?
No not at all. Weak azz attempt.
It's laughable that you think ANY of those are the same.
It's laughable that you think they are somehow different; they are all equally distasteful...were you not outraged the first time he did it? ...or did you simply wait until the media told you it was time to be outraged?
It's laughable that you think they are somehow different; they are all equally distasteful...were you not outraged the first time he did it? ...or did you simply wait until the media told you it was time to be outraged?
I will simply point out again that Trump said “You should see this guy” before going into his act. Then defended it by lying about knowing a man he knew well enough to call by his first name. So - yeah - this is different.
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It's laughable that you think they are somehow different; they are all equally distasteful...were you not outraged the first time he did it? ...or did you simply wait until the media told you it was time to be outraged?

The first 3 are a 1/10 of a second one handed motions (and were they also handicapped?), the last one is not only two handed, but his whole body and lasted 2-3 times longer than all of the others I said, to compare the first three as a way to defend the last one is completely laughable.

And the reason that I was out raged had nothing to do with the media, it's had to have actually had douchebags, like Trump, mocking my disability right to my face 10+ times in my life just like that I'll be the first to admit my bias in this situation, but at least my bias does have validity behind it. Not sure where your obvious bias comes from.
I couldn't bring myself to vote for her but anyone, including her, would be better than the sack of shit that's there now.

Yeah maybe if you are in favor of war and America meddling in the elections of other countries including Russia. You do know that Hills attempted to interfere with Putin’s last election by having the State dept wage a stealth social media campaign supporting Putin’s opposition. Right? Two and a half years of no war and the best economy ever seems pretty nice in comparison to what Hillary would have brought us.
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Yeah maybe if you are in favor of war and America meddling in the elections of other countries including Russia. You do know that Hills attempted to interfere with Putin’s last election by having the State dept wage a stealth social media campaign supporting Putin’s opposition. Right? Two and a half years of no war and the best economy ever seems pretty nice in comparison to what Hillary would have brought us.
Do you mean the Russia that interfered with our election? Led by Putin, who trump believes. The same economy that's been growing steadily since 2009? The one that's making the rich richer and eliminating the middle class?
Are you a russian troll or do you get your information from trump's twitter feed?
Do you mean the Russia that interfered with our election? Led by Putin, who trump believes. The same economy that's been growing steadily since 2009? The one that's making the rich richer and eliminating the middle class?
Are you a russian troll or do you get your information from trump's twitter feed?

Yes they meddled in our election. After Hillary Clinton’s State department interfered with theirs! Thanks a lot Hillary!

That you won’t acknowledge your candidates actions caused the blowback and interference means you are a hypocrite of the highest order and don’t know your ass from a hole in the ground.

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