RealClear Politics: Trump Didn't Call Neo-Nazis 'Fine People.' Here's Proof.

Yes they meddled in our election. After Hillary Clinton’s State department interfered with theirs! Thanks a lot Hillary!

That you won’t acknowledge your candidates actions caused the blowback and interference means you are a hypocrite of the highest order and don’t know your ass from a hole in the ground.
GFY troll. Your cult leader is the biggest piece of shit traitor in history and that makes you as un-American as can be possible. So go pull your head out of your ass and take a breath of fresh air for once in your miserable life.

Does this look like it was copied from an electronic file to you?

You're just being obtuse now.
no that looks like a short form
You going to believe Trump or your lying eyes and ears?

So often its that simple.

Parse the transcript in context all you want, the intent was clear at the event. False "both sides" equivalency, period. Kelly was cringing for a reason.
BS. there’s zero percent chance you didn’t vote against Trump. Just like I voted against Hillary. Go look at pictures of the piles of dead kids in Libya, Syria, and Yemen. Warmonger lover. How do you sleep at night with what she did?
No way anyone with a brain would vote for trump so there is no way I did. So it's easy to figure out that you did, fascist anti-American.
GFY troll. Your cult leader is the biggest piece of shit traitor in history and that makes you as un-American as can be possible. So go pull your head out of your ass and take a breath of fresh air for once in your miserable life.
You do know that that Mueller Report was made public and Trumpf was vindicated, right? Your obsession in screaming "traitor" is an act our enemies could only dream of. It doesn't get anymore un-American than that. Now, if you want to talk about the dolt's policies, you have a strong case.
Do you mean the Russia that interfered with our election? Led by Putin, who trump believes. The same economy that's been growing steadily since 2009? The one that's making the rich richer and eliminating the middle class?
Are you a russian troll or do you get your information from trump's twitter feed?
I wonder if this had anything to do with Obama bailing out the banks and billionaires with the taxes extracted from the middle class. Or as Warren Buffet called it, "the greatest transfer of wealth".
I am so shocked that when Trump decided to make the media the enemy of the people (well his followers) that the media decided to not take it laying down...who would have ever thought???

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