Religion and Politics

Of course, I will.

If I ever see any abuse, I'll call 911 and will post about it on Hawkeye Beacon.

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It's really surprising you aren't on the Trump bandwagon given how you spin, justify and ignore.

Trump is trash.

You haven't addressed my points.

What do you think I should do? Become an atheist and spend an eternity in the outer darkness?

I'm open to suggestions.
Again, I've posted several examples just in this thread. When you post hypocritical things I will likely point them out. Use that feedback or don't. I don't care.

You were too vague...I need more deets.

I will give you were right about the ACA a few months ago.

My deductible is $9,200 but my ACA plan has been killing it.

They haggle down my doctors who charge $500 for a 30 minute visit and I only pay $90.
You were too vague...I need more deets.

I will give you were right about the ACA a few months ago.

My deductible is $9,200 but my ACA plan has been killing it.

They haggle down my doctors who charge $500 for a 30 minute visit and I only pay $90.
Then go back through the thread and find them. Or don't.

Changing the subject is a wise idea on your part.
I like this quote:

"Why should we spend our time working for treasures on Earth, which will not do us any good even 100 years from now, when we could be building up treasures in Heaven, which will benefit us 100 million years from now?"

- Catholic convert and former Harvard marketing professor Roy Schoeman
All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit.

Thomas Paine
I think the Catholic friends are voting for Trump because they think he's the better option, but they're embarrassed to admit it so they're falling back on abortion even though it has holes...
Maybe I'm misinterpreting this but did the priest tell people to vote for Trump in his homily? Or was he having a private conversation with OP's friend? If it was in the homily I would encourage OP to find out what church this is and report them to the IRS because that shit ain't cool.
It was the homily. My friend was so in awe of how great it was he asked the priest for his notes and he emailed them to him.
The problem here is the priest is jist an awful theologian who is not teaching Catholic dogma regarding mortal and venial sins. There is not a pyramid of sins. There are two types under Catholic teaching. This priest I would think would be reprimanded for his homily being such an affront to catholic teaching.
I will try to give you the summary version - but a few times a year I have dinner and drinks with a couple former work buddies, both are Catholic while I am not. I was a little bit worried about the latest meeting as the one is the most anti-abortion possible (under no circumstances ever) and both are very anti-gay (Bible is very clear it is a sin and nobody should be going to church or mass unless they are trying to give up the gay lifestyle). So the one said that his priest had the best homily ever and it was about how sins are like a pyramid with the general smaller ones wide at the bottom and then it narrows as you go up the pyramid until at the very tip you have abortion, the biggest sin there is. The priest went on to say we all know Trump has sinned, but you have to weigh his sins vs the other candidate supporting abortion and you must vote for trump or you are yourself sinning just as much as the person getting an abortion. And a lot more stuff like that. This guy is totally is on board with that and when I said I didn't agree he got quite upset and sent me the "homily" from the priest which I discarded. So the priest is basically saying ignore everything trump has done but vote for him because he is against abortion while the other candidate wants everyone to have abortions. This was before Pope FrancisBins came out with his message that both candidates are bad and neither supports life so everyone must go with who they feel is least bad. I text the guy and he said yes, he had seen that, but his priest was very clear and had studied cannon law in Rome and its very clear on how we need to consider the issues. I replied "So your priest knows more than the Pope?" He said he knows there is a contradiction and he will talk to his priest this Saturday for clarification. And I mentioned now it sounds like trump supports abortion suddenly and he replied "he is only saying that because most Americans are fine with abortion and every conception is a gift from God regardless of that conception. I can hardly stand to be in public knowing all these people support murder." Seemed very odd to me. Is that normal for priests or pastors?
Tiktok gave me this, from a Catholic clergyman...

Doesn’t the Pope speak directly with God or is that not a thing anymore?

I don't think it ever was a thing. That's just something the outside put on them.

Mainstream Chrisianity isn't really a cult.

The difference between a cult and a religion is what happens when someone tries to leave.

A religion will just let them leave, a cult will try to punish them.

Most Americans have left mainstream Christianity with 0 blowback.

I would argue that punishment for leaving is A indicator of a cult but there is more than one indicator.
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I will try to give you the summary version - but a few times a year I have dinner and drinks with a couple former work buddies, both are Catholic while I am not. I was a little bit worried about the latest meeting as the one is the most anti-abortion possible (under no circumstances ever) and both are very anti-gay (Bible is very clear it is a sin and nobody should be going to church or mass unless they are trying to give up the gay lifestyle). So the one said that his priest had the best homily ever and it was about how sins are like a pyramid with the general smaller ones wide at the bottom and then it narrows as you go up the pyramid until at the very tip you have abortion, the biggest sin there is. The priest went on to say we all know Trump has sinned, but you have to weigh his sins vs the other candidate supporting abortion and you must vote for trump or you are yourself sinning just as much as the person getting an abortion. And a lot more stuff like that. This guy is totally is on board with that and when I said I didn't agree he got quite upset and sent me the "homily" from the priest which I discarded. So the priest is basically saying ignore everything trump has done but vote for him because he is against abortion while the other candidate wants everyone to have abortions. This was before Pope FrancisBins came out with his message that both candidates are bad and neither supports life so everyone must go with who they feel is least bad. I text the guy and he said yes, he had seen that, but his priest was very clear and had studied cannon law in Rome and its very clear on how we need to consider the issues. I replied "So your priest knows more than the Pope?" He said he knows there is a contradiction and he will talk to his priest this Saturday for clarification. And I mentioned now it sounds like trump supports abortion suddenly and he replied "he is only saying that because most Americans are fine with abortion and every conception is a gift from God regardless of that conception. I can hardly stand to be in public knowing all these people support murder." Seemed very odd to me. Is that normal for priests or pastors?
Revival or bust

The state of Christianity was taken over by the sweater-vest Joel Olsten types in your pulpits and they need to get back to the scripture. The current Pope is not well liked by his Catholic base fyi.
Revival or bust

The state of Christianity was taken over by the sweater-vest Joel Olsten types in your pulpits and they need to get back to the scripture. The current Pope is not well liked by his Catholic base fyi.
At least you admit it is a grift to get money and power.

How do you propose getting it "back to scripture"?
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At least you admit it is a grift to get money and power.

How do you propose getting it "back to scripture"?

Oh yeah.

Pastors are grifting so well they're making 50K a year so they can get mocked endlessly by our atheist country.
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